Hi guys,

Unfortunately this is not a chapter. This is actually an announcement to say that I will no longer be working on this fic, and that it is up for adoption.

The truth is that I haven't felt inspired by Casey and Dawson in a long time. Over the last few years I've tried to write them, but I haven't been able to overcome a particular hurdle.

You see, I got sucked into a YouTube black hole one day and I stumbled onto this one incredible fan video for Dawson and Severide to Sam Smith's Leave Your Lover. It was a beautifully made video that turned my attention to the chemistry between the two characters. I know it's an unpopular pairing, but I'm hooked, and have been for a while. Unfortunately, this means that this story can go no further with me, as every time I start writing another chapter, Severide starts taking a stronger role, and keeps uprooting Casey as Dawson's romantic interest. I also found that writing a man-hunt for Ramsey was much more natural with Severide at the helm. However, I know this isn't what you guys signed up for as Dawsey fans, and so I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago, and shutting it down.

I appreciate all the support you've given me, and I'm sorry for being a shitty writer and bailing, because I always hated it when my favourite fics were abandoned, but I'm finally beginning to understand how and why it happens.

Much love to all of you!
