The Hickey

Summary: JD tries to hide a fresh hickey on his hip from his friends. Established relationship. Coxian. Hidden relationship.

AN: This idea came to me when I was watching Scrubs last night and JD kept lifting his shirt when he placed his hand on his hips several times. I hope you like it.

Dr. Cox looked up at JD through hooded eyes from his position at his hip. "I'm going to give you something to remember me by tomorrow. Now every time you place your hands on your hips you'll feel it and think of me and the fact that I am the best fuck you've ever had."

JD came out of his daydream just as Dr. Cox bit into his hip and started sucking harshly on the skin as his cock sprang to life and he let out the loudest moan he had ever made when someone called his name.

"Where were you Bambi?"

"No, no where." JD stammered in response. "Did you need something?"

"I just need you to sign this for me please." Carla answered as she handed him a clipboard.

JD signed it quickly before rushing out of the room and off to the bathroom to relieve his problem.

Later that afternoon found JD standing at the foot of his patients bed as he looked over their charts. He sighed in frustration as he couldn't figure out what was wrong with this guy, his hand automatically going to his hip. As his hand connected he hissed in pain and quickly drew the hand away. He lifted his shirt up to take a look at it and furrowed his brow at the nasty look of the bite.


JD quickly dropped his shirt as he whipped around to face Elliot.

"I'm heading to the cafeteria to grab some lunch and I was just wondering if you would like to join me?"

"Sure Elliot." JD answered as he dropped the chart in the place at the end of the bed before following his friend out of the room.

Late that evening they were all standing at the Nurse's Station doing paperwork when Turk came up. "Ok dude, what is up with the hickey on your hip? It's all anyone seems to be talking about today."

"I don't know what you're talking about." JD said defensively as he placed his hand on his hip but quickly removing it when he felt the familiar pain.

"It seems to be more than a hickey Bambi, do you need me to take a look at that for you?"

"It's nothing." JD said with a blush.

"Come on man, you always tell me about your conquests. What's so different this time? Did you and Elliot hook up again? Turk asked in annoyance.

"We most certaintly did not! As you know I have a boyfriend!" Elliot quickly objected.

"It wasn't Elliot! Can we just let this go?"

"What is the big deal Bambi?"

JD's response was cut off by a high pitched whistle. They all looked up to find Dr. Cox fixing them with a glare. "Now Bridget, what have I told you about gossiping with the girls on my time?"

"Sorry Dr. Cox." JD answered with a blush as he made his way towards him. "I was trying to get some paperwork done."

"I don't want excuses Bethany. Maybe next time you should choose a place you know your friends don't populate." Dr. Cox replied angrily before storming off down the hall with JD on his heels.

The three people that were left behind were left standing there with their mouths open in astonishment.

"You don't think…"

"Bambi would never…"
