Chapter 1- The new life

It's been 6 months. 6 months since the day he lift me to protect myself on the forest floor, I haven't been the same since that day. I was basically a zombie for the first three months after they left, I couldn't wrap my mind around it, they didn't even say goodbye. Not my best friend Alice, my bear of a brother Emmett, Esme and Carlisle who were like my second parents. Heck, they were more like my parents than my biological ones are. All I did for the first three months after they left was lock myself in my room, I didn't talk to anyone, I didn't eat, I barely even slept because I thought he would come back for me and climb through my window like he used to do, but no such thing happened. The only reason I was able to bare the pain of them leaving was because of Matt. Mathew Jace Swan.

Matt was the brother I never knew I had. Turns out, Charlie and Renee had a baby before me, but they gave him up for adoption because they were too young to raise a kid. I love Matt, I felt whole when I was around him. I felt like a part of me was missing until I met him. I was shocked at the beginning; he looked nothing like either of my parents. He is 4 years older than me so he's 22, he is tall. Very tall and has muscles so big he makes Emmett look like Alice. He has light brown hair and beautiful green eyes that make me think of summer whenever I look into them, his skin is a little more tanned than mine, he is still in university. He studies in Chicago; he bought a house there a year ago and invited me to stay with him when he saw how much I was suffering in forks, I was glad to accept. I transferred to a high school near his university so that we both don't have to travel far.

Matt's adoptive parents were rich, they died when he was 18 and he inherited all their money so he now supports me. I have changed drastically since the Cullen's left; I am no longer the pale girl with no curves. I grew a few inches taller and got curves that would make Rosalie want to cry. My hair is styled in layers and I have a fringe that leans to the left, I died my hair chestnut brown, and the most drastic change of all is that, I now love shopping. All I wear is designer and it always has to be the newest collection. All these changes were brought forward by one event, one event that made me wake up to a new life, on that I never thought I would have.