When they said that the modern world was different, they didn't say how different. In the present world, you could just drive to the side of a restaurant and order food by talking to a box. Who would do that? Perhaps these people thought that talking to actual human beings was too mainstream...like how most people had their heads buried in their phones.

The movies were different too-but they weren't that bad. Most of them were about women who were hardworking lawyers or in some deep peril-who meets this guy who is charming but has some dark secret about his past etc...some movies even ended with the man having some serious anger management issues (did the ladies find this charming?)

But what came as the biggest shocker was the music. The classics had morphed into electronic-sounding weird beat-counting songs. Steve first heard it in the Stark tower, when he passed by Tony's office.

"I'M BRINGING BOOTY BACK! COME AHEAD GO TELL THEM SKINNY-" he was interrupted by Steve, who dropped the pop-tarts he was holding. He stared at Tony, who straightened up from the dance he was doing.

"Were you-"

"No I wasn't."

"Um...okay." Steve awkwardly retreated to the living room. He sat down to process his thoughts...you know what?...he didn't really want to remember what he just saw.