Disclaimer: I do not own HP, JKR does

A/N: All credits of support go to all of you, because without all of you, this FF would have stayed in my mind forever. So I give all of you my personal thanks for following and being supportive, it means a lot to me. This is an add-on to Harry's third year, the fourth chapter of his third year, and the final chapter of this part of the FF story.

Harry gazed in wonder at his new home. No longer was he living with the abusive Vernon and Dudley, and the depressed Petunia; the Dursleys could go and live their happy lives, or try to, at least. No, he now belonged to a different family, the Black family, but to be more specific, Sirius Black.

If you had told Harry Sirius would have been proved of innocence and he actually didn't do anything a few months earlier, Harry would have laughed and asked if it was a disturbing joke. But now, Harry did not know if the whole predicament was a dream or not.

Ginny had wished him the best of luck, and he promised to send Hedwig with letters to her often. Hermione was going off to the Burrow as soon as possible, and Ron had invited the both of them and Sirius to the upcoming Quidditch World Cup.

Luna was a different story. She had also been invited, and she agreed. The pack had only found out at the end of the third year her father had been killed, and she was currently living in her house, but not by herself. She had 'bought' several house elves, and thestrals were her best friends, but not as good as the pack.

Overall, the first three years of Harry's education at Hogwarts had been very eventful for an almost fourteen year old boy. He had made friends and enemies along the way, but also found out quite a few things from others.

He had found out about the Order of the Phoenix, which was a great example. But if one thing he was sure of, if Voldemort ever did return, Harry wasn't going down without a fight.

And fight he shall.