"And one for you, and one for you, and one for you, and one for you too, Master Splinter." A grinning Donatello sing-songed as he handed out little wrapped boxes to his family. Each one was wrapped in their characteristic colors (Master Splinter's had little tea-pots on them), adorned with big bows and a little note 'From Donny, Enjoy'.

The unique family regarded both brother and gifts with an understandable level of suspicion. The last time they got wrapped presents from a brother grinning that widely there were little pie-bombs inside as repayment for their pranks.

Weird that Master Splinter got one too. Donny wouldn't smack their father in the snout with pieces of blown up pie. Would he?

Donny sat back, grinning at his little family. "Well? Open them and tell me what you think." Then to add fear to the suspicion "I made them myself."

The three terrapins + rodent gave each other sidelong glances, then concentrated on the small boxes they held. None moved to unwrap them, but the second oldest seemed determined to be patient.


After taking a deep, steadying breath, Raphael was the first one to untie the bow slowly. He made quick work with the wrapping paper, fully aware of his family's eyes on him. He held his breath as he tipped the lid up, peering inside.

Then promptly frowned when he was met with a tiny golden glare.

"What the-" Raph nearly ripped the lid off, reaching inside to take out a- ... miniature him.

With a tiny red mask, teeny ninja gear, golden eyes, emerald-green skin, and a scowl, the whole shebang.

"Surprise!" Donny crowed, clapping his hands in glee. "You like it?"

"You got me..." Raph stared at the tiny being in his hand (as did the rest of the Clan). "...a mini-me?"

"Actually, I called him Chibi-Raphie." He reached into his belt, or more precisely into the pouch that hang from it, and took out another miniature-ninja-turtle, this time looking like the inventor himself.

He placed the little one on his brother's palm, and nudged him slightly. "Chibi-Donny, meet Chibi-Raphie. Say hi." The miniature purple-clad terrapin looked from his bigger version to the other chibi. He tilted his head to the side in thought, then clambered onto his feet, padding over to the other. When close enough, he grinned and captured him in a tight embrace.

Chibi-Raphie grumbled to himself, but allowed the hug.

"Whoa." Mikey muttered, then tore into his own box. The other two followed his example after a blink.

In a matter of several minutes, all fives new (and tiny) additions to their family were placed on the table, staring in confusion both between themselves and at the bigger versions.

"These are AWESOME!" Mikey cried, kneeling next to the table so that he could get a good look at his chibi. "Did you lay them, Donny?"

"Lay? As in lay eggs?" Leo raised an eye-ridge, then shook his head, returning to the silent contemplation of his chibi. Who, needless to say, was contemplating him right back.

"Very funny, Mikey." Donny glared at the youngest, then grinned at the rest of his family. "They're androids. I was studying Utrom technology and I thought I'd try putting what I learned into practical use." He tapped a gentle finger on his little-clone's head. "I made Chibi-Donny first, then I figured it could get lonely for him, so I made the rest of them."

Both Splinters regarded the second oldest, each rubbing a thoughtful hand over their chin-hair. "This is an extraordinary invention, my son. I must say I am most impressed."

Donny grinned wider. "Thank you, Sensei. I programmed them with certain aspects of our personalities, so I think they should get along just fine."

"As-what?" Both Mikeys cocked their heads to the side.

"I programmed them to behave slightly like us, though more like small children." Donny clarified, rolling his eyes. "They don't talk, of course, but they can eat and drink. I tried to make them as anatomically correct as possible, including their respiratory system and equilibrium center, so please don't try to play football with Chibi-Mikey as the ball, Mikey."

"I would never." Mikey grinned cheekily at him, then fixed a surprisingly level gaze to the chibi-red-clad terrapin. "Behave like us?"

Don blinked. What was Mikey up to? "Yes."

The twinkle in the blue eyes was positively dastardly, and he run out, yelling at the others to "Stay there!". He returned a moment later, one arm twisted behind his back, grinning wickedly at the two red-clad terrapins.

