Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update, I'm still trying to organize myself with everything! I'll do my best to update as soon as I can! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! Once again, thank you for every favorite, every follow and every comment!

For Kayla! Happy Birthday!

Someone was shaking her shoulder.

"Felicity, honey. Time to get up, time to catch a plane" Her mother whispered softly.

She opened her eyes slowly.


She smiled at her. "Hey. It's too early"

"Well, you're the one that decided to take the first plane to surprise your boyfriend" Her mother replied with a smile.

"How intelligent of me" She said sarcastically. She decided to take the plane before to surprise Oliver.

Anastasia laughed. "Very" And they both laughed. "Okay. You still have time, so get up slowly"

"Okay" And with that, her mother was crossing her door.

When she was alone in her room, Felicity turned around to the cold side of the bed. It sucks waking up alone in bed!

Felicity got up slowly and started getting changed. When she was ready, she went downstairs where a wonderful smell of coffee and her mom received her.

"Coffee?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, please" She replied with a smile.

They had breakfast in a comfortable silence. When they finished, they gathered Felicity's things in the trunk of Anastasia's car and before they got into the car, Felicity took a quick glance to the house where she grew up. Her mom was watching her from behind.

"You know you can always come here, right? I know you have a lot of work and that's why you can't come so often. But now you're sleeping with your boss, so now maybe he can give more days off"

Felicity turned quickly. "Mom!"

"What? It's true!"

Felicity laughed. "We'll see" She simply says. What she can't say to her mom is that it isn't Oliver Queen that has her working a lot, but the Arrow. Team Arrow. And she loves it!

They got into the car and Anastasia took her daughter to the airport. When they got there, Felicity made the line for check-in. And after some minutes, it was her turn.

"Ticket and passport, ma'am" Felicity handed them to the man in front of her. "Apparently you have been moved, Ms. Smoak"

Felicity rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, to first class?"

"That's right"

Oliver! "Okay"

"Okay, then. Have a good flight Ms. Smoak" The man said with a smile and handed her, her passport and ticket.

She then went to her mom.

"What is it?" Her mom asked.

"First class again" She said with a smile.

"The benefits of dating a billionaire" They both laughed at that.

While they got closer to Migrations, Felicity couldn't stop herself from reaching her mother's hand and squeezing it. She squeezed back. Felicity loved her life in Starling City, but she also loved her mother and missed her a lot.

Eventually they got to Migrations and Felicity turned to looked at her mother.

"Don't be sad, honey. Like I told you before, you can come anytime you want. Of course, you'll have to ask your boss/ boyfriend permission first"

Felicity laughed and hugged her. She couldn't stop the tears running down her face.

"And if you don't come to visit me soon again, let your billionaire boyfriend know that I would love to use his jet to go and visit my daughter" Anastasia said with a smile and Felicity couldn't stop laughing. That's my mother!

They hugged again. "I love you mom" Felicity said in her ear.

"Me too honey. Have a safe flight"

"Yeah" And with they parted.

Before Felicity passed the door to Migrations, she turned, and quickly waved to her mom.

She was seated comfortably in her huge first class seat, drinking a delicious champagne. She couldn't stop feeling sad and happy at the same time. She was happy because she was going to see Oliver again, the man she loved. The man she fell in love with. She still couldn't believe she told him.

When she arrived to Starling City airport, she took a taxi to Queen Consolidated. When she arrived, she was about to get into the elevator when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned around and saw the one and only, Thea Queen.

"Felicity!" She yelled and then she crushed into her arms. Felicity surprised from her massive hug, hugged her back.

"Thea, hey. What are you doing? Not that I hate seeing you, it's just strange, that's all! Can you please shut me up" Felicity said with a desperate face.

Thea laughed. "No, it's too cute. I actually came to see Oliver to ask him when you were coming back"


"We have a gala tonight at that the mansion, and wanted to go out shopping with you" She said with a huge smile.

"Me? Why me? I'm the latest person you would want to take shopping"

"Because you're my brother's girlfriend, if not more, if you know what I mean and I really like you. Besides, I want to know you better" Thea said with a huge smile.

What?! What did she mean?! "No, I don't know what you mean. And what did you mean with "if not more"?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's go upstairs" And with that they were entering the elevator and going to the last floor on Queen Consolidated.

They got to the last floor and exited the elevator.

"Ollie! Look who I found downstairs" Thea said.

Oliver turned when he heard Thea's voice and then his eyes stopped at Felicity.

