AN: So here is the sequel/prequel I promised at the end of North Star. 85% of these stories will be one-shots. I have ideas for a lot of different stories but I would love to hear of any prompts you would like me to try. They can be about him at about any age (but try to keep it the lowest at five) from childhood to when he is a GL. I'm open for anything but try to keep it T rated please.

This takes place when Tomar-Re and Nazli are fiveish, Celerina is seven and Romat-Ru is eight

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my thoughts and OC's

If you ever ask Nazli when she met her husband she would say they met when they were six. If you watched Tomar-Re you would see him smile and shake his head ever so slightly. In truth they 'met' when they were about five, but they didn't meet in person so in a way they are both right.

"Tommy get back here!" Celerina yelled as she chased after her brother. Her navy sneakers striking the dirt as she ran after the disappearing shape of her little brother. She stopped to catch her breath, bending to place her hands on her purple shorts as the sun beat down on her light blue t-shirt. She looked around and realized she had lost sight of her target.

"Just great," she said with a huff. Celerina saw one of the parents waving to get her attention. It was one of the moms that used to babysit her when she was younger. She was pointing to the tunnel underneath the play structure; Celerina smiled and waved a thank you.

She crept quietly to one of the openings; she peered inside as saw Tomar-Re hiding just beyond her. He had his knees tucked up to his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Celerina smiled as she ducked back. She had to decide the best way to get him. She closed her eyes and saw the layout of the playground in her head. She saw Tomar-Re where he sat in his clothes almost identical to hers except for the navy colors he wore instead. She smiled as a plan came to mind.

Celerina slowly crawled into the tunnel until she was almost beside her brother. She had to fight the laugh that was building as she drew closer; she was almost close enough to touch him. "Rawr!" Celerina uttered quickly before she gave herself away. Tomar-Re gave a combination of a scream and laugh, before tumbling backward out of the tunnel.

"Gotcha little brother," Celerina grinned," Catch me if you can." She took off running with a quick glance back to make sure that she was being followed. She jumped onto the play structure and quickly climbed the stairs, crossed the bridge before scaling the ladder to reach the highest point, the tower. She sat with her legs dangling out of the bars that kept children from falling.

Tomar-Re sat down beside his sister out of breath. "You… you used that map thing you can do didn't you," He huffed in-between deep breaths," That's … that's not fair."

Celerina laughed. "Oh Tommy," she giggled," You would totally use it if you could." Tomar-Re shook his head.

"You're going to make a great architect someday," he said resting his head on Celerina's shoulder. "I wonder what my test will say about me."

"Probably astronomer," his sister responded," You love looking at the stars." Any chance her brother got he would be up on top of the house to stare at the stars above Xudar. He loved to tell Celerina that he dreamed of traveling to those lights to see what was out there.

"Hey Celli. Who's that?" Her brother said pointing to the swings. Celerina saw that there was only two people at the swings. A girl and her older brother. The girl was being pushed by her brother, her green dress catching the breeze as she went back and forth.

"I think that is Romat-Ru and his sister Nazli. Romat is in my math class," Celerina informed," I think he is a year old than me and Nazli is about your age. Why?"

"Her wings are showing."

Celerina looked again and saw that what her brother said was true. "Yeah they are," Celerina replied.

"So she is a featherhead," Tomar-Re stated. Celerina immediately slapped her brother lightly in the back of the head. "HEY what was that for," he asked jumping up and rubbing his head.

"You know very well that we are not allowed to call someone a featherhead. It isn't very nice. Nazli just likes to have her wings out," Celerina replied, "Now come one we are going home."

"Why! Mom said we could play till dinner," her brother whined.

"If you can't be nice then you don't get to play. Now follow me," Celerina said as they started down the play structure. She could hear her brother grumbling behind her. She felt bad for making him leave but he needed to learn not to call people names.

"HEY CELERINA!" Came a voice as they passed by the jungle gym that was near the swings. Celerina looked to the swings that it was Romat-Ru calling her," See you in math tomorrow." Celerina waved back as they kept walking.

Behind her Tomar-Re was looking at the girl, Nazli he remembered. Something about her made him curious. It was probably just the fact that she let her wings show. Not many Xudarians did that. Maybe he had been wrong to call her featherhead. He looked at her laughing as her brother pushed her.

Maybe…NO! It was all her fault that he had to leave early. If she just hid her wings like everyone else then he would have said anything about it. "Stupid featherhead," he grumbled.

"I heard that ," his sister called back. Tomar-Re sighed, he had forgotten that Celerina heard everything. "I'm telling mom when I get home," She said right before she took off running.

"Not if I get there first," he called out. He cast one look back at Nazli before chasing after his sister.

AN: Tomar-Re you little turkey. (Bird pun not intended) He will definitely mature as this goes on. Reviews make my day and help me write.

One last thing, keep an eye out for a TMNT 2k12 story I have in the works. (Self-advertising, I know.)