With great gusto, he brought his arm to the front, and dangled right before the little one a magnificent specimen of periplaneta americana. Or, to those not being Donatello, the common American cockroach.

Raphael jumped back with a startled curse. Chibi-Raphie froze, and stared wide-eyes at what for him was a giant monster. It's legs wiggled like it wanted to grasp the tiny terrapin, and most probably pull him towards it and devour him whole.

Chibi-Raphie did the only thing he could think of in the present situation of being smaller than that beast. His eyes filled with tears and he started shaking.

"YEOW!" Mikey suddenly drew back, releasing his hold on the insect (which sailed through the air and into a wall). The youngest started jumping down, shaking his hand, the kissing a small bleeding cut.

Chibi-Leo glared, and put his tiny sword back into its holder.

"I may have forgotten to mention that their weapons are fully functional." Donatello muttered, glaring at his brother. "And that was really mature, scaring him like that."

"I just wanted to see what would happen." The prankster muttered dejectedly, grinning sheepishly as he noticed his entire family was glaring at him (or shaking his head in disappointment).

On the table, Chibi-Leo nuzzled Chibi-Raphie, rubbing calming palms over his arms. Chibi-Donny watched worriedly, while Chibi-Mikey still laughed soundlessly to himself at his bigger-self's awesome prank. It appeared that the immaturity was part of the package no matter the size.

Raphael, meanwhile, finished having a miniature melt-down of the 'I hate bugs' kind, and growled, launching himself at the his younger brother. With a characteristic shriek, the orange-clad turtle took off running, the older one hot on his heels.

"As punishment, I believe it would be appropriate to not rescue Michelangelo from his fate." Splinter muttered, watching as his little clone made his way (tiny cane in hand) to the still shook up terrapin and patted his head.

The rodent Sensei smiled softly at the sight.

Mikey twisted and turned in time with his character, the game controller nearly groaning under the speed his fingers were moving. He muttered the name of each move he propelled his character into under his breath, eye-ridges furrowing in concentration, the very tip of his tongue slipping out slightly.

Unfortunately no matter what he did, his health kept dropping, until with a final ping, he was dead, and his opponent victorious.

Michelangelo, the undefeated warrior of the Xbox, the Nexus Champion, the Prankster of all Prankster and Master of All Video Games, had just been beaten by a chibi.

He moved his glare downwards, to the controller laid out on the floor, and the tiny body doing a victory dance atop it.

"I can't believe I just lost to somebody that has to jump on the buttons." He grumbled under his breath. Then he sighed, and grinned. "Wanna watch 'Justice Force the Movie' to celebrate?"

Chibi-Mikey nearly nodded his head off.

Raph concentrated on the tiny objects on his hands, urging them to connect as he wanted them to, and stay there, for fuck's sake. He added a drop of glue and pressed the newest addition down, making sure the glue got in-between the two.

Chibi-Raphie fidgeted behind him, standing periodically onto his tip-toes and trying to see what the other was doing. Each earlier attempt had only gotten him a gentle rap on the noggin' and the bigger him turning away, hiding the items once again.

He finally gave up and decided to wait. He would not wait patiently though, and he made that shown, tapping his foot on the floor or throwing something at the other in a fit of annoyance.

After several more minutes, the bigger him cried out a much desired "Finished!" and Chibi-Raphie jumped forward, running around the large frame to finally see.

When he did, he promptly blinked, his eyes growing wide, tiny stars appearing in them.

Before lay a whole set of tiny dumb-bells and weights. Or, just right for his little arms. Made from bolts and screws and relatively small pieces of metal glued together for the appropriate weight. He even had his own weight bench to recline upon while he pumped..

"Now yah can build up your strength for them sais of yours." Raphael grinned down at him.

Chibi-Raph looked up at the larger terrapin, then hugged one of his digits tightly in thanks.

He then run to try out his new equipment.

Donatello re-checked the data, and make extra-sure that no part had spontaneously fallen off of the prototype, and that the power relays were properly connected.

Everything seemed in order.