"Felicity" he said. "What are you doing here? I thought you were arriving later and Dig would pick you up"

"I took the previous flight. I wanted to surprise you" She said with a smile.

A smile appeared on his lips too and walked towards her. He kissed her. "You sure did" He said.


"Aww! You're so cute!" They heard Thea saying.

"So, Speedy, what do you want?"

"First of all, don't call me Speedy and second, now that Felicity is here, I wanted to ask you if I can kidnap her for the afternoon to go shopping for tonight's gala?"

"What gala?" Felicity asked. She didn't know of any gala.

"Do you remember why I had to come early yesterday?"

"Yeah, the investors"

"Right. Well, they want to get more investors, invest in our cause, so they thought it would be a great idea to have a gala in the mansion"

"So, can I have her for the afternoon?" Thea asked getting anxious.

"Yes, but I think that Felicity would like to rest from the…"

"Good. That's all I needed to hear" Thea interrupted him and went to grabbed Felicity's arm and started pulling her towards the door.

"Thea, I…"

"I won't take no for an answer" She said with a serious face.

"Okay" Felicity replied. How could she tell her no when she looked so anxious to go shopping with her? She then turned her head quickly towards Oliver. "Text if you need anything" She shouted to him.

A couple of minutes later, Felicity and Thea found themselves in the lobby.

"So, how about we have lunch first?" Thea asked her.

"Okay, yeah" Felicity replied.

They went to a small restaurant around the corner of Queen Consolidated. They made their orders and they eat while Felicity told Thea how she spent the last few days with her mom and Oliver.

When they finished, they asked for the check. And before Felicity could ask Thea how much it was, Thea was taking her credit card and giving it to the waiter.

"Hey! I can pay, you know?" Thea just smiled. "What?"

"Ollie was right. You hate when people pay for your things"

"It depends. But most of the time, yes"

"Okay, let's do this then: This round in on me, the next one is on you. Okay?"

Felicity eyed her suspiciously. "Okay" She said.

When they were ready, they exited the restaurant and went into the glamorous and expensive side of the city. The side that had all the best and most expensive brands. The side where Felicity never went to shop, when she did. Besides, it wasn't her style.

They were about to enter a huge shop when Felicity stopped Thea.

"Thea wait"


"I can't…" But she was interrupted by Thea's phone ringing.

Thea checked who it was. "Hold on a sec. It's Ollie" She then answered her phone. "Hey Ollie. How's the boring life of a CEO going? Yeah, we already eat and we were about to enter the first shop… Really? Are you sure you think this through? Okay, if you say so. You're the boss. Okay, thanks. Bye" She then hung up and turned towards Felicity, smiling.

"What?" Felicity asked curious.

"What were you about to say?" Thea asked her.

"That I can't afford any of these places. And their aren't my type either"

Thea smiled. "Don't worry about that. Because this round is on Ollie" She said with a huge smile.


"He just call to tell me that he didn't had time to give me his card, so he says that I pay for everything and then he'll pay me back" Thea said with a huge smile.

"We're not going home that fast, are we?" Felicity asked with so little hope.

"No" Thea replied and grabbed her arm pulling her into the shop.

They where in the third shop they entered. Thea was trying her fifth dress in the shop and Felicity was seating at the side waiting for Thea to finish changing and then tell her, her opinion on the dress.

Now, Thea was trying on the third dress on the second shop.

"So, what do you think?" She asked Felicity.

"Sexy, you would drive Roy crazy with that one" Felicity replied honesty.

"I have to take it then" She laughed. "Are you gonna try at least one dress?"

"Yes, when I see one that I like" Felicity replied.

"You know, I discovered that shopping is not always about buying but trying on everything you find, everything that you would never put on, strange things, ugly things, funny things, everything and have a blast!" She then turned and grabbed the dress she tried before and gave it to Felicity. "So, you're going to try on that dress and we'll start having real fun. Come on" She said while she pushed Felicity towards the changer.


When Felicity finished changing, she exited the dresser and waited for Thea's reaction.

"So?" Felicity asked.

Thea started laughing really hard. "I'm sorry; it's just that dress is so ugly"

Felicity just stared at Thea, but after a couple of seconds, Felicity started laughing too. The dress was ugly and Thea's laughter was completely contagious.

"You know, you should meet Chloe, my best friend. She's just like you"

"Well, when she comes to visit you'll definitely have to introduce me" Thea said with a smile.

