Chapter 13

The meadow is beautiful. The sun is glowing brightly, its golden light tinting the sky. A slight breeze brushes against the ankle-high grass, spraying its fresh scent everywhere. Then there's the girl. Beautiful. Flawless. She's wearing a dazzling smile. She looks so happy. She steps closer- closer, until she is inches away. She extends her hand to gently caress the cheek then leans in, slowly, to capture the lips. Eyes close. A million fireworks explode.

Anna's eyes snapped open. She looked around, trying to process the situation. It was still dark outside; five in the morning. It's the first time she had woke up this early. Anna sat up, wrapping her face in her palms.

This dream. It had been going on for days now, and it doesn't fade. It's always so vivid. The scent, the touch, the kiss-

The kiss. Anna couldn't get her mind off it. Now she felt so guilty and awkward whenever she saw Elsa. The girl was sleeping! Does it have any difference from what Hans tried to do that night he broke in? It was unfair to Elsa. Besides, Elsa was like a part of the family now… but why did it feel so… right?

Anna sighed, and stood up to stretch. She walked over to the window. The sky was still a dark navy blue, but a small corner of it was beginning to light up. Leaning on the windowsill, Anna pressed her forehead against the cool glass, letting her head rest there for a while. Maybe she needed some time. Maybe this feeling would go away.

But come to think about it, this feeling… it had been going on for months now. Her entire life had been almost devoid of friends, let alone romance. Elsa was the first person she actually felt connected to, and it seemed like it was the same for Elsa. This wasn't a phase. It wasn't like an impulsive, sudden wave of emotions. This was real.

The horizon was now dyed into a thousand shades of bright orange, with the dark blue retreating to the corners. Anna pulled back from the windowsill. The pane had fogged up from her breath. She scooted back and plopped down on the edge of her bed. Her thoughts drifted back to the dream. They were in the meadow. There was Elsa, looking more beautiful than ever. Anna sighed and looked out the window once again.

The fiery red circle had finally emerged, and was rapidly making its way up the sky. Streams of light poured into the room. Elsa would be up by now- she always wakes up at sunrise. Anna's heart started to race by the mere thought.

Anna straightened her hair, and got dressed. She really needed to get her mind off things. Unfortunately, there was nothing much of a distraction around the house. She needed some fresh air.

When Anna stepped downstairs, she was greeted with the bright smiling face of the blonde, who was curled up on the couch wolfing down a slice of bread. Trying as best as she could to act cool, Anna smiled uncomfortably at Elsa and started out the door.

Anna was halfway through the front yard when she heard the front door close. She looked back, to see the innocent girl waiting expectantly at the bottom step of the porch.

"Elsa-"Anna sighed, "I'm just going out for a walk. I think you should… stay here. Stay." With her hands tucked into the pockets of her jacket, she turned and started walking towards the road. She heard soft whimpering from behind. Then more whimpering. Anna stopped abruptly, biting her lip as she glanced back at Elsa. She sighed.

"Fine, you can come," Anna muttered. Elsa immediately lightened up and swiftly ran up to Anna's side. Anna glanced at the excited girl and smiled tiredly to herself. As much as she enjoyed Elsa's company, she felt like she was doing something wrong at the same time. Anna kept walking in silence.

Before she knew it, the pair arrived at the meadow. Anna looked around. It was colder than she'd remembered, but just as beautiful. Elsa was crouching on the ground, apparently fascinated by a small, colorful bug on the grass. Anna smiled. Maybe bringing Elsa along wasn't a bad idea after all. Anna crouched down next to her, placing a hand softly on her shoulder. Elsa looked up and smiled brightly. They spent the next few minutes wordlessly fiddling with a twig, trying to get the bug to climb onto it.

"Ugh. Forget it," Anna sighed frustrated, throwing the twig over her shoulder. Elsa looked up, staring at the redhead with eyes wide.

"What?" Anna laughed, trying to sound annoyed. After a moment of trying to stare the blonde down, Anna grinned and nudged the crouching Elsa on the shoulder, making her lose balance and roll backwards on the grass. Sputtering, Elsa immediately jumped up to her feet, her back wet from the freezing morning dew. Anna was shaking with laughter until she noticed the girl's back soaked to the bones..