"Okay." He moved back, standing slightly next his work-station, and glancing at the other one. "On three."

He got a nod in reply, and counted loudly. On three, both Donnys hit the launch button.

A screech and a rain of sparks later, the latest prototype fell over.

Donatello sighed, rubbing his temple. "Well. Back to the drawing board for me." He turned to the other. "And thank you for your help."

Chibi-Donny simply nodded at him, then turned back to his own project – building a computer and work station appropriate to his size.

"Need any help with that?"

Chibi-Donny shook his head.

"Okay then."

Leonardo breathed deeply, concentrating on the feeling of his bones settling into the familiar position. His flesh relaxed, heart-beat slowed and mind calmed.

Meditation time has officially begun.

Some time later, he was broken out of his concentration by a small hand tapping against his shin. He opened his eyes and looked down at his chibi self. "Yes?"

Reassured of having the other's attention, Chibi-Leo walked a little ways back and sat down, settling into a copy of the larger terrapin's position.

Leo blinked, then smiled softly. With a calm voice and careful fingers, he fixed the other's pose, making sure the little one wasn't too uncomfortable with frequent questions.

Then he settled back, closed his eyes, and in a soothing tone, explained all there was to know about meditation and its purposes.

The two Splinters sat on the couch (the chibi on a soft pillow), watching a Maria's baby's father was revealed to be Fernando, her step-brother through their parents secret marriage. The other man who she had both presumed and hoped to be the father, Enrique, got up and stormed out in a show of rage, yelling about destroying Fernando's life for touching his future-wife and soul-mate.

"More tea?" Master Splinter asked, and Chibi-Splinter nodded, gratefully accepting the next few drops of warm liquid into his thimble.

The two sat back to continue watching as Enrique plotted to bring down Fernando's financial enterprise of selling used cars, and as Maria argued with her mother she would not give the child up for adoption just because she married the baby's grandfather, scandal be damned.

April squealed when she had met the little ninjas, then proceeded to capture each on and hug him.

Raph quickly rescued his own little counterpart, and carried him off to meet Casey, while April cooed over the ones still in her grasp.

"They are so cute! And so tiny!" A gentle tap against her palm told her to release the Chibi-Clan and she did so. Chibi-Leo and Chibi-Donny promptly sat down, while Chibi-Splinter tottered off unsteadily to the small pillow supplied for his comfort. Chibi-Mikey, meanwhile, jumped up and down, waving his arms and grinning widely, clearly begging for more attention.

April once again obeyed the unspoken request.

"Oh, Donny, they are magnificent! All those details, and the AI programming looks amazing! You have to show me their blue-prints."

"Of course."

The redhead grinned. "And maybe you could make one for me?" Surprisingly, Donny blushed hotly at that.

"I don't know that's such a good idea, Ape." Mikey said, winking at his now blushing brother. "You see, Donny here tried to make sure every little detail was well taken care of. Eveeeery detail."

April blinked in confusion.

Leo couched slightly. "I think what Mikey is trying to say is that Donatello made the chibis as anatomically correct as possible."

April blinked again, and blushed too.

Donny smacked the back of Mikey's head. Chibi-Donny unabashedly stared at the Goddess before him.

"So, this is a tiny robot that just looks like yah, not really a clone 'r anythin'?" Casey cocked his head to the side, watching the little form sitting on his palm.

"Yup." Both Raphaels nodded.

"And he acts kinda like you?"

"Yup. Yesterday he chased Chibi-Mikey all through the Lair, trying to murder him for drawing rainbows on his shell while he was taking a nap."

"Sounds like you. Like both of you, actually." Casey grinned, and pressed a quick kiss to the top of the chibi's head.

"What the Hell are yah doin'?!" Raph yelled, punching the older male's shoulder.

"He just looked so cute I couldn't help m'self."

Large and small golden eyes blinked up at the human. Then Raphael extended his arm towards the other's palm, keeping it steady as Chibi-Raphie used it to escape onto his shoulder.

"Yah pervert." He finally said.

