There she was pinned up against a wall in a dirty, filthy alleyway. She had no clue what town she was in, all she knew was she definitely was not in Mystic Falls any more. Now she was being threatened by fangs going into her neck. But at least it was a step up from a hand trying to rip out her heart.

His eyes were darker then she had ever seen them in the three years that she had known him and she could clearly see the veins form around his eyes. Since the first time she meet him she could truly say at this moment she was scared for her well being. "One bite and you would be graveling at my feet." He said to her.

She then felt his nose skim down her neck trying to figure out the perfect spot to latch his fangs in to. "If I ever meant anything to you, even if it was just that sliver of hope in humanity, you won't do this."

From what she could feel against her neck she made out that he was grinning. With a little chuckle he said "My emotions are off Elena, nothing matters." He peered up for a second "I seem to recall you being more fun with out yours turned off."

"I seem to recall my compassion was lost, something I held dear and so did you."

"Yes but you were so fun and I was sooo… grumpy." He mused over a few thoughts "After this I think I'm going to make you shut off your emotions" he went back to her neck and found the spot he was looking for.

Her eyes became wide, she was truly and utterly shocked that he would even bring up compulsion. "No El-" she felt the fangs slide into her neck, not able to finish anything that she was going to say

She Was Lost…

A few hours earlier

Damon strolled into the boarding house holding a newspaper. He was looking for his younger brother. Damon found Stefan and Elena sitting across from each other. Damon thought Stfan was doing nothing only because he never really cared for writing his feeling down and Elena was reading something of some sort. "Little brother, have you been out on one of your little ripper sprees again?"

"No Damon, I've been here all night."

Damon looked over at Elena and she nodded in agreement. "We've got a problem then" he tossed the newspaper down on the coffee table and sighed "There's another vampire coming to town"

Elena hopped out of the arm chair she was in and went to take a look at the paper. She read some of the facts aloud " thirty victims, could be more, two mark on their necks, links to a serial killer. All five towns are collaborating to see justice for the victims… there's more than thirty victims, isn't there?"

Damon was the one to answer. "You've never truly been on a ripper spree. Once you have the taste of blood your lost, wanting more, not stopping because you will never be satisfied. The only hope is that one kill that will tell you you've gone too far and that could take decades to find."

Stefan added "And almost anything can set it off."

She was processing what they both just said and came to the conclusion "So it could be any aged vampire" Both the brothers nodded together. She sighed "Great " she then started toward the door ""I'm going to go tell Caroline . Do you guys think you can find who did this?"

Damon had to ask her "You sure you want to go alone?"

She pulled out a small smile "I should be fine."

He nodded, not wanting her to go by her self but against all his better judgment he let her leave. "Be careful Elena"

"I will." She left the two bothers at the house never making It to Caroline.

Back in the ally

She slide down to the ground trying to process what just happened, what they just did. "What the Hell was that?"

He followed her down and grinned "A desire, I wouldn't read that far into it."

She was starring straight ahead. No thoughts were flowing through her mind and she wasn't saying any thing. He was bored so he reached over and got a firm grip and pulled her head to face him. She knew what would come next and she couldn't even struggle because his grip was too tight. "NO!"

"Lovely Elena, I'm bored and I think this is the way to entertain me… for while at least." His eyes started to dilate but before he gave her any orders he would let Elena say one last thing.

"Who are you? What happened to the Elijah that I use to know?"

"But I am him Elena, I am right here. Maybe the original that placed almost everything and everyone before him wants to be selfish for once and destroy who he was before and sadly that starts with you." He wouldn't let her respond he just gave the command of three simple words. "Shut. It. OFF"

Alright so I started to type this randomly when I was suppose to be working on an essay and the idea popped up from something that was mentioned in an interview. I will tell you in the next chapter (I think) the exact words. Also I know I have some info wrong or I will I saw season 1 and 2 and parts of three, two or three episodes of season 4 and a few recent ones. So another words I will probably get things wrong, just flow with it if I do.

There will be small mentions of New Orleans. And speaking of crossovers (not really) I will update my originals and shield one soon, this idea side tracked me and I just had to.

If there is any confusion from this, please let me know. I also plan to have this no more then 10 chapters while still updating my other stories.

So Please let me know what you thought of this and thanks for reading!

P.S. what happened in the ally is up to your imagination and who knows that could be brought up later.