Author's note: here it is the next chapter, I'm sorry for taking too much time in writing it, it's just I suffer of procrastination and that's why it took so much, that and some other personal things and another project I'm working in with my brother but here it is.

Please leave a review

I don't own assassins creed or familiar of zero

Chapter 3 : death and rebirth (part2)


"Ghhgh where am I? Didn't I sacrifice myself to save earth?" Desmond said. He got up and looked at his surroundings; he couldn't see a thing because there was a big cloud of smoke surrounding him.

"Is this the afterlife?" he thought, but suddenly a burst of wind came out of nowhere and cleared the area. That's when he noticed that he was not in the cave of the first any longer; he was now in a green open field, on a sunny day with what looked like to be a castle in the surrounding area. But that wasn't what it took Desmond off guard, nor did the fact that there were some children dressed up as Harry Potter rejects surrounding him or some weird creatures close to said children, no, what it took Desmond attention was that he wasn't the only assassin in the place. There were other four with him, all of them pointing their guns at each other's and him, of course, he too unsheathed his gun with one hand; a berretta.9, and with the other hand he had his hidden blade at the ready.

But then he noticed how they looked pretty similar to some people he knew too well "Altaïr, Ezio, Connor?!" he said trying to comprehend what these three legendary assassin's where doing here and alive of all things. "Could they be copycats?" He thought "But they look really similar to them, and there aren't any pictures of them in full assassin's outfit. How would anybody know how they looked?"

"Desmond?" the one looking liked Ezio addressed him.

"He knows me. Then… does that mean that he is Ezio?" but before he could ask him, he was interrupted by another of the assassins.

"Humph, I don't know any of you. I don't like being in the middle of a situation like this without my mates." the other man said while pointing his two flintlocks at them.

"This guy has quite the strong Irish accent" was the only thought Desmond was thinking.

"It looks like you two lads know each other, mind presenting me?" the man kept saying with a little mock in his tone.

"I don't like his tone" he alongside with Ezio pointed their guns at him. And Ezio replied "depends" with a calm voice.

"Depends what?" the man retorted, also with the same smoothness.

"Depends whether you're a friend or foe." Ezio said with a stern tone while intensively analyzing the man in front of him.

"I could ask you the same question mate." the man answered him with a big smile and a friendly tone.

"From what I can see all of you are carrying the mark of the order on you" the man looking like Altair said calmly and without emotion in his tone "And all of you have the robes and the hidden blades on you" he took a moment to take a look at all of them without lowering his own weapons and continued "then I could say that all of you are assassins of the order" they all gave him a nod in reply. "Although I don't have a problem with being among fellow brothers, I do have a problem with being kidnapped from an impenetrable safe room, forced to wear my old uniform, get dumped in a field full with children, and although I don't have much of a problem with the fact that for some reason I was rejuvenated at least six decades, it is still rather distressing. But also being left stranded here with some others assassins with some odd variations of the order robes for no apparent reason, is enough for me for having suspicions" he said with a pretty even voice, getting some stares from the others "I do hope you don't take this bad but I don't trust any of you." he finished.

"No problem, that's exactly the same thing that is happening to me. One moment I was dying in the floor, inside my own home and the other I found myself in here" the man with the flint locks said.

"Me too" said the guy looking like Connor.

"The same" Desmond and Ezio said at the same time

"Well it looks like all of us were kidnapped at the time of our deaths and also rejuvenated" said Altaïr with some confusion

"Ermm I didn't" Desmond said with some hesitation.

"Huh? You weren't kidnapped at the time of your death? "Asked Altaïr.

"No, I was kidnapped at the time of my death only that I didn't get rejuvenated"

"Hum… interesting. Why's that mate?" the man with the flintlocks said

"Errrr…? Excuse me" a bald man with glasses said in French "could you please lower all of you your guns your scaring the-"


But before he could finish, the man with the flintlocks without turning around pointed one of his pistols to the bald man face "or not..? I'll come back later when you're all calm" said the bespectacled man with some fear in his voice and proceed to retreat back in front of the children without taking his eyes of the five men in white.


Some minutes earlier

Louise was having many things running through her head while watching the situation unfold. "Why did I get some commoners as my familiars? What are they talking so much? ¿in what language are they speaking? It doesn't sound halkenian why are they wearing that white uniform? And mostly of all, why are they all threatening each other?" little Louise could not comprehend why the familiars that she, with so much work, managed to summon where trying to kill each other.

