Disclaimer: Call the Midwife belongs to Neal Street productions. Little Sister is an Elvis song from the early sixties.

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Roseanna Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne rushed up the steps of Nonnatus house. She knew she had to be quick. She had just returned to England and joined the public health works. She wanted to have her introductions and all done before her sister saw her there.

She hadn't seen Chummy in 4 years. That was how long she was gone abroad to school. She had always meant to come home for holiday, but she never quite made it, mostly, because holidays weren't much to come home for. Oh, Father and Mother still had celebrations, but they were more for their friends than their kids. Once her youngest son had been out on his own, Mother had sent her youngest girl off to boarding school and the oldest…, well, it was fortunate that her father had insisted on sending her for higher education. Their father had always said they'd best find a husband for Roseanna and a career for Camilla.

It tickled her that Chummy was the one who had a beau. A beau and a career. Not that their mother approved of Chummy's career. Or her Beau. She had wanted Chummy to be THE seamstress to the upper crust of London. She wanted to be the 'one' to go to when you needed a card for your daughter's wedding dress or grandchild's Christening gown, instead Chummy had left the seamstress school she loved to pursue something she saw as challenging. She became a nurse, then a midwife. Then the appearance of Peter in Chummy's life had thrown another monkey wrench in Mater's plans as she had designs to marry off Chummy to a rich widower friend of Father's. Good for Chummy, too, as Mr. Welchshire had eleven kids from three previous wives. Rose felt mother should worry more about why he was widowed so many times than how to get him and Chummy around to dinner together more often.

"I see that you studied nursing at Wellesley College in America," Sister Julienne said. "Why did you choose to return to England and to Popular in particular?"

"Well, the returning to England part was easy," she replied without a hint of humor, in the straightforward way that Chummy seemed to have to when talking about her past life. "Mater insisted that I run straight home when I failed to acquire the degree she wished me to receive. As for how I ended up here, in Popular with the exact same assignment through national health as my sister, well, I fear Mummy may have made some extremely generous donations to secure my place here. I think she believes that I can talk Camilla out of her 'romance' with the, how did she put it, 'beat bobby', but I assure you I have absolutely no desire to bring that drama to my sister's door or to this establishment. Though, I wouldn't blame you if you refused to have any part in it and sent me packing. However, my credentials are real and I take my job very seriously."

Sister Julienne smiled. "I'm sure you do, and however you ended up with this assignment, we never turn extra hands around here." She looked towards the door. "I do believe that Nurse Browne is out on a delivery, but I will introduce you to your other colleagues. Follow me."

She followed the Sister into a small dining room. Three ladies in nurses' uniforms and two more nuns were enjoying their breakfasts.

"Everyone, this is our new nurse…," Sister Julienne began.

"Wonderful!" A chipper blonde interrupted. "Re-enforcements. Brilliant. Are you a midwife, as well?"

"As I was saying," Sister Julienne continued with patience. "Nurse Fortescue-Cholmeley-Browne joins us from Wellesley College. She..,"

"Oh, not another one," Sister Evangelina interjected. "Can this one at least ride a bike? We are running out of Constables to take out."

Rose was bit confused about the constables remark but nodded her head vigorously. "Yes, we rode all the time at Wellesley."

"Hmmph..," came Sister Evangelina's reply. "Well, that's something then."

"Nurse Browne.." Sister Julienne tried again.

"So, are you Chummy's sister?" the taller brunette asked. Taking in the sight of the girl standing in front them. She was shorter than Chummy but taller than herself. She was smaller than Chummy but not petite. She had the same chestnut brown hair, but hers was in a fashionable bob with curls. She had the same honey brown eyes hidden behind cat-eyed glasses. She was wearing a silk dress and pointed high heels.

"Yes, Chummy is my sister," Rose replied. "Roseanna Browne." She held out her hand to Jenny.

"As I was saying," Sister Julienne said firmly. "Nurse Browne, or do you prefer Fort…"

"Browne is fine. One finds that whole name incredibly tiring to say, hear, or write all day long."

"Nurse Browne, this is Nurse Lee, Nurse Miller, Nurse Franklin, Sister Bernadette, and Sister Evangelina," Sister Julienne said, quite happy to have the introductions over with.

"I'm Trixie," the blonde said, shaking Rose's hand. "Bloody brilliant you are here. Shame on Chummy for not telling us, though. People aren't allowed to keep secrets from me."

"She didn't know. I didn't know myself until two days ago. I thought I was bound for King's College," she explained.

"So, she has no idea? Marvelous. We will give her such a fright. Sit down like you are having breakfast, just like any other day." Trixie ushered her into a sit beside Cynthia. "Won't she be shocked?"

Rose let herself be led in the plan as Nurse, call me Jenny, Lee put a plate of crisps in front of her and the one named Cynthia poured her some tea before they returned to their seats, all trying to be serious. Rose just hoped it would be a good shock.

It wasn't five minutes later that she heard Chummy's voice floating through the hall. "What-ho, Sister Julienne."

"Back already, Nurse Browne?" Sister Julienne replied, good naturedly allowing Trixie's surprise.

"Yes, indeed. One does think Mrs. Whelks doesn't even need us anymore," she reported. "She was already ready to push when I got there. Said she didn't want to bother us before then."

"Well, it is her thirteenth. She is as much as expert as we are, probably more so," the Sister smiled. "Run along and have some breakfast. Your pack can wait just a bit."

Chummy set her bag down in the treatment room, wondering why Sister Julienne had sent her to breakfast before restocking her bag, usually their travel kits were first priority. She shrugged assuming that possibly the extra equipment was still in the autoclave. She hastened her steps to the kitchen.

"Hello, all. Had a wonderful delivery, baby girl, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and a healthy set…" Chummy's words faded off as she looked around the table. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Was her little sister really sitting between Trixie and Cynthia munching on a piece of toast? She took her glasses off and wiped them on her arm before putting them back on.

"Still here, Sissy, though one does wonder why one thought one was simply a speck on one's glasses, but one will forgive you this time," Rosie grinned.

"Yes, forgive one as one would have thought that one would at least telephone one's sister before just showing up at the breakfast table," Chummy replied, her own smile growing.

"Oh geez," Sister Evangelina grumbled. "She didn't know she was headed here till two days ago, now hug ye sista and stop with all the hoity-toity talk before it turns me off me breakfast." She motioned for Rose to join Chummy.

The two ladies gladly hugged, having been much younger the last time they saw one another.

"You can stop with the hugging now," Trixie said, pleased with her surprised. "Before I turn off my breakfast."

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