It Had To Be You

Chapter One: So We Meet Again

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.

Warning: AU. Femslash.

"Excuse me." The gorgeous brunette presented her with a winning smile. "Brittany, was it?"

Brittany's gaze shifted nervously to the door where the last of her coworkers were hurriedly trickling out of the large conference room. She swallowed audibly when the door closed with an ominous click. Her anxious baby blues returned to the smiling beauty and she nodded. She hoped to whatever higher power there was that the woman wouldn't bring up their little encounter.

Dark, calculating eyes scanned the emptying hall through the large windows. Seemingly satisfied with the fact that she had the terrified blonde completely alone, her charming smile melted into a frightful frown. She settled her unnervingly venomous gaze upon the jittery blonde and gestured authoritatively to the empty seat across from her. "Sit."

Her vicious glare had Brittany's eyes widening and her stomach tying into troubling knots. Under the scrutiny of that glare Brittany couldn't find the courage to question the brunette. She simply followed the instruction. Her heart hammering so hard against her ribcage she was sure it was going to explode.

"You and I are going to have words." The brunette remained standing. Dark eyes etching scorch marks across Brittany's skin as they roved her figure as if sizing the other woman up. "Understood?"

"Listen… Santana?" Brittany tried for a sheepish smile. Hoping to ease the wrath burning so plainly in the brunette's dark eyes. "I think we maybe got off on the wrong foot and-"

"That is an understatement. Fact is, Brittany," Santana's brown eyes narrowed menacingly. "I don't like you very much."

Sufficiently offended by the statement, the tentative smile across Brittany's lips disappeared. Her cheeks flushed with both aggravation and embarrassment. "Is it because I didn't accept the not so exclusive invitation into your pants or because your head is so far up your butt you didn't see me standing right in front of you and used my delicious coffee to ruin your ruffle-y ruffle shirt?"

Santana's frown deepened, she tilted her head and shot Brittany a, 'oh no you fucking didn't' look. "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe it was the whole you ruining one of the best orgasms of my life thing. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to dislike the perverted stranger who watched-"

"Well maybe you should learn how to use a lock!" Brittany jolted out of her chair, palms meeting the hard wood of the conference table. The pretty pink flush across her cheeks had meandered lower at the mention of the humiliating incident. She'd never felt so flustered, so furious with someone in her entire life. She could feel the strange sensation of her irritation mixing with her embarrassment, sending her blood boiling and her stomach churning in the most unpleasant of ways.

"And maybe you should learn some damn manners!" Santana's exotic features twisted into an attractively menacing scowl. "What kind of moron doesn't have the sense to-"

Brittany swiveled away from the brunette. Striding angrily toward the exit as the memory of the entirely unpleasant encounter came rushing back to her.

'This is not happening.'

The thought played on repeat through her scrambled mind. Over and over and over as if trying and epically failing to drown out the sound and why in the world was she still standing there like an idiot and watching. It was like a horrific car crash. The scene before her shouldn't be so disgustingly intriguing. She should be looking away, walking away, going as far away as possible. Not standing there staring into a complete stranger's dark, menacing eyes. Not listening to the sounds that… her gaze dropped from that bone chilling glare to the other woman kneeling on the dirty bathroom tile and how was she doing that with her tongue?

'Holy crap! Why did I look?!'

Why did she look?

"Why the fuck!" The dark haired stranger threw her head back against the stall with a sensual growl and a loud thud. "The fuck are you still here!"

That was a good question. A very good question indeed. The answer? Brittany didn't have a freaking clue. It started innocently enough really. She was dancing, she was drinking, and she ended up needing to use the facilities. Brittany didn't expect to walk into a stall with two women having sex in it. Purely incidental.

"Are you ah!" The clearly flustered woman let out a string of choice phrases in Spanish. Brittany could faintly make out some of the dirtier vocabulary before the brunette's murderous gaze was upon her once again. "Get out, you idiot!"

Brittany's eyes widened considerably. 'Run! Move legs, move!'

She watched, petrified, as the dark haired stranger tightened her fist around the other brunette's hair and tugged violently.

'This is so happening.'

The angered, and rightfully so, brunette climaxed with a barely muffled scream. It was at that moment that Brittany's body decided to listen to the frantic signals from her brain. Mortified sapphire eyes locked with sated yet vicious brown and Brittany screamed so loud her damn lungs were burning. She attempted to shut the stall door and run. In her haste the frazzled blonde managed to slam her fingers in the door, have it pop back open, meet the scowling brunette's gaze once more, and nearly trip over her own feet while bolting out of the bathroom.

