A/N: hello! I hope you guys forgive me for this very crappy update. But, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Unspoken words: regret chapter 2

The next day…

"-suki! Oi, Satsuki!" she blinked and looked at her childhood friend, in front of him. She looked at him, confused.

"What is it, Dai-chan?" hearing her respond, he sighed.

"Geez, I've been calling out to you since a while ago." He lazily looked at her. "What are you thinking so deeply, and don't tell me it's nothing since I know that it is something." Momoi sighed before spotting cyan hair leaving the room. Suddenly, she looked at the clock and saw it was lunchtime. She immediately grabbed her bag before dashing out of the classroom.

"Sorry Dai-chan, maybe some other time." And she left. Aomine just kept on looking at the door Momoi had just passed through a minute ago. He was quite confused on what she was acting today but then he shrugged it off. It wasn't his problem anyway, so why bother, no?

After sprinting out of the room, she immediately scanned through the hallways for someone with cyan hair. Actually spotting the person going outside, she immediately made her way out.

"Tetsu-chan!" said girl stopped when she heard her name called. Finally catching up to the girl, Momoi immediately brightened up.

"Ah, Momoi, what are you doing here?" Momoi looked at her then frowned. Immediately, the conversation with Misaki yesterday resurfaced that immediately made Momoi frown. She shook her head to clear those thoughts and slung an arm around her friend.

"Why, am I not allowed to eat lunch with my friend, ne, Tetsu-chan?" she saw her open her mouth to say something but had immediately closed them afterwards. Momoi looked at her, seeing a flicker of sadness on her eyes before it completely disappeared.

"So," she looked at Tetsuki. "Why don't we find a place to have lunch? It's a great day after all, right?" she nodded and that's all she needed before she dragged the lady with her to an open area where they had their lunch.

"Ne, Tetsu-chan," she said as she placed her bento box back to her bag as so did Tetsuki.

"What is it, Momoi?" silence engulfed both parties for a while before Momoi talked.

"I'm sorry." Tetsu blinked.

"I'm sorry." She repeated, bowing her head.

"What are you apologizing for?" she asked silently.

"I'm sorry… for everything." She paused for a bit. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. I'm sorry that you're suffering. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday." Suddenly, realization dawned on the other girl. Not knowing what else to do, she completely engulfed Momoi into a hug. This was what her mother had been doing to her when she was young, so why not?

Shocked, Momoi could only looked at Tetsu before tears stream down her face. Tetsuki stayed silent as she let the other cry her eyes out.

"I'm sorry I drained your clothes wet." Momoi said as she wiped her tears.

"It's alright." She immediately looked at the time. It was nearing the next class. Immediately she stood up, as she offered a hand to her. "Now, we need to go to the bathroom or else they'll see you like that." Momoi couldn't help but chuckle a bit at what her friend had said. Sometimes, she couldn't help but ask herself that question.

'What made her do that?'

They had been dismissed earlier than expected since the teacher had an abrupt meeting. Momoi, not bothered by the call of Aomine, immediately left the room looking for Tetsu. Spotting her in the lockers, she immediately went to her and gave a hug.

"Good to see you too, Momoi." S small smile appeared on her face before she headed out. Momoi immediately went after her. As soon as she left the school, she wondered for a bit.

"Momoi, aren't you going to the gym today?" she asked. Momoi tilted her head before waving her hands.

"It's alright. It's not as if they couldn't do anything without me there. Wouldn't they?" 'It's not like they needed me there anyways.' She thought. Tetsuki immediately looked at the sky before looking at her.

"Momoi, would you like to come to my house?"

Practice had already started but Momoi was nowhere to be seen. Aomine was feeling slightly worried, well since Momoi had not been herself since this morning. This had made him stop running, catching the attention of a certain someone.

"Aomine, are you just going to stand there or are you going to run?" a shiver run down his spine as he immediately run catching up to the others. He didn't want to take on someone's wrath, right?

Immediately, after the long run, Aomine sat and drank away his water. Kise, went near him.

"Hey, Aominecchi, have you seen Momocchi anywhere? She had not attended practice, but I'm sure you noticed it. Well, didn't she come to school this morning?" he stopped drinking his halfway to empty bottle as he looked directly at Kise.

"Satsuki? Well, she was at class this morning. But, she immediately disappeared after class. She was quite out of it just this morning and it worsen a while ago. Geez…" he ran a hand through his wet dark blue hair. "That Satsuki…"

"Oi! No more talking! Practice everyone! Practice!" their coach immediately shouted.

"Yes, sir!" and everybody went back to training. He sighed as he looked at them.

Kring… kring…

"Hm?" he thought as he looked at the caller.

"Hello?" suddenly, he heard something in the background.

"Um, Satou-san? This is Momoi." Ah, the manager. Why was she calling him? He was quite confused. It was quite rare nowadays for them to call him.

"Yes? Is there something I may of service?" he asked as silence ensued. He waited for a couple of seconds before she could reply.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you I wouldn't come to practice today since I have something else to do. Please inform them if they ask about me, sir." He contemplated on what she had just said. What seems to be this 'something' that had made even Momoi leave the club for a day?

"Very well, but why the sudden request. Surely it is that of important that made you absent even just one practice." Silence once again. He merely sighed as he waited yet again for an answer. He couldn't pressure the girl to tell him what it is, but if he could then…

"Well, I am with Tetsu-chan…" he blinked.

