Stiles decided the carnival was a waste. He couldn't drag the sourwolf with him because Lydia wanted to go right after school ended. All the rides costed basically five dollars in tickets and he didn't think of taking much money with him. Isaac didn't even have a penny so Stiles circled the area of the carnival with him. It was their third time passing the fudge stall that Stiles decided he was done. "It's getting dark, we can't have any fun. I'm going home," Stiles blurted to Isaac.

"Do you mind giving me a ride home?" Stiles never noticed when Isaac began calling the McCall's house home, but it doesn't matter as long as he sees it as home. "I don't think Scott is leaving anytime soon." Isaac was looking at the feris wheel which held Scott and Kira at the top.

"Of course," Stiles replied. He fished his keys from his pocket and began heading to his Jeep with Isaac. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw dark shadows moving, but he ignored them. They could be nothing. Then suddenly Isaac grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Did you see that?" Isaac asked looking around. Maybe it's some weird karma being handed to them. Although Stiles doesn't know why he has to suffer bad karma and Isaac doesn't deserve any bad things.

"Ignore them," Stiles said and continued walking with Isaac right next to him. The shadows still moved in the corner of his eyes. No faces. Just lanky bodies. They moved as if a strobe light were hitting them and their arms away from their bodies. Definitely not human.

The drive to Scott's house was calm. Too calm. Stiles was no longer seeing the shadows out the corner of his vision, but Isaac was still stressed about the shadows. He was looking out of the passenger's window and flinched at the darker trees. Stiles didn't think werewolves could still be afraid of things that looked at children from closets.

It was completely unexpected. The road was clear and in a second he hit one of the shadows and it disappeared in a puff of smoke. And Stiles may have screamed like a girl. He slammed on the brake and the jeep slammed to a stop. "I'm not getting out," Isaac said eyes slightly wide. Stiles doesn't blame him. They still know nothing of the strange cryptids.

"Me either," Stiles replied and he put his foot back on the gas. He also didn't want to stay there and see what the shadows would do. They might end up being some seriously malicious spirits with his luck and decide to kill him.

He pulled into Scott's driveway and Isaac turned to him, "Are you going to be okay? You know with those shadows around." Isaac asked and Stiles isn't sure. That's not really something he wants Isaac to know.

"Yeah. I just won't stop and will immediately run inside," Stiles replied and Isaac snorted shaking his head. They said their byes and Stiles watched Isaac walk inside.

The drive home was perfect considering the circumstances. Stiles saw no shadows this time, but that was probably because a certain werewolf scared them. Said werewolf entered his room about the same time he did. It's almost becoming a usual thing. Maybe soon he'll be used to the expected uninvited visitor. "Great, I was just about to study some weird shadow creatures in the bestiary and now that you're here you can help," he said to Derek when he fully entered the room.

"Shadow creatures?" Derek inquired. Stiles had almost forgotten that Derek knew nothing of the shadows.

"Yeah..." Stiles had to stop and think about how to explain the creatures. He doesn't have too much to go off of. "I guess they're like people, but shadows and scary. And most likely impossible to destroy." He hopes that's enough for Derek. There's a possibility he may know what they're up against. But then again nobody knew that Lydia is a banshee until they did their research. "So, any ideas as to what they are?"

"Not one." Derek replied flatly and he turned to look out the window. Stiles joined him in looking out the window. Not a single shadow. Maybe they decided to leave him alone for the night. "I'll stay the night in case." Derek said and Stiles isn't about to argue. Not because he likes having Derek sleeping next to him, but because he's honestly scared to know what the shadows can do.

"Make yourself at home," Stiles said and finally sat down at his desk to access the bestiary document on his computer. Derek sat on his bed and didn't seem to be in the helping mood. Stiles sighed, this was going to take awhile.

A few questions are on Stiles' mind. The questions mainly concern Derek. The man is laying next to him, arms tight around Stiles. "Derek?" he asked to make sure the wolfs awake.

"Yes?" he asked sleep in his voice. To be honest Stiles loves Derek's voice when it sounds tired.

"Why do you do this?"

"Do what?" Derek asked as if he didn't know what Stiles meant.

"Protecting me and also cuddling me. I really thought you were supposed to be the big bad wolf," Stiles teased.

"I thought you researched werewolves." Stiles was confused. He researched all he could about werewolves for Scott. Most of it proved invaluable, but he doesn't understand how anything wolfy applies to Derek snuggling him. "You're mine," Derek said into his neck and it sent a shiver down his body. Said shiver also went to his fingers which released blue sparks of light and made him squeak. He really didn't expect that for he only knows two spells. He decided it has to be a special one he doesn't need a spell for. "What was that?" Derek was laughing. Laughing at his squeak.

"Nothing just a spark of light," Stiles said. He looked at his fingers and tried to get the light to surge through again, but failed miserably. He put his arms back at his side over Derek's hands which are now placed on his waist. There's no way he can say he hates this. He loves this.

It was a normal school day. Well not really. Stiles doesn't know what counts as normal anymore. A year ago he would have denied the existence of any cryptid, but now they all seem to be real even bigfoot. Anybody who denies bigfoot's existence obviously hasn't been to Beacon Hill's lumber farm.

Off track. He's with Isaac and Erica after school discussing the shadows. "So, there's like fifty billion different types?" Erica asked shocked by the forms they can come in.

"About and they're all dangerous," Stiles replied. They were taking their time to get to Stiles' jeep so they can carry the conversation without annoying road bumps interrupting important parts. Seeing as the shadows mainly targeted them the most they needed to know more and stick together for protection. The protection for Stiles' sake.

"Any clue why they're tormenting us?" Erica asked and Stiles hasn't gotten around to thinking that over.

"No, not real-"

"Guys." Isaac said pulling their attention to him. He wasn't looking at a particular spot. He didn't have to because they're surrounded. Not by the shadow people, but by shadow hounds. They all lost their calm. Out of all the shadow creatures the hounds were among the most dangerous for their speed and numbers. And it finally rose to Stiles' attention that nobody is ever around when supernatural crap decides to happen.

"Run," Stiles whispered and the group took off towards his jeep and he knew the hounds were behind them. They were almost there and he felt a sharp ripping pain course through his back and he fell down. He quickly tried to get back up, but one of the hound got on top of him and he shielded his face. That was a smart move. The bright blue light from the other night surged through his fingers and made the hounds disperse into smoke.

Stiles looked around and found Isaac unconscious on the ground with scratches all over, but couldn't find Erica. He got up, despite the pain coursing through his back, and rushed over to Isaac. Stiles slapped Isaac's face and that woke him up. "What happened?"

"I got rid of them with some weird hidden magic, but don't worry about that. Where's Erica?" Stiles is sure Isaac could hear the concern in his voice. Isaac only looked around like a lost puppy. Neither of them saw what happened to Erica and that left them to believe the worst. "The shadows..." Stiles trailed off. He doesn't have to finish because he knows Isaac understands. "C'mon we gotta tell the rest of the pack," Stiles said and he helped Isaac to his feet.

Stiles really hates shadows.

I'm such a horrible person for not updating sooner, but hopefully updates for this will come sooner. In case it takes forever remind me at newtomg on tumblr.