Hey guys…. From now on, please reach through the monitor and punch my stupid self in the face please, because I cannot allow this story to get swept under the rug. I made a commitment and I'm honestly going to try and follow through for the people that read this story.

Who do you picture Hyde as? I picture her as actually two possible people.

Anyone who guesses one of the two people I picture as Hyde will receive two things:

A new one-shot featuring anybody they want from any fandom. The plot is the winner's to direct and they essentially get a story with exactly what they want to read. You'll have to run the fandom by me with the characters you want in the story, but if I am familiar with it, and comfortable with writing it, you'll get the story. It can be T, K+, M… whatever you want it to be, there's not a whole bunch of things I'm uncomfortable with writing.

The next chapter the moment I'm done with it. Literally. You'll get it like three days- a week earlier than everyone else.

You can review/guess as many times as you want so if you leave like ten reviews full of guesses, that's fine.

Hint: Both girls I picture have brown eyes, and blonde hair. Names with blanks are below… Good luck!

A _ _ _ _ T _ L

D _ _ _ _ A A _ _ O _

And by the way, do you guys want some drastic shit to happen or to draw it out longer? I'm willing to do whatever, but I did let their first kiss wait for like, 10 chapters? I don't think I can be trusted. And a tiny as fuck chapter. Honestly, it's pitiful for how long I made you guys wait

There's no relief..

I see you in my dreams..

Her face burned with humiliation and shame, and it was all her fault. He was right. He didn't force himself between her legs, and thrust himself inside her like most men in the grimy streets of Gotham would. He seduced her. Which was worse by her standards. If a year younger Hyde could see herself now she'd probably run far away from the man she would meet.

He'd follow her, she knew he would. He'd follow her to the end of the earth if she ran from him. She need only give chase. Hyde hoped that he'd at least be slightly stunned, so he wouldn't be right on her tail.

Finally, she realized the cold wind cooling her heated flesh. Now would be a good time to have a jacket, she thought belatedly.

She gazed towards the diners and grimy nightclubs that still had half-lit signs flickering due to one thing or another. She couldn't see the stars from here, too much light pollution, she figured.

Walking towards her house, she heard heavy thuds behind her, a man's foot steps. Hyde craned her neck slightly and saw a figure walk from the alleyway she had just passed. Hyde reminded herself of her foolish complacency. She curled her lip and tensed her muscles, should anyone be foolish enough to trifle with her tonight of all nights, she would claw and scratch with all her might.

She glanced at the stars once more and felt comfort in the void of space above, tricking herself that for a moment, she was alone and not constantly being watched, being judged.

Hyde picked up her pace and clenched her fists, rounding the corner to her house. At least 10 minutes had gone by and he wasn't following her. Strange to say the least, she surely thought his determination was stronger than that.

She peeked behind her, anxiety threatening to crush her. She looked over her shoulder, sure she heard the same heavy footsteps and ran. Her throat hurt and she had a stitch in her lungs but she was determined to go to sleep tonight.

Just as she made to the corner of her street, a hand on her shoulder caused her to jerk and turn swiftly.