Force Unleashed: Skywalker Style

It is the time of the Old Republic. Queen Amidala's ship never landed on Tatooine and Anakin has been trained as a Sith since he was 4. Padme is the Senator of Naboo, just like in the movies, and she and Mr. Skywalker have never met. Count Dooku is also Sidious's apprentice, though he has no knowledge of Anakin. This story begins at the beginning of Attack of the Clones… Suitless Vader.

There was a woman. She was screaming, though he couldn't tell why. He could feel the lady's arms wrapped protectively around his body, protecting him from whatever horrors she was experiencing…

"Is this the life you want for your son?" came the kind voice of Sidious. Or was it Sidious? Sidious was never kind. He was always angry with him. Sidious never talked gently or offered help, so how could it be his Master?

"You're right," the woman said. "Take him. Take him to the Jedi. Let him be raised as a free man."

Two hands were dragging him away from the woman.

"Don't forget me Anakin!" she cried as she was becoming smaller and smaller. "I love you…"

Anakin. Now that was a name he hadn't ever heard. His name couldn't be Anakin because he had always been called "boy" or "slave." I must be hallucinating, he thought. How could he not be hallucinating? He had been stuck in that wretched pit for nearly 13 days now. Would Sidious come back? Or would he just leave him to die?

13 days chained in the pit without food or water was an impossible feat… for any other man. But he had been trained to tolerate such torture. He had been trained to survive… and survive he would. He had worked too hard to try and get out of this hellhole he had lived in all his life… wherever that was. And if he died, then all his life would have been a waste.

He hated Sidious, but his training had made him loyal out of fear of what his Master would do to him if he dared to disobey. The man practically owned him. He had a slaving device in his body, and if he didn't want to die, then he had to obey or be blown up.

At first, the boy had wanted to die. But when he realized that someday he might get out of there... Wherever that was, he began to train harder. He had been taught to use the dark side, and his hatred for his master fueled his use of the Force. Now he had become more powerful than his Master was, but he didn't dare lash out because of that slave chip.

Now, more about his training. It had been harsh, no doubt. Once, Sidious had thrown him in a cage filled with giant wild birds that would peck you until you died… and he had been blindfolded. The point of the "exercise" was to make him see without really seeing. He had been 14 then. When he messed up, his mistakes were rewarded with brutal punishments that usually included a whip of some sort and then days spent chained up in the pit. He only got fed enough to survive, but his stomach had become used to that. Sometimes, when his Master returned pissed, he would beat the living daylights out of his slave, though the latter didn't know what made him made so angry at times like those.

If he was lucky, he would be punished with Sith lightning. Some days his punishments were taken to the extreme. Like those times when he had been burned with those irons and his Master had just watched with sick pleasure as he screamed. Sidious's magna guards were usually the ones who pressed them onto his flesh.

All in all, he was lucky to be alive sometimes. Like now. Never before had he been left in that pit for so long. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the discomfort in his stomach and burning throat. All his muscles ached from kneeling for so long, leaving them screaming in protest as the pit platform began to rise with a jerk.

He's back… the tortured boy almost thought joyfully. Now came the real point of his stay in the pit. He now had to face the proxy droids since he was weakened. His Master programmed them as Jedi Knights, and he beat them every time despite his lack of nourishment.

He was released from his bonds, though he made no move to stand until he was told to. "You survived," Sidious said. He had never seen the face of his Master. He never looked up that high, but even if he had, Sidious kept his face covered by his cloak. He had no idea who his Master really was.

Sidious seemed to notice his distraction and punished him for it. Blue lightning shot from his finger tips, engulfing his slave's weakened body. He screamed. He knew what he had to do though. Through the pain, he knelt lower, bringing his head to the floor and waiting for his Master to stop.

"Forgive me, Master," he gasped once the old man had ceased his attack. His body shook with fatigue.

"Save your breath slave," Sidious snapped. "This is not why I have come. It is time to test you again."

His two lightsabers were dropped to his kneeling body. "Rise, boy. Show me what you can do."

He picked up his two weapons, igniting them. They were a crimson color… the color of the Sith. But he had never considered himself one of them. He simply did what he had to to survive. Now he knew he had another problem with that situation… he had to face the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and live.

