Kikkie: warning, there might be a couple of sex scenes in this. If you don't like it plz don't read it.

"Come on Rock, give momma some sugar!" Revy somewhat asks and orders Rock. The two were in a luxury honeymoon suite on the 15th of a 20th floor building. The sum things up the two were going to get paid to have sex and also to test out a new pill called VIAESACTSY to increase sexual desire. Rock took the pill 15 minutes ago and so far he wasn't feeling anything but a small tingle in his stomach.

"Revy…give me some more time." Rock says with a small blush on his face. Revy makes a "Tch" sound. Rock rolled his eyes and walks into the bathroom and closes the door. The minute Revy heard a click sound she jumps off the bed and takes off her top and shorts. The phone rings and she answers it:


"Revy darlen, it's me Tiara!"

"Oh hey! What's up!?"

"I just called to warn you about the pill."


"Yea, I recently got a call from five couples that I paid to use the pill."


"They both tell me that their boyfriend or husband started to act weird after 30 minutes. Saying that they became violent…like they were a different person."

"Different person? What do you mean by-" Revy was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Revy turns her head to look at Rock and to her surprise he seemed different.

"I'm going to have to call you back Tiara." Revy tells the young hyper country girl before hanging up the phone. Revy turns to Rock asks:

"Are you okay?" Revy asked Rock. Rock just stares at her with an emotionless old dark face. Revy stares at him then glances quickly at her guns then back to him. A small smile forms on Rocks face. Revy back slowly to the room chair where her guns are. Rock stares at her until she in reach of her guns. She slowly pulls one of them out of its Hollister then realizes….no bullets.

"Shit…" Revy thought to herself. Before she could look back at Rock, two strong hands grabbed both of her wrists and tie her down to the chair that had her gun. Both of her wrists were tied to the bottom stands on the chair, her naked body on the ground with Rock hovering over her like she was a helpless animal and he was her predator. Rock looks down at her and says:

"give daddy some sugar."
(Next day)

Rock and Revy was lay butt naked in the hotel room on the floor. Rock was the first of the two to wake up from his drunken and drugged sleep. He rose from the bed and walks over to the bathroom. 5 minutes later he screams his head off when he realized what he had done to Revy.

"Oh my god! I raped Revy!" Rocks shouted in his head and he didn't just rape...He went insane on her, even forcing anal on her… (Your screwed Rock!) He ran out the bathroom and quickly gets dressed; he sneaks over to the front door and tries to open it slowly until…


The noise of a gun being ready to fire scared Rock into turning around and looking at the naked Revy in fear. Revy was butt naked sitting on the bed with one of her guns pointed to rock, she had her famous sadist smile on her face.

"Why where are you going so fast Rock?" Revy asked as she clicks her gun again, giving Rock a sign to get away from the door. The young business man does as told and moves away from the door. Rock takes a seat near the chair by the bathroom. Revy stand up from the bed and walks towards him, her naked body glows from last night play with her long hair out of his ponytail. Rock blushes a little bit as Revy makes her way towards him. Revy then does something unexpected…she sits on his lap and puts her gun to his face.

"Safety on!" Revy says with a giggle before leaning down to kiss him. Rock blushes a little at Revy but kisses her back with a little force. Revy drops her gun and wraps both her hands around his neck and started to passionately make out with him. When Revy separated her lips from his she smiled yet again and spoke:

"Be mine or take a bullet. Your choice, what will you choice Rock?

(Back at Roanapur)

"Oh Rock baby! Where are you!?" Shenhua shouts as she wonders the Lagoon ship. The minute Dutch parked the boat was the minute I was invaded by the Chinese assassin. Dutch allowed her to go on the boat because he was too tired from the trip to argue with her. She wonders into the lower deck of the ship and found what she was looking for but with something she didn't expect. Rock and Revy tongue fighting on a desk in a room that looked to be someone's work space. Revy was sitting on Rock lap and kissing him passionately, she grinded her hips onto his crotch while Rock groped her ass. Shenhua felt like pulling out her sword and stabbing the woman but she held in her anger and took a deep breath.

"Stupid red headed bitch! Shenhua thought to herself. "I'll get you for this!"

Kikkie: DONE! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.