Today was worst day for Sawada Tsunayoshi. Why is it worst? Because he hated one game called 'Truth or Dare'. But still he had to play it, no matter how much he didn't want to.

Tsuna's friends: Kyoko, Hayato, Takeshi, Ryohei, Haru, Hana and Chrome were happy that Tsuna was going to play 'The Truth or Dare' with them, but actually he played because they threatened him that one of them will tell Tsuna's biggest secret. And of course Tsuna agreed to play with them. The brunette was scared taht his secret will be told to everyone in school and then he would be bullied. Tsuna hated himself, because he was attracted to males. Yes, Tsuna's big secret was that he was gay, but he didn't want to admit it.

Today was Sunday and everyone gathered near Tsuna's (A/N: Before I forgot Tsuna lives alone at house) house and waited for him to come out of his own house. Brunette went out of his house and went toward his friend having a bad feeling about tonight. Everyone was so happy, but spiked hair brunette wasn't happy at all, he had a gloomy face.

After some minutes they arrived at the place, where they were going to play it. Everyone sat on the floor around the bottle which was put by raven haired boy. The girl with brown hair and a pony tail spined the bottle and waiting for the bottle to stop spinning. The bottle stopped at the silver haired boy named Gokudera Hayato.

"Truth or Dare?" Haru asked. Hayato thought for a minute and picked 'the Truth'.

"Are you dating Takeshi-kun?" She smiled happily. Gokudera blushed "N-no! There's no way I would date someone like HIM!" Gokudera shouted at Haru, but she and raven haired boy let out a laugh because of Hayato reaction. Other chuckled at the scene.

Now was Hayato's turn to spin a bottle. The bottle stopped at Ryohei. "Truth or Dare?" Hayato said with a fury in his voice. "What's wrong with you, octopus-head?! OF COURSE I'M PICKING THE DARE TO THE EXTREME!" The boxer shouted out loud. Hayato's eyebrows twitched a bit and then he started to shout too "SHUT UP, TURF TOPS! RUN TWO LAPS AROUND THE PARK!" Ryohei stood up and started to run around the park.

After Ryohei finished running around the park, he let out a sigh and started to spin a bottle again.

After two hours the bottle stopped right to Dame-Tsuna. He thought 'this time I will pick a Dare'. Kyoko asked him "Truth or Dare?" then she smiled at him happily and Tsuna smiled back "This time I'm picking the Dare" Spiked haired brunette said. Kyoko chuckled a bit "You have to go to the abandoned art school, plus without us and be there for 15 minutes" she finished and hummed happily.

Tsuna was shocked and scared at the same time. He was scared of ghosts or other scary stuff, but he had to do this and try to win against his fear. Brunette stood up and went towards art school. He reached the art school gate and somehow managed to climb it.

After he climbed down from abandoned art school gate, he went towards school front door and then opened it carefully. Then closed the door silently to not make any big noise. He started to walk slowly around the school trying not to make any noise.

Suddenly, he accidently kicked the can which made a loud 'CLANK' noise. Tsuna closed his eyes for a bit and then opened them. He started to tremble, there was someone behind him! Brunette was really scared, he didn't want to die yet.

Tsuna took a deep breath and glanced from his shoulder and saw red shining eyes. The creature chuckled and then grabbed brunette's wrist so he couldn't run away. "Hieeeee" Tsuna let out a shriek and felt his eyes watering already.

"I wonder what this small food doing here?" the creature chuckled. After brunette heard it saying 'food' he got more scared then he already was. "No, p-please don't eat me!" Tsuna pleaded the creature to not eat him.

But the creature chuckled more and held Tsuna's wrist tighter than before. The creature comes out of the shadows. Tsuna looked at the creature and noticed that it was a handsome man with same hairstyle as his, but his hair color was blond instead. Tsuna blushed at sight in front of him, and the man noticed blush on brunette's face. "You are cute, that makes me want to eat you more" Man said and sheltered his head near Tsuna's neck and started to lick it. Tsuna let out his shriek and blushed madly. The blonde didn't stop licking his neck and started to kiss it then.

Tsuna moaned and realized it and quickly covered his mouth with his free hand. Handsome man let out a chuckle, because of the teen's reaction. "It's nice to meet you, amore*. My name is Giotto" he smirked. Brunette still was blushing madly and then looked at the man named Giotto. And brunette didn't want to believe that the man was a vampire, he didn't want to believe in this kind of creature. He heard a chuckle from man "I'm sorry Tsunayoshi-kun, but vampires exist, and I'm the one of them" he smiles darkly at brunette. Brunette looks at him scared "How do you know my name?! And how do you know what I was thinking?!" Tsuna said loudly and scared at the same time.

Vampire chuckled "It's just easy to read you, amore. And your name is written on you shirt" Small teenager let out a laud gasp and tried to push down the blonde man.

"I won't let you go. You know who I am now, and if you want to live, you have to let me live with you, if you won't you will get killed for sure" he said darkly and waited for the small boy's answer. Tsunayoshi got more scared and he stopped pushing the man away from him. Now brunette was in deep thoughts.

He didn't want to die yet. He wanted to live, but if he rejects the offer he will die. Tsunayoshi decided, he will accept the offer. "Okay, I will let you live with me" teen said. And Giotto smiled at him happily.

"That's great, so should we go now?" Giotto asked and Tsuna nodded his head. They left the abandoned art school and saw his friends in front of the school gates. They started to shout "TSUNA! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Tsuna nodded his head and smiled "Yeah, I'm fine". Silver haired looked relieved that his friend was okay. "We were worried about you" Tsuna let out a nervous laugh "Hahaha, I'm sorry I made you worried, guys". They smiled at him and then they noticed a person standing behind Tsuna. "Hey Tsuna, who is this person?" the raven haired teen asked him. He almost forgot that Giotto was behind him. Tsuna smiled at them and took a deep breath.

"He's my cousin from Italy" He lied.

A/N: Okay guys! This is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoyed it!

*Amore – Love

Till next update! w bye