30 Drabbles, 30 Days

Hi, this is Gingehfish! Since I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month and didn't want to leave my followers without anything to read, I will be uploading a drabble I have prewritten every day for the entirety of April.

My definition of a drabble is 'a story less than a thousand words, often with little to no plot', though there's one drabble I'll be posting here that exceeds that limit for reasons that will be explained when I get to it.

Most of the ideas came to me in a moment and I wrote them down right then and there, but some have been lingering in my mind for a long time while I tried to figure out how to give it an actual plot to stretch it out into a oneshot. Then this opportunity arose, and it didn't have to be a long story.

Most of these drabbles will be in the fandom of the How To Train Your Dragon movie because I have watched that movie sooooo many times, so apologize to those who don't like/haven't seen that movie. Still, a good few are from Warriors, and then there are the scattered ones throughout that don't have any friends. XD

Well... enjoy my drabbles, I hope!

Title: Pride

Word count: 226

Fandom: Warriors

Summary: Cloudtail will never admit that he believes in StarClan.

Notes: I've had this one stewing around in my brain for an awfully long time. I mean-how could Cloudtail not believe in StarClan? He's seen Firestar die and come back to life! He fought in the Dark Forest War! Then I realized: he must believe they exist...but he's denied it for so long that he can't admit it without losing his pride.

Cloudtail had thought througout his entire life that StarClan didn't exist. Their "warrior ancestors" were just tales for kits and apprentices, told by elders and queens and leaders who wanted to scare their cats into obedience. He was above such nonsense, even though no one else, even Brightheart, seemed to realize it.

Even though everyone else in the Clans believed that dead cats were stars and watched down on their descendants, Cloudtail held firm. No matter how many moons passed, he still scoffed at the idea. The other cats finally gave up trying to make him believed and let him be in peace, for which he was grateful.

But when a great threat arose, Cloudtail couldn't deny it any longer. The spirits of the dead did live on in the stars. Even the evil spirits were preserved, though in a dark and gloomy nightmarish forest. He was shocked and stunned as he saw warriors of StarClan fighting alongside the Clans against more dead cats, these evil, and finally had to admit to himselfthat he had been wrong all along, and that StarClan was real.

Other cats tried to make him admit it, trying to make him apologize, but still Cloudtail refused, dodging the question or flat-out lying. Though deep down he knew they were right, he did have his pride, after all.