
Petunia had never been more shocked in her entire life. A small toddler, roughly one, was staring back at her. His bright green eyes, her sister's eyes, stared back at her. Black, messy, hair was just like her sister's husband, James. How could this toddler be sitting on her porch?

The boy giggled, and a black tail swished behind him. As Petunia watched in horror, the boy seemed to slowly be replaced by a puppy-like wolf, which bounded into her house on Privet Drive.

Petunia knew this boy had to have some magic in him. How else was she to explain this? The boy clearly had just turned into a wolf!

Looking down, she saw a letter. The letter was addressed to her, which gave her even more of a jump. It was clearly signed by a man called Dumbledore, which scared her even more. Albus Dumbledore was someone her sister would know.

Picking up the letter, she read quietly, refusing to cry. Her sister had died? Lily, the only sibling Petunia ever had, had died? James had too? How could this be? Her sister wasn't the one to get into the trouble of sorts, and neither was James when it came down to life or death. So how could this be?

"Mommy!" screamed Dudley from his high chair. He was clearly scared of something.

Petunia rushed to the kitchen, and saw the boy again, clearly giggling madly at the appliances. "What does this do?" the boy kept on asking quietly, pointing to the coffee maker.

"Harry?" asked Petunia slowly, knowing his name from a letter Lily had sent a while back.

The boy looked up again, clearly confused, his bright green eyes seemed to be glowing. At first, the glowing scared Petunia. But, she soon saw the friendly look in his eyes.

"Petunia!" the boy giggled again, clearly knowing her name. Petunia's heart accelerated, Lily had taught this boy her name!

"Sit," she ordered gently, and Harry obeyed her.

Dudley quickly stopped crying. He looked from his mother to his cousin, over and over again, clearly not understanding the intelligence Harry had.

"Petunia, you're nice," the boy whispered gently, making Petunia almost have a heart attack. She, who had been clearly been mean to her sister, was being called nice by Lily's son!

Petunia sat on the floor slowly, not wanting to disturb the boy at all. She gently hugged the boy, tears streaming down her face. This boy, who was clearly a small child, and magical, was now hers to look after. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of a new life for her.