Brittany barely managed to pull the office door open an inch when Santana's hand shot out from behind her. Splaying itself against the hard wooden door, pushing against it, shutting Brittany's only escape with a resounding click. The brunette's body heat, her enticing perfume, seemed to seep through the barrier of Brittany's clothes, further igniting her rising temper. The feel of the brunette pressed so intimately along her back triggered Brittany's memory of their second distasteful encounter.

It took three days and a lot of coaxing from Quinn, her roommate, before Brittany deemed herself ready to leave the confines of her apartment again. Unfortunately, the blonde could never walk into a public restroom without relieving the whole embarrassing incident all over again. When she told Quinn all about the life scarring event her roommate found it to be the most hilarious thing ever.

Brittany squeezed in between two patrons at the bar and attempted to flag down a bartender for some much needed libations. It was when she finished voicing her drink order that she felt a hand press all too intimately into the small of her back. When she felt soft breasts press lightly against her arm she figured it was Quinn impatiently checking on her alcohol fix. When a pair of glossed lips met the exposed base of her neck and the hand on her lower back trickled dangerously close to her backside Brittany was sure it wasn't Quinn.

"Thought we were getting out of here." A thick, lusty voice rasped suggestively into her ear.

Brittany immediately whirled around to face the bold woman and politely decline the extremely forward proposition. Her entire body stiffened, jaw slack and face contorted in utter horror. Brittany found herself face to face with the stranger from three nights ago. The blonde resisted the urge to scream when the woman's twinkling chocolate orbs turned to cold ash. Recognition clear in the dull, deadly gleam Brittany found.

"You're definitely not who I was expecting." The woman's cold glare caressed Brittany's figure. A tempting grin appeared all too suddenly upon the brunette's full lips. She invaded Brittany's personal space. The practiced suggestive lilt to her husky voice was extremely alluring. "My offer still stands."

Brittany's brows furrowed at the remark. Images of the brunette in the bathroom stall, pressed up against the wall, growling viciously at her, and moaning out obscenities shuffled rapidly through her brain. Brittany, in a bout of uncharacteristic anger, glowered at the brunette and shoved pass her. Disappearing within the crowd. It wasn't until Quinn was staring expectantly up at her that Brittany realized she'd forgotten their drinks. No way in hell was she chancing going back to the bar and running into the awful brunette yet again.

"Fair warning." The words were growled bursts of hot breath attacking the back of Brittany's neck. Snapping Brittany out of her reverie and back into Santana's spiteful reality. "Do not cross me."

"Trust me, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Brittany tugged forcefully at the door. Managing to escape down the hall and to the safety of her office without sparing a second glance. She sat in her cozy chair with her hands clenched tightly atop her desk. The nerve of that infuriating woman!

Rachel Berry, a young temp working as Brittany's personal secretary, popped her head into the door. "Good Morning, Ms. Pierce."

Brittany offered the young woman a gentle smile. Her gaze met Rachel's and she noticed, for the first time since the brunette started working for her, Rachel was missing her usual bright eyed expression. "Are you feeling alright, Rachel?"

"Y-yes, of course. Perfectly fine!" The young secretary entered Brittany's office with a forced smile. Lacking the usually rambunctious luster Rachel Berry was so well known for. "I simply wanted to inform you of your impending deadline in relation to the-"

"Rachel." It took all of Brittany's will power not to snarl. Electric blue eyes took in the coffee stained shirt her young secretary was currently wearing. The ruined fabric fit loosely on the petite brunette. The expensive looking article was designer, so obviously not Rachel's style, and painfully familiar. "What are you wearing?"

Big brown eyes trailed shyly away from Brittany. Rachel clutched the stack of papers in her hands, voice uncommonly small. "I had a little accident with my coffee this morning. Just clumsy old me."

"Did Santana take your shirt?"

"NO! Why would you…" Under the scrutiny of Brittany's stare, Rachel gave up the ruse and hung her head in shame. "Yes."

Brittany's dislike for Santana Lopez only seemed to grow.

Brittany entered her apartment with a heavy sigh. She set her purse down on the kitchen counter before plopping into her comfy couch. "Q? I'm home."

There was a muffled greeting from behind the closed bathroom door.

Brittany slumped further into the comfy couch. All the day's frustration seemed to slip away. "You'll never guess who my new boss is."

Quinn exited the bathroom, putting pretty dangly earrings on as she headed toward her bedroom. "Hot Bathroom Sex Brunette?"

"Yep." Brittany sighed and flipped on the television.

Quinn popped her head out of her bedroom, brow arched. "You're kidding me."