"I'm going to stop this, students don't follow me" professor Colbert said to Louise classmates and stared walking to his familiars "yes I'm pretty sure that professor Colbert is going to force my familiars to stop this nonsense and started obeying me"

Louise started getting excited, for once she could reign control over her familiars she could brag about them to all her classmates that mocked her for not being a good mage, now she could brag about being a true mage and manage to summon many familiars, although her familiars were commoners, she manage to summon five were everyone else only manage to summon one and that alone was a merit.

But quickly her dreams were shattered when one of her familiars pointed his pistol to the professor "how dare he raise his hand against a noble, once the professor punishes him, I shall put him in his plac- wait? why is the professor coming back?"

The professor approached the students and said "it looks they don't want to cooperate" said the professor with a little fear and suspicion in his voice

"¿then what are you going to do?" asked Louise with some fear and irritation

"Me...Nothing" said de bespectacled man

what!" screamed Louise with some shock and anger in her voice

"Yes nothing" answered the bespectacled professor

"Why?" asked the pinkette with confusion in her voice

"Because they are all armed, and while I know that I could defeat them all, there's the risk of you all getting hurt in the crossfire" said while continuing assessing the situation

"Then what do we do?"

"We wait"

"You know that wasn't necessary?" Desmond said to the blond man.

"I know, but he was changing the subject and that was the fastest way for him to leave" the man said defending himself "now could you please continue with what you were saying?"

"Yes well, as I was saying, I didn't get rejuvenated because this is how I looked at the time of my death." Continued Desmond

"Then mate, you died too young" said whit a small grin the blond man

"But still, why do all of us get saved from death? And why do we become young once again?" Ezio said thinking in the implications

"What is weird is what you three are doing here?" Desmond said while pointing his gun towards Ezio and Altaïr "you 2 are supposed to be dead"

"That's what we were discussing" Altaïr said to Desmond "but how do you know me, I have never see you before?"

"Ahh…! That's because I am your descendant Altaïr, and hidden in my… blood lies your memories as my ancestor, so does him (pointing Ezio) and him (pointing Connor) you three are my ancestors. And him (pointing Edward) I do not know who you are "he said while looking at Edward with some confusion in his voice

"Yes I think that presentations are in order" Altaïr said to all of them. He lowered and sheathed his guns and then he took his hood down "my name is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad ¿and you are?" All of them sheathed their guns and also lowered their hoods "my name is Desmond miles" Ezio came closer to Altaïr "wait ¿you really are the great mentor of the order Altaïr?" asked Ezio "Yes, I am" "incredible I can't believe¡" "believed or not it's true" "I mean I saw your body with my own eyes in the library of Masyaf "really?" "Yes" said Ezio with awe and excitement. "It's true what you said Desmond" said Connor "you truly are Altaïr descendant the similarity is huge and also with Ezio" "Now that you mentioned, he truly looks like me and you. What a coincidence don't you think it ermm…"said Altaïr while looking at Ezio "its Ezio, great mentor. Ezio Auditore da Firenze" "well Ezio, it's a pleasure to meet you" "the pleasure its mine great mentor" "call me Altaïr Ezio, there's no reason to be so formal" "y-yes as you wish grea-I mean Altaïr" " jejeje that's better and you are (pointing Connor)" "My name great Altaïr is Connor Ratonhnhaké:ton" said Connor with a little bow "hum I don't know how to pronounce that" "neither do I" Altaïr and Ezio said "Well I also go with another name, easier to pronounce than my name" said Connor with a little irritation "its Kenway. Connor Kenway" "Did you just said Kenway" perked Edward "Yes that is my family last name" said with some confusion Connor" "Well what a coincidence that is also my last name" said Edward with a big toothy grin "really?" asked Connor "yes my name is Edward James Kenway at your service" he said with a big bow. taking a step back Connor said while stammering "E-Edward K-Kenway" "a have you hear of old me" said Edward with amusement in his voice "y-yes" "aha who told me of me" "my f-father he said he knew you" "ahh he knew me hum I don't remember another Kenway unles… unless you're talking of-" "Haytham. Haytham Kenway was my father" "then… then that's men that…that you are my… that you are…you are…my…m-my grandchild…well what you're waiting for come hear and give your grandfather a hug" Edward was saying while taking Connor in a big bear hug "I can't believe I have a grandchild I am a grandfather "said well you know who with a lot of happiness and a little tears in his eyes" "Ermm… congratulations… I think" said Ezio" "I'm so happy because that's mean that my family escape and lived more than I… wait a second you said was" said Edward with a complete change of attitude from happy to suspicions "you said Haytham Kenway was my father why did you said was, what happen to my son" asked Edward with a little fear in his voice "well he's …dead" "dead what do you mean with dead what happened to him" "i-I killed him" "what…Why" said Edward with some shock "because he was the great master" answered Connor "and what does that have to do with killing him" this question didn't came from Edward instead came from Ezio " because he was the great master! of the Templar order¡" ….. "oh I see" said Altaïr while taking his hand to his chin "and since you are wearing the robes then I see how that could happened" "yes, grandfather my father was a traitor to the order and was the main cause of the dead of almost all members in the colonies and also was a great threat to the people. I-I tried many times to make him leave the Templars but in the end he dint leave no choice I had to kill him" "I hope you understand" said Connor to Edward who the latter was still with some shock and some tears falling through his face Altair took a step forward and put his hand in Edward elbow "I know how you feel I also have lost someone important to me in the past but I asked you to forget it for now, we are in the middle of a weird situation and we must figure out so please forget it and grief for you son latter please" Edward didn't said anything at first but he then proceed to clean his face "yes I'll mourn him latter…What do we do" he said with some renown energy but with less happiness in his voice "I suggest to return to our original positions and see what happen and hear what they said, I don't think they can't understand us" said Ezio while pulling up his hood and unsheathing his weapons "Yes, lets us tried that" said Desmond while doing the same alongside the others. Once they all had their hoods up and their weapons draw they once again point their weapons to each other's "And now we wait" reaffirm Altaïr to his now brothers in arms.


