Drunken Impact ~

"I don't want to go," Sasuke muttered into his fluffy pillow. His best friend stood at the doorway, a large smile beaming from his face when he came to visit Sasuke at eleven-thirty at night to ask him an important question - well important to him at least.

"Why not?" Naruto wondered as he made his way over to the king sized bed that sat in the middle of the overly sized room. "It'll be fun," Naruto crawled on the bed and laid next to Sasuke whom peeked from underneath the pillow.

"The last time we went to one of Sakura's 'fun' parties, we ended up sitting in the corner of the room while girls tried to get with me." Sasuke groaned as he covered his face again.

"So. What's wrong with screwing around sometimes?" Naruto asked, reaching for the pillow and grabbing it roughly, pulling it from Sasuke's face.

Sasuke grimaced at Naruto, "Because you idiot! I'm not interested in Sakura and Ino, they can go screw each other for all I care!" Sasuke sat up and combed through his tangled ebony hair. Naruto stared at him for a bit until he let out an aggravated sigh.

"Well come for me then," Naruto said as he too sat up, Sasuke raised his brow.

"Come for you? Are you serious, I don't even want you in my house!" Sasuke growled as he rolled off the bed, Naruto followed a long, a pout on his lip.

"Sasuke, stop being a big baby and just go!" They both turned to the humorous voice coming from the doorway, Sasuke's older brother Itachi smirked at both Sasuke and Naruto.

"Fine! Just let me change into something not fuckable!" Sasuke said, annoyed by both his brother and Naruto.

Naruto headed for the door, "Sasuke, you can wear sweats and an ugly stained shirt and you'll still be fuckable," He winked at Sasuke who frowned.

"Maybe I'll wear all black, I'll blend into the darkness," Sasuke said to himself.

Naruto closed Sasuke's bedroom door and leaned himself against the wall, pulling out his cellphone and phoning Sakura. The dial tone went on for a few seconds until a drunken Sakura answered, slurring in all.

"Heellloo~ Is this the piizzaaa guy?" Sakura giggled while music pounded in the back ground.

Naruto rolled his eyes and stared at his simple orange t-shirt, "I got Sasuke to come, do you guys still have the forty?"

"Naru.. We have a lot of alcohol. Shika went and got more... Now he's making out with Inno!" Sakura once more giggled as she yelled for the two drunken love birds to get a room.

Naruto smiled at the thought of a lot more alcohol, "Sasuke and I well be there in fifteen minutes."

"Alright Naru.. Just make sure he doesn't leave until I fucked him.." She laughed louder, Naruto had to pull the phone away from his ear as he let out a sigh.

"No one is going to fuck Sasuke, except me if I ever get his pants off," Naruto chuckled while he heard Sakura scoff over the phone.

"He ain't going to get that drunk for you to fuck him, but I'll get a closet ready for the both of you," She laughed and hung up. Naruto sighed and placed the phone into his pocket and waited for Sasuke to come out.

When he didn't come out in the next five minutes, Naruto knocked on the door, when there was no answer he opened it up and found Sasuke all dressed and lying on his bed, hugging his pillow.

Naruto rolled his eyes and slapped Sasuke on the ass, Sasuke winced as he turned his head and glared at a smirking Naruto. "Fuck off!"

"I got a hold of Sakura, Ino's busy with Shikamaru so there's one chick off your list. Also they got more alcohol," Naruto smiled warmly, mostly at the thought of alcohol and getting fucked up.

Sasuke stood up and sighed, "Fine. Let's go. I better not be in bed with Sakura when I wake up," He growled his warning at Naruto who simply chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry Sasuke, you'll be sleeping with me tonight," Naruto felt confident about that, even though Sasuke didn't bother saying anything as they both left Sasuke's bedroom, before they left the house Sasuke told Itachi he'll be back later, even though his older brother was on the couch watching movies with Kisame, not exactly caring when Sasuke will be back.

Naruto led Sasuke outside to his truck where they both got in, Sasuke regretting the decision to leave his bed to get drunk with people who he barely knew.

"You better not piss me off tonight," Sasuke growled at Naruto who started the engine and began to move down the street.

"I'm not going to piss you off, you'll be worried about something else entirely," Naruto said cryptically, his smile threw off Sasuke's patients.

"I'm serious Naruto. When you drink, you piss off a lot of people and things don't exactly go right when you can't sit still," Sasuke tried to relax but the last time they ever got drunk was that Naruto has this stupid impulse to walk, and when he walks, he walks far and randomly.

"Promise I won't get that drunk and I'll keep my cellphone on me. Just do me a favor," Naruto said, his smile vanished as he glanced at Sasuke who had his head leaned against the glass.

"And what would that be?" Sasuke asked a bit calmer.

"Don't go fucking anyone unless I say so," Naruto grit his teeth as he stared at the street ahead, the dark sky and the hollow streets didn't comfort him in the least.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "What are you, my conscious?"

They both knew something about each other, something that was quite obvious to each other and to everyone else. They just didn't get the time to talk it out. Maybe talking it out isn't a good thing.



To Be Continued.

[Authors Notes]

I wrote a Naruto Fic before, but I erased it. :\ It was about a drunken party and my OC. LOL.

Anyway, I wanted to write something about Sasuke/Naruto. Since I actually enjoy the pair. Without the whole revenge and intense friendship thing.

So enjoy.

Reviews are appreciated. No flames or bashing please.