Master Yoda, despite his shriveled state, was by far the hardest to defeat. The little guy could sure move fast. Master Kenobi and Master Windu were easier to deal with, but not by much. He fought like he had never fought before. He felt the dark side flow through him, willing him to defeat his enemies. Again and again he tried to break their defenses, and after getting a feel for their fighting style, he began to penetrate their lines. A swift stab to the stomach was enough to bring Master Kenobi down. He decapitated Windu, and Master Yoda he managed to cut in half after another few minutes of battle.

When they were all cut apart, he could feel Sidious's eyes on him. "Kneel," he heard his Master say. He didn't hesitate to obey.

"Good, very good," Sidious told his hovering apprentice, though the praise meant nothing to him. "You just managed to defeat the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. You have been trained well."

He just lowered his head more, not wanting Sidious to see the sad expression on his face. "Get up, boy," his Master snapped. He obeyed again. "I am sending you to Coruscant," the old man continued harshly. "There you will be disguised as a Senator's body guard. You will wait for further instructions from me."

What Sidious meant by that was beyond him, but he didn't dare to question his Master. "Yes, my Lord," he replied quietly.

"You will also go by the name Anakin Skywalker." He stiffened. Anakin? That was the name from his vision! How could Sidious know it?

Maybe it was him who tricked that woman into giving me to him, he thought. But he didn't give any indication that he knew anything. Instead he just bowed, ignoring his aching muscles.

"There is a ship waiting for you in hanger 94," Sidious said, turning away. " I will deactivate your chip for now. But I'll be watching you." He paused, a sick grin crossing his features. "Congratulations. You've made it off the Executor."

So I've been on a ship this whole time? Anakin wondered once he made his way from the docking bay and into the dark of space. It was amazing how much hell he had endured on a ship. But he was no longer in that hellhole. He was free… sort of. He was no longer being beaten or suffering daily as a slave to Sidious, but one wrong move could end with him being blown to bits. He had no choice but to obey the Sith.

The coordinates to Coruscant were already set into the navi computer, so all Anakin had to do was make the jump to hyperspace once he was clear. He took some time to search for food, after all he was starving… literally. Anakin was just passing the fresher when he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. He had never seen himself before, which was odd.

To say that Anakin was ugly would be a lie. He was very handsome 19 year old. He had baby blue eyes that had become lifeless after all those years of harsh training, and shoulder length sandy blonde hair that was covered with filth from his days in the pit. He had three scars on his face. One adorned his right eye while the other two decorated one of his cheeks. His face was gaunt from starvation, yet that only seemed to make him more handsome. His cheekbones stuck out, and his eyes had sunk in a little. But he still looked perfect despite his skinny state.

That was when he noticed his clothes. They were torn up and covered in blood. His thin form was enough to make anyone suspicious, but his clothes would practically be giving off a warning signal to the Republic. Through the rips and tears of his shirt, Anakin could see how strong he really was. His sculpted stomach held a six pack with rock hard abs, and his chest was toned. His biceps tore at the parts of his sleeves that were still intact. But the atrocities he had endured showed clearly on his skin.

Like that cut he had received from Sidious's lightsaber. It ran down his right side, ugly and calloused from not being healed properly. And the whip scars that crisscrossed on his back; they too were knotted and repulsive. There were those burns from those irons that ran along his upper arms and torso. Plus the cut that ran from his shoulder to his wrist. Sidious had given him that scar with his lightsaber as well. There were other minor cuts on his body that he had earned from training, some in which he couldn't hide. But, it was his arm he was worried about. He didn't want people questioning where he had come from or what had happened to him .

After taking a shower, Anakin checked around the ship and found a spare pair of robes lying in a closet. The top was a dull gray color with a pad that went over his chest. The utility belt hooked onto a black pair of pants ,and his boots were knee high with buckles climbing up their sides. They were black as well. For his forearms, he found a discarded piece of cloth that he tore into two strips and wrapped it around them. His outfit covered most of his scars and made his face look a bit fuller. The plus was that most of the scar on his arm was covered by the wrap. He pulled on some gloves to cover his gnarled hands, and, all in all, Anakin was pleased with his new appearance. He just looked like any normal spacer, except a bit underfed.

It felt good to be clean. His stomach rumbled, but he could find no food, so Anakin shoved away the discomfort away and went to the cockpit to meditate.