Red Light Prostitute


I'm really sorry for this late chapter. I had a serious case of writers block which I'm still having on some of my other fics. The longer chapter will have to wait, sorry, and the grammar and style might be a bit off since it's been so long since I written anything. ㅠㅠ

Chapter Seven


"That's all for today Furihata-sama~ Have a good night's rest and I'll see you tomorrow after breakfast." Riko cooed evilly as she happily skipped out the room.

As she was out of sight Kouki looked up at Koganei who wore the exact same expression on his face.

Scary…so scary…

A comfortable silence passed between the two brunettes as Koganei held out his hand to Kouki with a small smile. "She may seem kinda scary (which she is) but she gets to you after a while."

Kouki didn't say anything but returned Koganei's smile and took the other brunette's hand in his. With his help Kouki was able to get back to his (Akashi's) room. Koganei managed to get Kouki to the bed before the sound of a bell rung throughout the room.

With an apologetic smile Koganei turned to Kouki.

"I'm sorry but I have to take my leave now but if you need anything just ring that bell over there and one of the servants should come help." was the last thing Koganei said before waving goodbye and leaving the room.

After he left Kouki dropped down onto the bed and sighed. 'Training' with Riko had been brutal but that and adding it to his yet-to-be-healed back was pure torture. Thankfully he hadn't felt it while training but now it felt like a carriage had trampled over his back.

The brunette tried to endure the pain but about an hour later he couldn't take it anymore and reached for the bell. Since it was on the other side of where he was currently laying Kouki had to squirm over and managed to do so until a cold hand suddenly pressed down on his bruised back.

A rush of pain ran through Kouki like lightening and the usually calm and polite brunette began swearing furiously into the pillow in front of him, "MO *#)!)* (30!($*)E&#$) JIL! "

When he had finally managed to calm down he turned towards his assaulter and blushed bright crimson as he saw who it was.

"My, my Kouki you just get more and more interesting, by the day, don't you." The red head noble said as he leaned over the trembling brunette trapping the smaller man with his slender arms. "And to think it's only the second day you've been here."

Chuckling lowly Akashi used one of his hands to push away one of the brunette's stray locks, startling him in the process. This caused the noble to chuckle once more before moving away to properly inspect the brunette. His hands traveled mostly around Kouki's injured back and after seeing the brunette wince at his gentle touches Akashi frowned.

"Hmm it seems that imbecile harmed you more than I thought." Akashi growled as he let Kouki out of his hold. His expression only darkened when Kouki whimpered in pain. Still growling Akashi rang one of the bells before helping the brunette into a more comfortable position.

"Kouki I need you to hold onto me so I can flip you onto your back." Akashi said gently guiding Kouki's hands around his neck. Shyly Kouki nodded and tightened his grip. Slowly Akashi lowered Kouki back onto the bed and smirked as he saw the brunette's tightly shut eyes. The red head didn't bother to tell Kouki he could let go and instead shifted himself over Kouki into a position that was sure to make the brunette blush. Chuckling once more Akashi bent his head down and whispered into Kouki's ear, "I'm sure, maybe next time, I could enjoy myself in this position."

Surprised Kouki flung open his eyes and started to blush and stutter furiously. "I…er…I…IIII"

Still chuckling Akashi was about to move closer to Kouki until the door suddenly burst open, revealing a very cheerful Reo and a slightly scared doctor.

"SEI~CHAN~ Sorry we're late~ sensei-chan got lost in the corridor again so I had to show him the…way." Reo started until noticing the position the two were in. The doctor, who had noticed before him, wisely stepped out of view back into the corridor.

Akashi let out a deep sigh and lifted himself off Kouki. A dark aura surrounded him as he completely got off the bed and it only grew darker as he walked towards his fellow noble.

"Reo, how many times have I told you to knock before entering my room." He growled, his hand gripping the other noble's shoulder painfully.

Reo just chuckled nervously before being dragged out the room. Akashi spared the doctor a short glance before ordering him into the room. The doctor followed this order without a moment's hesitation, choosing wisely to close the door behind him.

"Now, now Sei-chan let's not-" was the last thing Kouki heard before the doctor closed the door and a shrill scream replaced it.

P.s Votes are still going