Author's Notes: This collection is made up of assorted, unrelated drabbles written during periods when I accept prompts on tumblr. They are of varying tone, rating, pairing, and quality, and were mostly done in a very impromptu manner. And they are likely to contain spoilers up to the most recent episode at any given time.


Hannibal/Abigail for elevenismyspiritanimal


He's apologized for the disfigurement. Whether he actually regrets doing it - or even regrets that they found themselves in a situation where he had to do it - is anyone's guess; Abigail wouldn't presume to understand enough about him to be able to tell whether his remorse was real or feigned.

Truth be told, the loss of an ear doesn't upset her as much as he seems to think it does. What does it matter, when she's hidden away where no one but him sees her? The occasions when he deems it safe for her to go outside with him - in the dead of night, with a gun in her pocket - aren't ones where a missing ear is likely to be noticed, and if (God forbid) she should ever run into someone who recognizes her, an ear would be the least of her worries.

But she doesn't tell him how little her ear matters. She pins her hair back to expose the place where it should be, tips her head just so when they're together so that the wound is visible, and if ever she senses that he's in a mood that could be dangerous to her (too often), she cups her hand over it as if it pains her.

Making herself seem delicate and helpless protects her. She would not give that power up on such foolish grounds as it being marginally dishonest.