Louise was having a hard time trying to understand his supposed new familiars

"what's wrong with them, one minute they are threatening each other, then the other they suddenly became friends salute each other's speaks one to another, then they became sad and star crying, only to then go back to threaten each other's again" said with exasperation dripping from her voice the she proceed to pull off her hair "what's wrong whit this crazy commoners" she couldn't accepted no more of this-this circus she had enough with this nobody can insulted a Vallerie and live to tell the tale if the professor was no going to stops this madness (this isn't madness Louise This is ESPART- I mean THIS IS THE ORDERRRR. Sorry dear readers I couldn't control myself; D sorry going back with the story that you so much have being waiting for) I must stop this before my classmates start mocking-"

"hey Louise you don't only failed at summoning a magic creature but also you can't make them obey you what a surprise, actually it isn't a surprise at all for a zero jajaja" said one much taller and more tanner and umm…developed female red headed classmate of Louise. The name of this girl was Kirche von Zerbst she came from the neighbor country of Germania and was also the heir of the Zerbst family which is one of the most powerful of the Germanian noble families. Also, they had their state just outside the borders of Tristain, and also in the same border of the side of Tristain is located the state of the vallerie family, Louise family so every time both country's went to war with each other's they were the first to battle. So there's been always a great level of animosity between both families. and also because the Zerbst family has a great tendency of … persuading Vallerie's suitor to instead of a vallerie marrying or a vallerie suitor marries someone of the vallerie family they instead end up marrying someone of the Zerbst family so of course the vallerie family didn't like that so in the end the both families' hate each other's like cats and dogs which make the insults more hurtful and humiliating that they were because she was a Zerbst a more well …developed than herself and also better mage than her, so yes she hate her

"yes zero why don't you control you're familiars" "I bet she doesn't know how to" doesn't surprise me" "once a zero always a zero" her classmate's where once again mocking her which a every person with common sense wouldn't do because as she fails at every spell let's remember that once her spells fails a big explosion follows and one of those is enough to kill any normal person, so it's better not to enrage a person with a rocket launcher of arm. Not mention it that she is one of the descendant of the second most powerful families in the country and one of the most powerful of the continent only being surpass by rank by the royal family but not with much because the Vallerie's are the descendants of a bastard of the royal family so if they were grownups or people with common sense they should not piss off a family that could easily destroy yours. But hey, they are teenagers better known to not having common sense people.

"That's it I'm going to kill them and show them to don't make a joke out of me" she thought "fireba-"

"Spell" a blue haired girl surprisingly smaller than Louise said in almost a whisper to the professor

"I'm sorry Tabitha ¿spell? ¿what spell?" said with confusion the bald man to the now identified Tabitha

"Translation spell" said again as quieter as the first time with absolutely no emotion in his voice or face.

"Oh are you saying that you know a spell that could let us understand them" said the bald man with some amazement considering that such spell was rarely used and of a high category that nobody ever bother to learn.

His only answer was a little nod of her head "very well cast it but be careful we don't know what could happen" again with a little nod of her head was everything he got before the little girls started casting her spell.