After some minutes, Thea and Felicity entered the changer and started changing into another dress. After some time, Felicity found herself having fun in a way she never thought she could.

After two hours passed where dressing up and charging batteries at Starbucks happened, Thea and Felicity were walking when Felicity stopped at a really small shop. There, in front of her, was a classy and simply green dress. Of course the color didn't go unnoticed to Felicity. She looked for the price although she knew Oliver would be paying it, because, let's be honest, when could Felicity convinced Oliver to not to pay something for. She found it. It was cheap. Her style: classic, simple and cheap.

"I think it's perfect" Thea said besides her. "Oliver won't be able to keep his hands from you" He already can't! "Come on" And with that, they where entering the small shop.

A tall woman approached them. "Good afternoon ladies, how can I help you?" She asked with a smile.

"Hi, she would like to try on the green dress on display, please" Thea said before Felicity could say anything.

"Of course. Let me look for it" She then left towards the back of the shop and returned a couple of minutes later with the dress on her hand. She hand it to Felicity. "All yours"

"Thank you" Felicity said with a smile and went into the changer.

"Wow! You look stunning Felicity" Thea said when Felicity exited the changer.

Felicity smiled. "Thank you"

"Ollie won't be able to wait to the finale of the gala to take you home" Felicity laughed. "No, really. Besides, he's totally in love with you"

Felicity swallowed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Don't be silly! Shoot"

"What did you mean, before, when you said if we weren't more than boyfriend/ girlfriend?"

"It's just so obvious! You look like you're more than that. For instance, you started living together since the day you got together"

"No. Why would you think that?" Felicity asked starting to get curious.

"Because he spent every night with you since day one, and that's something he never did before, not even with Laurel and this is so much different than that"

"Why?" Felicity asked, getting more curious by the second.

"Well, because he did it since day one, and that something he did for the first time and because when you where in Seattle he slept in your place" WHAT?! "And what's even stronger is that your place, he called it home" Thea said with a smile. "You're taking that dress"

"Yeah" Was the only thing that managed to get out of Felicity's mouth. She was breathing hard. He slept in my place when I wasn't there! How did he…? He's Oliver Queen a.k.a the Arrow! Never mind! And he called it home! Felicity couldn't stop smiling at the last part.

When they had everything they needed for tonight's gala, Thea and Felicity headed towards Felicity's apartment.

When they arrived, Oliver and Diggle were talking by the car. It seemed like they just have arrived.

Thea spotted them first.

"Ollie!" She shouted and went to greet her brother. Felicity followed her.

"Hey. Did you get everything you need?"

"Yeah and we have a lot of fun, right?" She said while turning towards Felicity.

Felicity smiled at her. "Totally" She said honestly.

"Good. I just was telling Digg that he should pass around eight. It's okay?" Oliver asked Felicity.

"Yeah" She said and smiled at Digg.

"Okay then. Digg would you mind taking my sister to the mansion"

"Not at all" John replied with a smile. "Let's go Ms. Queen"

"Please, Thea. I feel I'm fifty if you call me like that"

John laughed. "Okay Thea"

Thea turned to Felicity and hugged her hard. "I had a great time. We should do it again"

"Me too" Felicity said while she hugged her back.

"Okay, we all see each other later" John said. He then opened the door to Thea and she got in. He then got in and drove away.

"Come on" Oliver said with a smile. Felicity followed him.

"So, did you have a good time? Thea didn't exhaust you, didn't she?" Oliver asked her when they where in the elevator.

"I actually did. No, but I'm a little tired because of the flight"

"You can stay tonight, if you want" Oliver said.

"No, I'll go as long as tomorrow I can sleep all morning" She replied.

"We can spend all day in bed if you want" Oliver said with his playful smile while getting closer to her.

Now, his mouth was millimeters from hers. His hands grabbed her waist and started touching her. "I missed you. I missed your body. I missed your lips" He said in a complete husked voice.

He was about to kiss her when the elevator doors opened. Felicity rushed towards her apartment door and opened it as fast as she could. She wanted him. She needed him. Now!

When she got into her apartment, she turned around to look at Oliver, who already shut the door behind him, and was now approaching her.

"Finally" He said just before he crushed his lips furiously into hers. He lifted her with his arms, while she put her legs around her waist and ran her hands in his hair and took them to the her bedroom.

"Oliver, we need to get ready for the gala" She said into his lips.

"And that's what we're going to do" He replied.

And suddenly she realized he passed the bed and was taking them to the bathroom.

