This is the undead writer speaking.

I have been wanting to do this crossover for a while now ever since I saw "The rise of the guardians" and played around with the idea in my head. Since I love both movies and having an account on this website, I couldn't resist writing a small story. It won't be a long one however. It will probably at most 6 chapters long with this being the first one. I have a couple ideas for a sequels but it depends if I will use them or not.

I do not own "The Avengers" or "Rise of the Guardians"

There came a day when a group of special individuals had to come together to face a threat so strong that no single super-hero could face alone and that day was yesterday when citizens of New York city was attacked by a group of beings far more advanced than the human society ever seen before.

It all started with light in the sky and a large wormhole opening up covering the entire sky. At first people did not know how to react to this change in events, they just stood there watching the large wormhole above them. They soon however learned something as several things could be seen coming out of the wormhole.

They were under attack.

The strange beings flew down towards the city below on their hovercrafts with only a single purpose racing through their tiny minds. Too destroy. Too kill. Too conquer this world in the name of their master. The all powerful one who created them, nurtured them, and gave them a purpose. They were not going to betray his trust and awaken his wrath. They were after all the Chitauri, proud warriors only loyal to their master's word.

Chaos broke out throughout the streets as the Chitauri swarmed throughout the city as a large swarm of killer bees with poisonous stinger that they were not afraid to use. As they noticed all the civilians bellow them, they readied their blasters and unclicked the safety as they advanced on their targets.

The people below had not time to react or comprehend the next set of events. Bolts of blue energy rained down towards them at the blink of an eye. Some were killed almost immediately and the Chitauri watched in glee as they saw their targets body's being vaporized into nothing but dust. Some were lucky and managed to jump out of the way only to hit by another bolt of blue energy and killed immediately. There was a few however that were lucky to survive and those few decided to do the most rational considering their situation.

They ran away from the massacre as fast as their legs could take them and as any hunter, the Chituari raced after them ready to accept the challenge with killer intent.

Throughout the city similar events were taking place. No one was safe from the alien invaders. There was nowhere to hide. Every minute that passed more and more people were killed and slaughtered. It didn't matter if it was a young child or an old man. The Chituari killed with no regard for the age of their victims. For them it was just another job. They had not been breed to feel emotion but to be killing machines.

As everyone ran throughout the city trying to avoid the alien invaders, one thought was on everyone's mind.

"Who was responsible for this disaster?"

The answer to that question was closer than anyone could imagine. At the top of the stark tower sat a strange machine. It wasn't the machine which was responsible however. It was its power source. The Tesseract. This cube radiating with energy was one of the most powerful objects in the world and the reason for the Chituaris arrival. They were there to collect it but at the moment their main objective was to terminate the city.

Loki, a fallen prince of Asgard, stood and watched all this with evil glee in his eyes. He might not look it but he was a terrific mastermind and manipulator. He was the one responsible for the Tesseracts current status. He was the one who had brought the Chituari to earth. Why was this you may ask? Simple. Loki wanted power and a kingdom to rule more than everything else and by aligning himself with the Chituari, he would get what he wanted as well as revenge on his blasted brother by conquering the realm he so loved and cared about.

Everything was going Lokis and the Chituaris way. Nothing could stop them and save the city. That's what Loki though about the situation anyway. Fortunately for humanity, there were a specific group of people who though different and this group was now present in the city and surprisingly keeping the Chituari in tow.

They were the avengers.

Throughout the air, the Chituari was chasing something flying with great speed and accuracy through the air. For them, it was just another useless insect waiting to be crushed into nonexistence. The people of earth knew better and cheered as they saw him. Before the Chituari knew what had hit them, their target turned around and released an energy beam their way killing the alien's immediately. Their target said a witty one-liner before he took off again higher into the air towards another group of Chituari soldiers. The target was a man but not just a normal man. He was wearing a very advanced suit which covered his entire body in red and yellow. The suit was carrying an array of different gadgets and weapons which were just ready to be used to blast the Chituari apart. This was no surprise as the man in question was Tony Stars AKA Iron Man.

In another part of the city, a legion of Chituari ground-troops was in very big trouble literally as in front of them was the biggest creature they had ever seen. It was green, it was enormous, and it was most of all angry. If the Chituari had any sense in their puny minds, they would have retreated the second they saw the terrible monster but they did exactly the opposite. They charged at the monster with their blasters ready for combat. This was the last mistake they ever managed to do as the monster plowed through them like they were nothing but insignificant flies. The green monster smashed, and smashed, and smashed, and smashed, and smashed until the only thing left of the Chituari were their broken bodies lying limply on the floor. The monster roared in victory before taking off. The Hulk had devastated yet another group of enemies which sought to hurt him.