Quinn walked over to her roommate and held up two different outfits. The first was a simple, classy, strapless black dress cut to mid thigh. The second was a casual white dress with a gold trim around the waist. "Did she say anything?"

Brittany inspected the dresses briefly before pointing to the second outfit. "Only that she hates me and plans to make my life a living hell."

Hazel green eyes twinkled in obvious amusement. Quinn tossed the black dress at Brittany. "I think she has the hots for you."

"I sure hope not." Brittany held up the black dress inquisitively. "Why did you throw this at me?"

"Because we're going out tonight and I don't want to have to wait for you to pick out something to wear."

Half an hour later Brittany found herself with her arm looped through Quinn's as they headed for the entrance of a fancy looking restaurant.

"Are you trying to hook me up with the mysterious friend from college you never shut up about?"

"Why do you always assume I'm up to something?" Quinn shot Brittany a coy look, corners of her mouth upturned deviously. "I just want my two best friends to finally meet one another. Is that so bad?"

"Translation." Brittany shook her head lightly. Soft smile across her glossed lips. "You're trying to hook me up with your mysterious friend from college."

"You haven't been with anyone since you broke up with She Who Must Not Be Named, Britt." The shorter blonde stopped near the entrance. Gaze softening when she noticed the frown threatening Brittany's lips. Quinn moved to stand in front of the other woman, voice soothing. "You're gorgeous, talented, and really sweet. And my 'mysterious college friend' needs more in her life than a string of nameless flings. Will you humor me and give her a chance?"

Brittany entertained the idea with a playful smile. "If she's half as gorgeous as you've been gushing about…"

Quinn smiled widely. Grabbing Brittany by the hand and leading her through the entrance. "San is great, a bit of a handful sometimes, but she's a great friend and totally your type."

"If you say so I'm sure I'll love her." She offered Quinn a bright smile as they made their way to a table in the center of the crowded room. She took in the lone brunette sitting at the table with her back facing them. Without even seeing her face Brittany could tell Quinn's mysterious friend from college had to be beautiful based upon the many appreciative gazes that were settled in the brunette's direction. Brittany could also tell by the way the brunette was errantly flipping through her menu that she knew people were staring. She knew why they were staring. And she didn't have a care in the world. The confidence rolling off of the woman was palatable and it sent a trickle of excitement running down Brittany's spine.

They rounded the table and took their seats across from the brunette. Quinn's mysterious friend from college set her menu down to look up at them a split second before Brittany recognized her and Quinn said her full name aloud. "I hope you weren't waiting long, Santana."

There was a moment of eerie silence in which Santana and Brittany gaped at one another.

"You're the mysterious friend from college!" Tumbled from Brittany's mouth just as Santana growled out. "What the fuck are you doing here!"

"Wait." Quinn stared, dumbfounded, at her two closest friends. "You two know one another?" It took all of two seconds for Quinn to piece it all together. "Oh my god! You," Quinn gestured at Santana. "Are Hot Bathroom Sex Brunette and you," She turned her gaze to Brittany. "Are Pretty Blonde Pervert."

"What?" Both Brittany and Santana hissed at the mention of the colorful nicknames.

Quinn laughed loudly. "It's like out of some horrible romantic comedy."

"I have a headache." Brittany mumbled when the thought of her and Santana doing anything related to romance entered her mind.

"Shut up, Fabray." The brunette scowled at her long time friend. A hot flush coating her tanned cheeks.

Quinn was laughing so hard she could feel tears prickling at the edges of her eyes. "I'll be right back. I have to fix my make up."

Brittany stared frantically at the other blonde. "Q, don't leave me with-"

Quinn rolled her eyes as she stood. She tossed Santana a pointed stare before leaving the two women alone. "Be nice to Brittany."

"I'll get straight to the point." The murderous gleam in her chocolate colored eyes held no room for protest. "You break her heart and I'll break you."

Brittany's brows furrowed at the statement. "Quinn and I aren't together."

"Cut the crap, Blondie. I know you're the secret lady lover she's been refusing to tell me about. Quinn hasn't had that stupid love struck expression on her face every time she gets a mysterious phone call since she dated the star quarterback on our college football team."

"I don't even know what you're talking about. Quinn is my roommate and we're just friends. Best friends. Plus," Brittany shot the brunette a smug look. "If she was seeing someone she'd tell me."

When Quinn returned from reapplying her make up she found her two friends gazing intensely at one another. Faces a bare inch apart. Cheeks flushed. The moment was thick with tension and Quinn grinned. She knew they would hit it off.