Augustus Waters,

You could have no idea how much I miss you. You were the quirky part of my life. I remember your optimistic and inquisitive attitude toward life. You were on a rollercoaster that was only going up. We were passionate about everything that we did, and you should know that Peter Van Houton has a very melancholy sob story like ours. I wish our love story had lasted longer, but I am glad for our little infinity, and I understand that you would not want me to dwell on the past, but my thoughts can't help but wander back to you.

Issac is very determined and focused to live life to the fullest, but I am very afraid. I am afraid for him and for myself. I feel as if I am one of the last people that he trusts. I may be over estimating my power over people, but I feel that this is the case. You taught me that no matter what, to follow my heart. Yet, here I am, with my tears falling on this piece of parchment paper. I knew that I was heading for a world of heartbreak, but I didn't listen to my mind, I listened to my heart. Augustus, I feel like my world is falling apart. My lungs are failing. My life is fading. My heart is broken. I used to be so enthusiastic when I was with you, but when you so often come to my mind, I can't help but smile as tears fall down my face. I plan of visiting you today, and tomorrow, and the next.

I have one picture of you on my dresser. It is my wallpaper on my phone. I make sure that I carry it in my pocket every day. It is when you and Issac threw eggs at Monica's car. I wish I could have your creative voice with me. Because with your creativity and my rationality, it was a blast. Our love was comical and true. There is nothing that could have made it better. I will miss you, Augustus Waters. I hope that when I burn this letter, the smoke will bring it to you in the afterlife. Goodbye, Augustus Waters, you hold my heart forever. I have cherished yours.

Yours Truly and Forever,

Hazel Grace