"Tetsu-chan? Kuroko Tetsuki-chan?" he asked.

"Yes, she had just told me to go with her, since something happened… well, never mind sir." He couldn't brush off the worry he felt after hearing this.

"I will let you go, just this once…" a sigh of relief was heard on the other end." But, you need to inform me about something tomorrow."

"…I understand."

"Very well, see you tomorrow then."

And it hang up.

He sighed once again before looking at the people practicing. He couldn't help but be disappointed, even just for a little bit. He knew something was up, since a few weeks ago. But, he let that slide. But now, he couldn't. he could still remember just a few days ago, when somehow, something was wrong.

He looked around, quite happy that everyone was improving. Sure, they were still strong, but somehow, something felt missing. He looked around, looking if he could pinpoint what it was. And that was when…


"?!" he was surprised. He looked to his side and saw the young girl. He raised a brow when she was just standing there beside him. Wasn't she going to practice?

"Are you not going to practice?" he asked the girl beside him. She shook her head.

"Coach, can I leave early today?" that sudden question took him by surprise. She was going to leave early? Why would she do that?

"Why?" he couldn't help but ask. She kept quiet for a while. The sound of basketball balls being dribbled on the floor, the squeaking of the shoes as they ran, the swooshing of the net, they were all heard as he waited for her answer.

He continued waiting, but it seems she couldn't tell him the reason. He sighed as he looked at her in the eye.

"Alright, you may. If you don't feel well, you may not come to practice. It seems you don't feel well, so you may go."

"Thank you, Satou-san. I'll take my leave now. Thank you for everything." And she left. After she left, that was what hit him. She was that something. And it seems, no one had ever seen her leave, except for Momoi who had waved at her goodbye. Seeing the time, he looked at them.

"Break. 10 minutes!" he shouted and stood up.

Reaching her house, they were immediately greeted with the whole household. She couldn't help but feel a little regretful at her actions. Misaki, as if seeing her expression, smiled softly.

"Shall we bring snacks over to your room, Tetsumi-hime?" she could only nod as she ushered Momoi to came with her.

Getting inside the room, she and Momoi shared stories together, not wanting to relive themselves back at what had happened yesterday.

After hearing about what had happened to their daughter, he rmother immediately called her the very moment she heard what happened. Tetsumi explained everything to her mother, leaving out some details.

"Moshi mosh-"

"Tetsumi, are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" she heard hermother ramble down on the phone and she couldn't help the small smile that made its way to her face. She had just calmed down and woke up, not really getting what had happened to her room, which was already clean. A grim expression on her face.

"I'm alright mom. No need to worry." She winced a bit.

"Not to worry. What were you thinking?" she heard her mother said. A moment of silence before it was she who spoke.

"It's nothing. I'm fine now." She couldn't bear to tell them that it was because of…

"Alright then, sweetie. We won't push you to say it. But, were coming soon." She sighed. She could have seen this coming.


She told Momoi to stay for the night, and she agreed albeit a little hesitant, as she called her parents to say the news. Her parents agreed telling her to come back the following day.

They had spent the following hours making assignments and talk about something random until Momoi thought of dressing up Tetsumi, whom she had a bit of trouble since the young lady had been refusing for quite a while.

Seeing the time, they immediately fixed up. Tomorrow was School after all.

Fixing up her uniform, she waited for her companion to come. She knew she'd be in trouble with Akashi later on, but she had informed their coach so it wasn't a problem, right?

"Tetsu-chan, faster, or we'll be late."



"Since when had you been there, Tetsu-chan?"

"Just now." Momoi sighed in relief before grabbing her arm.

"Then, let's go." She didn't miss the small smile that had appeared on her face.

They were now in front of the school when Tetsumi stopped, making Momoi stop a few meters in front of her.

"Tetsu-chan?" the said girl bit her lip, as she slowly looked at her.

"Momoi-san, just go…" she said softly.

"What are you talking about, Tetsu-chan? Come on." She said.

"I…I can't." Momoi blinked. "Huh?"

"Momoi-san… I…" Momoi's eyes widened a bit at what she saw.

She was only brought back from her reverie when she heard someone call out for her. It was Aomine. She looked back in fornt of her and saw Tetsumi gone. She bit her bottom lip. Why?

"OI, Satsuki, come on. You're gonna be late for practice." She looked at the spot she last saw Tetsumi and frowned, walking towards them as she tried to plaster a smile.

"Momoi-san… I… I don't think I can go on anymore…"

A/N: thank you for reading this! I'm really sorry for the very very very late update! I hope you guys forgive me, ne? anyways, please read and review! Thank you for all those you reviewed, followed, and added this story in their favorites! Thank you very much. I hope you'll like this chapter!

Sneak peak:

She looked back at the school she once loved, where she met her friend, but now it had brought her so much pain. She looked at her wrist and saw the wristbands she was wearing. She looked back once again to the school and sighed.


Momoi was surprised at the news that she immediately dashed of in practice. She heard them call her to get back but she ignored them. She wanted to see her off. And nothing would stop her.

She wasn't looking at her surroundings that she had bumped into someone. Red eyes. Could he be?

'Everything has its ups and downs, no matter who it is, and what they came from. Nobody can say they are really fine because deep down, they are not.'
