Note: I've taken quite a few liberties in the last stanza, I know. But I'm operating under the assumption that my OTP rights itself instead of tragically sinking beneath the frigid waves of pain and suffering.

With a puff of breath and crunch of leaves, the Assassin kept up pace

The Captain noted fatigue, but knew her stubborn ways

Turning off the path to empty her stomach, the Assassin clutched a tree

Her face betrayed her anger as she wiped her chin with a sleeve

Enjoying this? The Assassin snapped. Her ego had taken a blow

The Captain snapped right back and fiercely whispered, No.

She'd added too much sugar again, the Captain quietly observed

Perhaps her taste buds were damaged? Her sweet tooth wouldn't be curbed

Of course, this wasn't the first time he'd been horrified by the Assassin

It seemed she caught him off guard more times than he'd like to imagine

Care for a taste? The Assassin asked, the sweetness likely to rot

The Captain pursed his lips, and said, Absolutely not.

She tasted like candy, the Captain decided, her lips upon his own

The Assassin's nails raked down his back; in her eyes a hunger shone

The corridor was empty, for now, but the moment couldn't linger

The Captain harbored worry, but the Assassin preferred her danger

Time to go? The Assassin asked; their bodies twisted as within a net

The Captain wickedly grinned and replied, Not exactly yet.

The damage was extensive, though he thought no one could see

The Captain's heart was broken and his soul thoroughly cleaved

The daggers from her eyes are what cut at him the most

He wasn't dead from the Assassin's stares though he did feel rather close

The Assassin said to let her go, as if a simple endeavor

She looked at him with those empty eyes as the Captain choked out, Never

They say that time can bury demons, long since laid to rest

As the Captain paced his Silver Lake, the Assassin returned from her quest

Cloaked in responsibility, the Assassin had grown up

Her face was glowing resplendent as she embraced her golden pup

Do you still love me? The Assassin asked into his gentle kiss

The Captain whispered into her hair, My answer will always be yes