When they reached it, Oliver, slowly put her on the floor, but never stopping to kiss her. He then took off her shirt and bra, while she worked on his shirt. When she was finished, he turned to turn on the shower and then turned to Felicity again and started pulling off her jean and panties. When he finished, he let her take off his pants and boxers. When all the clothes where on the floor, Oliver helped Felicity get in the shower and then started kissing her while they got soaked.

Oliver started with her lips and then started going down. Down her neck, down her collarbone, down her breasts. While Oliver kissed her, Felicity buried her fingers in his wet hair and then her hands started to go down. Down his neck, down his completely wet chest. She moved her hands up and down, trying to touch everything she could.

At some point, she hadn't realized when, Oliver's hands started moving too, caressing her breasts and then under her, the part where she loved to be touched by him. She kissed him, hard.

Her hands then started to go down too, until she grabbed him. And he was hard and powerful. She stroked him, hard, feeling him in her hand. She heard him breath hard and loud. He kissed her hard.

After some minutes, Oliver grabbed the soap and started cleaning her, touching her very gently. When he finished, she did the same. She cleaned him.

Felicity couldn't stop thinking how intimate this was. Cleaning each other.

When they finished, they got out of the shower and started getting ready for the gala.

Felicity was staring at her reflexion in the mirror for the last time when she heard Oliver asking her something. She turned around.

"Are you rea…" Oliver started but stopped in his tracks.

"What?" Felicity asked.

Slowly, a huge grin appeared on Oliver's lips. "You look beautiful" He said softly and then went to kiss her.

When Felicity felt Oliver's lips on hers, instinctively, her hands found his neck and deepened the kiss.

"You don't look to bad yourself" She said when they parted. "We should be going. Digg must be waiting for us"

"Yeah. I particularly like the color" He said with a smile and let her go.

"Me too" She replied with a smile and she followed him.

When they go downstairs, Diggle was already waiting for them. When he spotted them, he smiled at them.

"You look lovely Felicity" He said with a smile.

"Thank you John" She said smiling.

She then entered the car and Oliver followed her.

A couple of minutes later, they arrived at the mansion. Oliver helped her get out of the car.

They entered the mansion together, and the first thing Felicity saw was Thea running towards them.

"Ollie! Felicity! You made it!" She said and then went to hug Felicity, who hugged her back. What is it with her and hugs?

"Are you going to crush into Felicity every time you see her?" Oliver asked her annoyed.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Thea shot back.

"No" Felicity replied honestly. She didn't mind at all, she actually like that apparently Thea got attached to her.

"You see" Thea said smiling at her brother.

"Hey" Roy said from behind them.

Felicity and Oliver turned at the same time. "Hey. You look so handsome" Felicity said with a smile.

"Thanks" Roy said with a nervous smile. It was completely obvious that he hated these events.

"Okay, as much as I like all hanging out, I think I better start hunting some investors" Oliver said.

"Let's go" Felicity said and walked besides Oliver. Oliver, put his arm behind Felicity guiding her through the mansion.

The first person they greeted was Moira.

"Hey mom" Oliver said with a smile.

"Oliver. Felicity. It's lovely to see you" She gave them both a kiss on the check. "How was Seattle?"

"Interesting" Felicity said honestly.

"How's your mother?"

"Great, thank you for asking. We had a great time" Felicity said with a smile.

"Good, I'm glad"

"Thank you"

In that moment, a tall man appeared accompanied with another man.

"Excuse me. Mr. Queen, this is Mr. Foster and he wanted to talk to you"

One hour and a half later of introductions, presentations and explanations, Oliver guided Felicity towards the bar. He ordered two glasses of champagne.

"I needed a break" Oliver said.

"You're doing great" Felicity said with a smile.

"Thank you. But I don't think I could convince Mr. Lewis"

"Well, if he doesn't invest it's because he's a complete jackass" Oliver laughed.

At that moment, Thea and Roy approached them.

"What's so funny?" Roy asked.

"Apparently Mr. Lewis is a complete jackass" Oliver said with a smile towards Felicity.

"Excuse me Mr. Queen" Mr. Foster was calling him.

Oliver and Felicity turned and when Oliver saw that Felicity had moved too, he turned towards her. "Hey, stay. Have fun with the guys, okay?"

Felicity looked at him in the eyes. "Okay" She said softly and then turned towards Thea and Roy.

"Excuse me, mom is calling" Thea said.

"She really looks up to you" Roy said to Felicity once Thea had reached her mom.


