Author's Note

Hello guys, it's been quite a while..

I just want to take this opportunity firstly to thank all of you for all the wonderful reviews you sent in. Anyway, you'll notice that I've updated the story. Let me explain by saying that I've made some minor adjustments (grammar, choice of words, etc.), but mostly it's for the formatting which initially did not make the story too easy on the eyes to read. I must apologise for this. I was such a newbie back then I did not know how to immediately address the problem when I received several comments from all of you about it. Trust me, I felt the same way too reading this story after I posted. Actually, rather than uploading the story which I've typed on Word, I just copy-pasted the whole thing. That was the reason behind the horrendous formatting. Again, I apologise for coming up with an excuse now, I guess the honest answer would be I didn't know how and didn't bother to look up a way to fix the problem as hard as I should. I hope the formatting is easier on the eyes now, so sorry if it isn't, yeah I suck at it LOL.

Also, I noticed a comment about the characters coming off as a bit OOC, particularly Naoki. Yeah, I guess Naoki's a bit OOC here but I want to explain that when I was writing this, the version of Naoki that I had in my mind was of the TW version. I don't know whether you guys felt it too but Naoki from the TW version, (or let's just call him Zhi Shu as that's the name used), was always the most passionate Naoki from all the versions that we have. I don't know if that's because of how the character was written or because of Joe Cheng's portrayal. Suffice to say, the TW version is my favourite version (especially the second season as Love in Tokyo 2 pales in comparison with the awesome first season), in my opinion. Zhi Shu to me is not just the cold genius, but if you've watched the TW version, he comes off as someone who's a total passionate lover (he makes the first move, he teases her a lot) when they're alone so I was incorporating that into the story. Doesn't matter though, I appreciate the comments.

Also, about possibly making the story longer, well, I have to say I doubt I'd do that. I'd rather start a new story altogether than build on this one simply because this idea was meant to be a one-shot and I don't quite know what else there is to build on this story. After all, I wrote the story as a bridge between the end of the first season and the start of the second season. I've always wondered what happens between the wedding and the two of them sitting in a plane on the way to their honeymoon. But hey, I could be seriously inspired out of nowhere, who knows?

Finally, about writing more INK fanfics. Gosh, you guys have no idea how much I'd love that. Trust me, I've started writing some since I posted this story last year, but I've never been inspired enough to finish the stories. Yeah, I want to post long stories instead of one-shots too. I don't really want to start uploading them unless I absolutely know for certain how the stories would end because I don't want to leave you guys hanging. That feeling when you have a favourite story that suddenly stops being updated sucks, I know. I even wanted to post one during LIT2 but due to writer's block, I missed my window.

Let's see where my inspiration takes me. Do you guys know that currently, there's the Thai version of INK that has just started airing? I wasn't too keen based on the trailers released but I AM a big shipper of the main actors and they did a fine job with the Fullhouse Thai version it was better than the original for me. I'll definitely watch it but to save myself from the agony of waiting for new episodes again, I'll start once the series progresses further.

Well, till next time. Hope to be able to post something good. Take care everyone! Thanks for the support!