"umm yes now that Tabitha will let us understand them I can say them who I am an then they will notice that I am a noble but I am also theirs master so they will have no choice but to obey me. Perfect just wait till I grant them their punishment for making me look like a fool in front of this low nobles" pondered Louise inside her little head so she could be ready for the time that Tabitha cast her spell on them.


"What do you think of this place" asked Altaïr.

"Well it looks like a castle full with little lads" said Edward with curiosity.

"An orphanage maybe" asked Desmond.

"I'm not sure they're wearing good clothes and the way they stand it says you're not worthy of my time so their definitely nobleborns" said Ezio

"So, a school perhaps" said Desmond

"Possibly. And judging what their speaking I could say that we are somewhere in France or some of its colonies… although looking at that castle we are in France where I don't know never been there" said Connor

"Me neither. Anybody?" asked Altaïr

"no" "sorry" "yes but I was always in the big city's never in the country side" said Desmond "and you Ezio" "yes but as you I was only there once when I was but a child and I can't remember really well.

"No problem mate, so we are somewhere in the old region of Gaul feeling good being here mate" Edward asked Ezio with a hint of amusement

"Why would I been feeling good" "ahh well wasn't your people the ones who invade this region" "for your information the roman empire left the region of Gallia to their own devise a long time ago" "so that's how you pronounce it in Latin, hum either way we are stranded here"

"Taking history lessons aside I said we talk about the big elephant in the room or in this case THE BIG FUCKING BLUE DRAGOON IN THE CORNER" yelled Desmond

"so you also see it, I was starting to think I had too much rum" said Edward "well… maybe we are back in time to somewhere in early middle ages"

"I would remember dragons or at least dragon esqueletons been around when I was around" Altaïr said with some sarcasm

"Dragons aren't real they're a myth" "well so do are ancients civilization that preceded us" "mmm… touché" said Edward to Desmond.

"Either way it is disturbing" "maybe we are in the future and Scientifics manage to create them" "can they really do things like that in the future Desmond?" Ezio asked "well not in my future, maybe more in the future" "that's incredible my friend Leonardo would be amazed by that prospect"

"Were being sidetracking we must focus at the task at hand and discus our lives latter" Altaïr said with a lot of authority

"You're right great mentor we should focus more" Ezio said

"I said we should grab one of this children's at gun point and then ask for answers" Edward said

"No doing so would be against our tenets stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent" repressed Altaïr

"Can't we negotiate" asked Connor

" I prefer to negotiate in higher ground" said Edward

"well maybe we coul… hey what is that child doing" just as Desmond was talking a little blue haired girl with some type of wooden staff way bigger than her had walked behind them without anyone noticing a great feat considering their statuses as great assassins of the past-er-future and then from her staff a light started shining, and then the light leave the staff and flow to them with surprisingly high speed but luckily for our heroes they manage to come to senses and all of them jump out of the strange ball of light just as it crash in the middle of their last position not before the ball explode in tiny little fragments that flew to all of them making them sneeze at it.

"What in the seven hell's was that" yelled Edward with anger and suspicious

"*cough* I don't know probably it was some type of-"but before he had finish a strange girl with pink hair of all thins yelled "¡hey I understand that!"

"Merde, quick plan B!" yelled Ezio and all of them in less than two seconds run to the noble children's and each one grab one while at the same time placing theirs swords or hidden blades or a tomahawk in their necks one of this children's was in fact the little pink haired girl that had just yelled at them.

Following their actions the bald man quickly put his remaining students behind him while pointing his staff at them gone was his goofy smile and his caring eyes now it was like looking another man in front of them he had a stone cold face with a calculating set of eyes watching their every moments of the mans dressed in white.

"Looking like we can now communicate in both ends without problems" said Altaïr

"Yes, what do you want" said the bald man without a hint of emotion in his voice

"Only we would like to get some answers and make some minor demands" finished Altaïr

"Told you so mate" said Edward with a smirk while pointing his gun to a pretty curly blond haired girl "negotiation in higher ground is better than negotiation in lower ground"

"Not now Edward" Ezio said with stoic voice

" hum suit yourself".

Please Review it helps to make this story better

Author notes:

Yes as I said before I do a lot of procrastination but I will try to publish more chapter of this story as regular as possible. In other note I would kindly asked in your opinion in if I should make another crossover of familiar of zero with star wars in which Louise summons a Jedi battle master and teaches her the way of the Jedi, what do you think is it a story you might read please tell me in the comments

Bye see you possible if I can in a week or two.