Guys this is the epilogue.


I have an idea for You're Mine now so I'm starting the sequel.

"Mommy?" Kayla asks.

"Hmm honey?" I ask.

"I can't learn a handstand! I'm never going to be as good as you are!" Peeta darts past me and kisses my cheek on the way to the kitchen.

"Well do you want me to help you?" I ask.

"Yes please!" She begs. I take my five year old daughter to the backyard and begin to teach her how to do a handstand. She struggles and every time she tries to get up, I encourage her to keep trying and to never give up. Sure enough, after a few hours, she's got it down pat, and then we start on cartwheels. I'm twenty five years old.

I got pregnant in college and had to finish classes online. Dad was pissed for a while, but he stopped caring once we found out it was a girl. He flipped out and he started buying everything for the baby. By the time I was six months, we had everything we could need without even spending a dime. Kayla has three uncles, and they treat her like royalty. Johanna is the godmother since Finn and Ann are married and they are the Aunt and Uncle, but we made Rye the godfather.

Peeta comes outside and watches us for a couple minutes, and then he says, "It's time for dinner."

"Can we finish after dinner so I can learn everything you know?" Kayla asks hopefully.

"You can't learn everything tonight."

"Will I learn though? To do that flappy thing?"

"Of course you will!"

"Do it Mommy!"

I do a backflip and she starts jumping up and down, excited.

Another big thing that happened is I was in the Olympics for gymnastics and I got two gold medals. That was the night that Peeta and I made Kayla.

Of course, she doesn't know that, or about sex, or how babies are made, or anything like that. I avoid talking about death with her, and anything that could scare her, and so does everyone else. Nobody in the family has had a kid yet, so she's the baby, and she's a kid. She doesn't need that kind of stuff in her pretty little mind.

She's my baby, and so it's Peeta.

Without my babies I'm incomplete. Without my babies, which are the key to my happiness, I'm nothing.

It's like I'm invisible, but I'm not, and Peeta taught me that.

I am forever thankful he showed up right when I was about to hit the end. If he didn't I think we both know I would be in a box in the ground.

If hye didn't, I would be invisible.

Not my existence, of course, but physically, I would be gone.

And I don't want that. I don't want to be invisible.

I like living, and existing.

Insults don't bother me anymore.

Unless they're directed at one of my babies.

Then I'll snap their neck like a twig.