Just a little epilogue to finish off this story. I hope you've enjoyed it! Thanks for sticking with me! Let me know what you think! :)

"What's up with you man?" Claudia asked as Pete spectacularly lost another Mario Kart race. Pete dropped his controller onto the couch and turned to her.

"Do you think we'll be alone forever?" he asked, unusually seriously. Claudia was surprised, Pete was not generally one for talking about this sort of thing.

"Of course not," she said immediately, "I mean, there's someone out there for everyone." Pete looked unconvinced.

"But what if we never bump into them? Or what if they were Kelly or Todd and we had our chance but we messed it up?" he said, sadly.

"What's brought this on Pete?" Claudia asked. Pete looked out of the patio doors and Claudia followed his eyes. Outside on the patio Helena and Myka were sitting on the bench talking and laughing. Myka gently stroked Helena's cheek, brushing a lock of loose hair behind her ear.

"She's so happy," Pete said, "They both are. Helena said… she asked me…she's bought Myka a ring," he revealed. Claudia squealed with joy. "Don't tell anyone," said Pete, "I promised I'd keep it a secret." Claudia nodded silently but she was grinning outrageously. "I'm just a bit jealous I guess," Pete said honestly. The sat in silence for a few seconds, watching the happy couple outside, then Claudia punched Pete on the arm.

"You're such a softy," she teased.

"No I'm not!" Pete said defensively.

"Softy, softy softy," Claudia kept punching his arm, "It's sweet."

"I'm not sweet," Pete whined, "I'm manly!"

"Oh yeah?" teased Claudia, "I bet you can't beat me on rainbow road!"

"Challenge accepted."