All the Baby Bella's don't satisfy me. They're not written as well as I'd hoped.

I look up at the sky, my eyes are tearing up. The moon looks down, its eye twinkling and mocking me. Though the moon is out, it's dark and the stars have hidden themselves behind gloomy clouds. I see the flashing images in the stars, blurry and uncertain imagines of Edward and someonelse, though their face is jagged and rough. I release a deep breath, frustrated. Jasper sees this, and raised a pale comforting hand to my arm.

"What is it, Alice?" He whispers, nuzzling my neck. It instantly comforts me; I shiver, sinking into his embrace.

"Something is coming," I say, gripping his hand. "I cannot see well. Just Edward and a girl, then a baby." I throw out a grunt of deep irritation when I relise how blind I am in this vision - it's all foggy - as if through a dirty lens.

"Don't worry," he mummers, one naughty hand travelling up my thigh. I grip the balcony.

"Jasper!" I giggle, momentarily distracted.

As Jasper distracts me, the thought is lost, but I know it will arise again; I can feel - I just hope it's worth it.