Okay, so I was P/Med that someone told another author they copied me. Just give credit where you think credit is due, and my grammar is trying to improve thank you very much. I'm sorry my computer doesn't have the best spell check but it's enough.

So I have thought about this forever… and I will continue this story but there is no promises to when this could end. I could randomly post a final chapter where it leads up to something… I don't know yet.

Honestly I'm really stressed right now. I have a shot to go to Carnegie Hall next year, but I have to get into the top symphony which would mean beating a lot of good flutists… I'm busy, let's leave it at that.

This chapter will be good. Not necessarily in what's in it, but the length and grammar will be good.


How long had it been since Tris went zip lining? One hour? Two? Three? Tobias had no clue, and honestly, it worried him.

"Stupid… So stupid being afraid of heights… Shay was but she went…" He had said to himself about five times every thirty minutes. "…Should've gone…"

He decided to walk down the halls to clear his mind, since his room seemed to be closing in on him the more he thought. What he didn't expect to see, was Tris and Shay going at it on the ground.

"You idiot! You think he loves you! You don't even know him!" He hears Tris yell at Shay as she pounces on her throat. "I'll show you who he-" Tobias cut in and grabbed Tris off of Shay.

"Go down to your room. If I see you around before training you will be factionless. No exceptions." He solemnly says to Shay. Once she was around the corner, he turned and saw a very angry Tris Prior.

"She thinks she owns you! She goes around telling people about how you invited her to our room and how she kissed you and-" Tris was rambling so Tobias shut her up with a kiss. It was meant to be sweet, but she didn't want that today. Tris shoved Tobias against the wall of the hallway and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Everything was seemingly perfect.

"Oh my god!" A girl screeches from the other end of the hallway. Tris looks over and laughs.

"It's Maria, the one from Abnegation." She whispers to Tobias. As he looks at Maria, he notices that she's not the average abnegation. She has a pixie cut which suites her round face, and eyeliner that makes her look as if she's been here her entire life.

"You're together aren't you?" She asks as she walks towards Tobias and Tris.

"What would make you think that?" Tris says in a stern voice, trying hard not to crack, but Tobias was already smirking.

"You were just making out in the hallway. I'm not an idiot." She says pokerfaced, then walks away. As she walks she calls back to them "You're secrets safe with me." But knowing her, which Tobias didn't, that could be good or bad.

"Well that's just wonderful." Tris flops on the bed when they walked in their apartment. "Now they're all going to know about us."

"Not necessarily," Tobias says, "She could surprise us and keep the secret."

"Sure she will. Go to sleep Tobias, wake me when it's time to go." She mumbled as she fell asleep.

"Night, Tris." He says.

Okay, so is it good enough for you critics out there?

I tried. Percy Jackson will not be updated for another week because im rereading the books to make my writing more accurate with the books.


My bday was in April… I'm 15 woot woot