Casey shrugged. "Eh, what can yah do?" He grinned. "So, little dude. Ever had beer?"

Chibi-Raphie run up to Chibi-Leo, grabbed his arm and proceeded to drag him off. Though confused, the older chibi followed obediently.

Chibi-Raphie finally stopped before a door, and motioned by pressing a finger to his lips for the other to keep quiet. Then he cracked open the door, and slipped inside. Chibi-Leo frowned in growing confusion and followed.

Their bigger them were inside. Raphael was laying on the floor, panting loudly and making odd noises. Leonardo was laying half-atop his carapace, his hips moving back and forth in quick succession. Judging by their faces what they were doing was every enjoyable to them.

Then Leonardo moved back slightly, repositioning himself, and the chibis got a clean view of the intimate act of placing one's cock into the anus.

That looked like it had to hurt. Especially considering how hard Leo slammed his hips forward to get back inside. But Raphael seemed to like that even more, arching his back and moaning loud and long.

Huh. Maybe it wasn't so bad. He crept closer, tilting his head to the sides as he contemplated the odd sight. Leonardo's cock was oddly shiny, coated in something that looked like oil or something. A quick glance around the room revealed a vial of the semi-liquid, and Chibi-Leo nodded to himself.

He concentrated his gaze on Raphael's anus, the way it distended to allow the other entry. It could probably hurt. Though maybe Leonardo made sure it didn't, cause he would never hurt one of his brothers. But how? He knew that the anus didn't stretch that far by itself (he found that out after a particularly painful visit to the toilet after he ate too much). So maybe Leo had to stretch Raphael first? That could be it.

Raphael shuddered suddenly, letting out a very loud... noise, and Chibi-Leo blinked in surprise at his own reaction. He could feel heat pooling around in his abdomen, twirling down towards his groin. A glance at Chibi-Raphie proved that the other was kinda flushed, staring transfixed at the pair before them.

After a while, Chibi-Raphie looked at the other chibi, and pointed a hesitant finger first at the bigger pair, then at Chibi-Leo, then finally at himself.

The blue-clad chibi blinked at the offer, then smiled reassuringly, walking over to his little brother, and taking his hand in his, nodding his agreement.

A moment of thought later he decided that their bigger them would probably not lend them their oil. But he knew a place where they could find some.

Resolutely, and eagerly, Chibi-Leo pulled Chibi-Raphie to the door and out.

Leo sighed in sated contentment, stretching out on his spot on the floor. That had been a good romp. A good romp and an excellent new memory of Raphie laid out before him, right for the taking.

Speaking of his brother, where was he? He should have finished his shower by now.

As if summoned, the door opened and Raph walked in with a... peculiar expression on his beak. It was a combination of blank and confused and embarrassed. Without a word, he grabbed Leo's arm and dragged him up and away, heading for the dojo.

Though his confusion grew, Leo kept silent, following obediently.

And once he stood in the entrance to their training space, his jaw dropped like whoa.

In the middle of the room, right next to an up-turned bottle of scented oil, were their two chibis.

Chibi-Raphie had his upper-torso, arms and the lower side of his beak laying against the ground while his hips and tail were lifted on bent knees. He wore a big smile which practically screamed 'Yey, yey, yey!', his little eyes were tightly clenched shut in glee.

Chibi-Leo's expression was much calmer, his eyes not to tightly closed, and his smile smaller, but by no means any less ecstatic. He was half-draped over the emerald chibi's shell, his chin resting against the carapace, little arms hugging as much as they could reach.

The most interesting details about this sight were: twin flushes of arousal adorning both small faces, Chibi-Raphie's occasional shudder and churr, and Chibi-Leo's hips moving back and forth in a slow tempo, his little tail nearly wagging at the sensations.

Though he knew what they were doing could count as voyeurism, he knew he really shouldn't feel aroused by that, that it was kinda close to narcissism, but his body couldn't care less.

So, Leonardo grabbed his younger brother's wrist and dragged him away for round two.