"Yeah. She couldn't stop talking about you when she came from shopping with you. She really likes you"

Felicity smiled. "I like her too"

"So, how was your mom?" Roy asked.

"Great, we had an amazing time together"

"That's good"

Felicity was about to reply him when she heard someone saying her name behind her. "Felicity Smoak?"

She turned around and couldn't believe her eyes. "Jake? Jake Bosh?"

"The one and only" Jake said with a smile.

"Oh my god! How long has it been?" Felicity said stunned and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"Since graduation"

"Since graduation" Felicity repeated.

Jake Bosh was her best friend besides Chloe during high school. They were a great trio back then and on graduation day, Jake parted towards college. They stayed in contact but it was never the same and at some point they stopped writing. Something that she knew from Jake is that he had a crush on her but she never told him she knew. Chloe had insisted that she didn't because it would ruin their friendship. Felicity didn't think so, but just in case, she listened to Chloe. She thought he was cute and nice but she couldn't see them as more than friends.

She now looked at Jake. So grown up, she didn't recognized the boy she knew. She had a man in front of her. And she couldn't denying he was hotter too, but not as Oliver. He wasn't even close to Oliver.

"How are you?" Jake asked.

"I'm great actually. What about you? What are you even doing here?" Felicity asked while indicating the gala.

"Well, I'm a lawyer now. And I'm here for business. I actually live in New York but this friend of mine told me about Queen Consolidated new project so I came here to see if it was worth investing, which I now see that yes" While Jake spoke, he walked slowly closer and closer towards her. Maybe he isn't over you?!

"Wow. That's really impressive. The life you ever wanted" She said with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm still growing so… But tell me about you. You're now working at Queen Consolidated, do you know Oliver Queen personally?"

You have no idea! Felicity smiled. "Yeah. I'm actually his executive assistant and girlfriend" She said that last part with the biggest smile.

"Oh. That's great then" Jake said. Is he disappointed?

In that moment, she felt someone put their arm around her waist really tight, pulling her towards them. She didn't need to look who it was. She looked up anyway because she love to see him. "Hey" She said with a smile.

"Hey" Oliver smiled back. Their gazes met and she couldn't look away from him. She always got lost in those ocean eyes.


Oliver and Felicity turned towards the person that interrupted them.

"Oh, sorry" Felicity said. "Oliver this is Jake Bosh an old friend from high school who just decided to invest in your cause. Jake this is Oliver my boyfriend" She smiled at him while he presented him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Queen. I came from New York to learn about your project and it's my pleasure to invest in it" Jake started saying while he extended his hand towards Oliver.

"Likewise" Oliver said with his business smile and shook Jake's hand.

Felicity noticed that Oliver squeezed Jake's harder than he should have and that Oliver's smile didn't reach his eyes. She also noticed that Oliver never let her go, he kept her close to him. Is he jealous?!

Felicity also noticed that Jake noticed Oliver's action and he back down immediately. He walked a few steps backwards from where he was, leaving them a little more space.

"Thank you very much for your investment. We'll do our best to not to let you down" Oliver said.

"Yeah. Felicity was just telling me that you are her boyfriend"

"Yeah" Oliver said and turned to smile at Felicity. She smiled back.

"Okay, if you'll excuse I have to talk to someone over there" Jake said. "It was great seeing you Felicity and it was a complete pleasure to meet you Mr. Queen"

"You too Jake" Felicity smiled at him. And with that, Jake disappeared.

Felicity then turned to look at Oliver. "What was th…" She stopped talking because Oliver's face became a paler. "Oliver, what is it?" Felicity asked getting concerned.

Oliver then looked at her. "Nothing"

"Nothing? Oliver, come on" But when she realized he wasn't going to elaborate, she turned around and looked at where he had looked a couple of seconds before. But she didn't saw anyone. She then turned again towards Oliver. "Can we speak somewhere quiet?" She asked softly.

"Yeah" He grabbed her hand and guided her towards the principal hall, but instead of going outside, like Felicity thought he would take her, Oliver begun going up the stairs. He then turned right, walked a couple of meters and then opened a door. He let her in first.

When Felicity entered the room, she immediately realized she was in his room. His bedroom was as huge as her entire apartment. With blue walls, a desk at one corner, and a massive bed in the middle.

When Felicity heard that Oliver closed the door, she turned to look at him. She then walked in front of him and only stopped when she was millimeters apart from him.

"Oliver, what was that all about?"