"Oh my god, Elsa-"Anna giggled, trying to steady herself so she could get up, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" before she could finish her sentence, Elsa nudged back, this time making Anna roll backwards. Anna jolted up, her jacket soaking wet and laughing in disbelief.

"What the heck? Oh I'm so gonna get you back!" Anna sprinted towards the blonde who was now staggering backwards with a huge, mischievous smile on her face, grabbing her by the waist and pinning her to the ground.

"Heh. Got you," Anna grinned down at the blonde, her body just inches above the girl. "Wha-"she was stopped in mid-sentence, as Elsa suddenly threw her arms around Anna's waist, pulling her close. Elsa rolled over, this time pinning Anna to the ground, with a hearty grin across her face.

Anna laughed. She laughed until her stomach started to ache. It was the first time in weeks that she laughed this hard. Though her back was freezing from the rather excessive moisture, everything seemed to disappear except for her and Elsa. After the laughter had ceased, Anna smiled up at the blonde, locking eyes and taking in everything from the moment.

"Hey Elsa," Anna started after a moment of silence, "what about we play a game…?" Confused, Elsa moved over, making room for Anna to get up. Once they were both on their feet, Anna looked across the meadow.

"You see that tree over there? Whoever gets there first gets a wish. If you win, I'll do one thing you ask me-"Anna's eyes glistened in the sunlight, "and if I win, you need to do one thing for me." Anna smiled playfully.

"Ready… set… Go!" Anna sprinted toward the tree, leaving the confused blonde blankly staring at her. Laughing, Anna glanced back at Elsa, who had at last figured out what was going on and started running after Anna. With a giant smile on her face, Anna sped up, only to see Elsa catch up and shoot past her. Anna bit her lip, turning up her speed even more. Her heart was beating fast when she stumbled upon a stray rock. Before she knew it, she was on the ground, head spinning and heart thumping madly. Her reason came back. This was one of the very situations she was told to avoid. She was so lost in the moment that everything just slipped her mind. Trying hard to maintain her focus, she looked up to see Elsa still running at full-speed across the grass.

"Elsa…" She groaned, stretching a trembling hand towards the blonde. Her vision was blurring. Elsa never saw the girl fall, arm outstretched, onto the grass like a stuffed doll.

Elsa effortlessly reached the tree, panting only slightly. With a triumphant smile, she turned- to see Anna collapsed onto the ground. Alarmed, Elsa ran towards the girl, trying to shake her awake but in vain. Elsa frantically held the girl in her arms, leaning in to check her heartbeat. Something was wrong. Everything was wrong.

Terrified, Elsa lifted the unconscious girl up to carry her on her back. She needed help. Fast. Elsa ran, as fast as she could, towards the house, only to realize the place was empty. She ran towards the Weselton's place, and banged frantically at the door. Nobody answered. Elsa rushed out towards the road. She needed to take Anna to safety. Eyes wild and heart racing, she raced towards the meadow. Tears threatened to spill, blurring her vision. Once she had reached the grassy field, she looked around, feeling like her brain had been seized up. Anyone. If anyone was here to help. She blinked, letting the tears roll down her cheek. Safety. There was only one place she was most familiar with. The place she had dwelled in for decades. In the grip of silent panic, Elsa turned- and ran towards the darkness of the forest.

A/N: Hello everyone! It seems rather late to say this, but happy new year :) I hope you liked this chapter, please leave a review if you did, your reviews mean the world to me. And… about that movie this story is based on. This story is getting longer than I ever expected, and it is going in slightly different directions than the original, so I'll just introduce the movie now. It's a South Korean film called "A Werewolf Boy"(2012) You can find it on Netflix, and the trailer's on Youtube as well. It's a great movie, so if you haven't watched it, you should definitely add this on your list. Or you can just wait until I finish this fic before you watch the movie, either way's fine :D Anyways, thanks for sticking with me!