Up above just at the entrance of the wormhole, was a strange and bizarre sight to behold. Dressed in mediaeval like armor and a cape to boot, was a muscular man looking up at the wormhole with determination. In his right hand was a large hammer which he was not afraid to use. The Chituari that just coming out of the worm hole was in for a world of pain as the man raised the hammer into the air and shouted "FOR MIDGARD" and with that the sky was filled with lightning. The sky got filled with dead Chituari raining onto the city. Thor, god of thunder and future king of Asgard, gave off a large battle cry as he threw his hammer at the few who had managed to avoid the lightning strikes.

On a street far below on the ground, a family of 2 parents and their 3 children was in big trouble. They were surrounded on all sides with Chituari approaching with weapons in hand. The children were frightened and scared. Their parents were equally as scared but did not dare to show their kids that in order not to frighten them anymore. As the Chituari fired their blasters, something jumped in between the family and the incoming blasts of energy. The Chituari looked up in confusion as they only things they saw was a round shield covering the family. It was then they noticed the man in patriotic colors but by then it was too late. The savior with surprising super human speed and agility with the shield in hand proceeded overwhelm the whole squad of Chiturai leaving them cripple and defeated. If one threatened a civilian on his watch, Captain America would surely give the penetrators the swift hand of justice.

Looking down on the chaos going on bellow from the top of a rooftop was yet another man. He didn't have any powers. He didn't have a fancy robotic suit or a mythical hammer. The only thing that he had and needed was a bow and a holster of arrows. All around him flew Chituari on their hovercrafts raining fire on those bellow. Taking out 6 arrows and firing all of them with almost not even looking at his targets, one would assume that they would all miss. The exact opposite happened. They all did hit their targets all hitting vital spots all over the Chituari organs. The archer, Hawkeye just smirked as he saw his enemies going down before focusing on another group of Chituaris.

Somewhere else near the entrance to stark tower, a group of Chituari was getting their asses handed to them. The alien invaders couldn't believe what they were seeing. A human female was effectively beating their comrades without any effort at all with just a handgun and couple of martial arts moves. The Chituari tried to surround the female and attack her all together but they failed horrible as they all ended up with a bullets plowing through their heads. It continued this way until the female was the only one left on the battlefield. Seeing as the way forward was home free, the Black Widow pressed on towards her target the top of Star tower.

These people of undeniable power and skill were the avengers and they were slowly but steadily pushing the Chituari back. It was evident which side was more effective. Even with all the odds against them, the avengers drove the Chituari back, defeated Loki, and closed the wormhole.

It was the Iron man who took the last step in winning the battle of New York. By picking up a large nuclear missile in the air (which was originally supposed to destroy the entire city because of the governments fear in the extension of the threat of the Chituari to the entire world), he flew through the wormhole and into the vast space beyond it. He almost died due to the harsh and cold winds of space but he managed to release the missile onto the Chituari mother ship hovering above him as he fell through the wormhole back down into New York as it closed after him and the mother ship exploding into a million pieces of debris.

The day had been saved thanks to the combined effort of the Avengers or was it?

Unknowingly there had been a second battle taking place in the area at the same time as the Chituari battled the avengers for control of the city. If one had looked carefully, one would have seen horsed made completely out of shadows wandering the street or the giant of a man in red, a small glowing boy, what looked like a humanoid rabbit, a sort of hybrid between a bird and human, or the teenage boy with bleached white hair flying throughout the air fighting these shadow creatures.

But no one did see this battle or the consequences of it. For some reason, not even the avengers or the Chituari noticed this going on around them. It was as if they weren't there at all. But the battle was taking place and the results from this battle would affect not only the wellbeing of New York but the whole planet.

Due to the intervention of the avengers and the power of the Tesseract, the avengers had won their battle for the city while another group had lost theirs.

The victor of this second battle which no one could see or hear was standing looking down at his hated enemies who all were lying unconscious and beaten on the ground before him just like they should be. He had finally done it. He had beaten the guardians. The world was open for him now to do anything he wanted. He was finally free. An evil grin appeared on his face as an idea popped up in his mind.

Looking down on his enemies again, he ordered his minions around him to take care of the guardians. The nightmarish horses followed their master's command and enveloped the 5 downed guardians in a black cloud of dark sand before disappearing into the sky with their captives.

He knew that killing the guardians was impossible and that was a fact. With children believing in them still all over the world, the guardians would soon awaken and regenerate. The only thing he could do was imprison them somewhere no would find them and make sure that the guardians were safely secured so that they would never be able to escape.

As the ways he could torture the guardians for eternity flew through his mind, his joker-like smile turned into a scowl. It hadn't really been him who defeated the guardians. Even if he wanted to take the glory, he knew he couldn't. It had been the avengers doing and if he ever meet them in the near future, He would thank them for their assistance from the depths of his dark heart before infusing their mind with the worst nightmare he could make up.

With the guardians in captivity and fear running high in the air, Pitch Black AKA The Bogeyman walked away with a smile on his face ready to do what he did best: spreading fear into the hearts of humans.

This chapter is mostly just a prolouge for things to come and I like how it turned out.

The undead writer signs off for now.