When he spoke, he did it softly. "Jake likes you. I saw him when he approached you and when he talked to you he kept getting closer to you and I… I just lost it"

Felicity now took the last step that was left between them. She never broke their gaze. "I know he did back in high school"

"He still does"

"How do you know?"

"Because of the way he looked at you"

She grabbed his hands and entwined their fingers. "But I don't like him, at least not like that"

"I know, but I couldn't stand that he was so close to you"

Oh! Felicity couldn't believe how honest and opened he was being. "And then? Who did you see?"

He let out a huge breath. "Laurel"


"When I saw her, I… I saw you walking out of me"

Oh my god! He was still afraid of that! She let go his hands and put her hands on his face and then on his neck. "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I told you I love you. I do. I'm. Yours." She said seriously.

He leaned in his forehead till it was touching hers. He looked deep in her eyes. "Mine"

"Yours" She smiled. And then, his lips were softly on hers. His hands found her waist. A couple of minutes later, the kiss grew deeper and Oliver walking her towards his bed. At some point, Felicity's knees touched his bed.

"Oliver, as much as I want this, the gala" She said between kisses.

"I know" He said but kissed her again.

After a couple of minutes, they were exiting his bedroom, hand in hand. When they reached the main room where the gala was occurring, Oliver turned towards Felicity. He extended his hand towards her.

"Can I have this dance Ms. Smoak?" He said with a smile.

She smiled him back. "Well, of course Mr. Queen"

He led her to the small dance floor. He put his arm around her waist and with the other hand, he grabbed hers. Her other arm went to rest into his elbow and back. Olive guided her slowly, looking deeply into her eyes. Slowly, a huge smile appeared on his lips. Felicity couldn't stop smiling too. God! She was so in love with this man!

When she was getting tired, Felicity rested her head on his chest. She felt his heart beating. A lovely sound.

"Hey" Oliver said softly after a couple of minutes. Felicity looked up to him. "Let's go home"

"But Oliver, the investors…" Felicity started saying.

"I don't care. You had a long day and you're tired. Come on" He said while he grabbed her hand and led her towards the door.

While they were leaving, Felicity couldn't stop thinking that she knew perfectly where her home is. And it wasn't her apartment, it was around his arms.

Felicity woke up to the feeling she was being watched. And she was. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Oliver watching her with a soft smile.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey" She replied with a smile. "Where you watching me sleep?"


Felicity smiled even bigger. He was watching her sleep. "What time is it?"

"Ten thirty" He said never looking anywhere else than her. He then got closer to her and kissed her. "Hey" He said again when they parted.

"Hey. I honestly don't have energy to leave the bed"

"Then we don't leave the bed" He then leaned in again. "But I hope you have energy for something else" He said with a playful smile.

She smiled him back and then bit her lower lip. "Always"

He laughed and then kissed her slowly, while his hands found her waist and went down her top and slowly touched her soft skin.

Felicity's hands found his neck and pulled him even deeper into her, if that was even possible. Then, Oliver climbed on top of her.

After three hours, of kissing, touching, sucking, stroking, laughing, talking, Oliver and Felicity left bed because they were hungry for food.

Oliver was with his pajamas pants only, and Felicity only wear one of his shirts. Oliver made some coffee while Felicity made them some sandwiches. While Felicity made their lunch, Oliver grabbed her from behind and started kissing her neck. Felicity giggled and couldn't stop the smile appearing on her lips. When she finished, she turned around, put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply on the lips. Oliver's hands found her waist and lifted her and sat her on the counter of the kitchen.

While they kissed, Oliver's hands found the bottoms of his shirt she wore and started undoing them, one by one. When he finished, his mouth started going down. Kissing her neck, Felicity put her head backwards so that he could have better access. His hands where everywhere leaving burned marks. His mouth continued going down, until he found her breasts. He sucked them slowly. At some point, Felicity grabbed his head and crushed her lips into his.

They continued kissing like that until Felicity's stomach groaned. They parted.

"I think someone is hungry" Oliver said smiling at her.

"Yes" Felicity said.

They sat at the counter and eat in a comfortable silence while they watched each other with a smile on their lips.

"So, what would you like to do today?" Oliver asked her.

"We could go to the lair. I want to see how many updates I have to do"


When they finished, they changed, well, at least Felicity tried because Oliver would kiss her all the time and interrupt her every time she wanted to put something on.

Almost an hour later, they were descending the stairs to the lair. Diggle and Roy where already there.

When they guys finished training and Felicity doing all her updates, they went home.