A/N: In light of all that seems to be changing with "Revolution" and the strong possibility it will be canceled, I decided to write an epilogue to my one-shot.

Charlie glanced out the window of the Model T they had got up and running as she reflected on all they had been through the past year. The vehicle was a better mode of transportation than all that walking and horseback riding they used to do. She was finally learning to drive, at the age of 24.

Aaron had been elevated to de facto president for the National Republic, a position he didn't originally want but his powers were too great to deny and he seemed like the most logical choice. Priscilla manically enjoyed being the president's wife; the nanos wreaked havoc with her when they felt like it so the country as a whole just thought she was insane.

Miles had finally admitted he was her biological father and he no longer repressed his feelings for her mother. They abashedly began building on their newfound relationship, no longer held back by any more boundaries, any more lies. They returned to Chicago and he re-established his bar.

As for the Nevilles, they had resigned themselves to the fact that Julia had perished for their part in all the deception. Aaron chose Tom as his chief of staff (on the advice of Miles and Monroe), allowing the conniving man to basically run the country from behind the scenes. Jason was finally rehabilitated and could no longer be provoked to react in killer mode. He stayed close to his father, serving as a bodyguard to Aaron and carrying out missions as needed.

Connor decided he wanted to go back to country life, raising horses and cattle, so he settled down with a Mexican girl from where he grew up. Charlie smiled as she thought about him. He was truly cut out to be a cowboy.

Charlie's husband laid his hand on her thigh and grinned at her before putting his attention back on the bumpy road. She intertwined her fingers with his and gazed at his curly hair and the beard he'd allowed to grow out. It suited him, especially when he laughed and his crow's feet crinkled.

Aaron had appointed Bass as his secretary of defense so he was always on the road from one installation to another throughout the country, suppressing any small patriot factions that suddenly popped up and assuring fellow rebels turned republicans that all was well. They were going to unite this country once again, no matter how long it took.

Charlie gladly followed Bass wherever he went, partly because she didn't want to be separated from her man and partly because she looked forward to the adventure of traveling the continent with him. They indeed made a good team and they no longer had to look over their shoulders, at least not as much as they had before.

She sighed and rested her hands on her slightly swollen belly. The future held promise in more ways than one, she decided as she looked out the window once again.