Time went slow in the southern isles during the winter time. Although the isles were known for their hot summers, they were equally as known for their freezing winters. Everyone was trapped in the castle until the snow thawed. Royalty and staff alike spent chilly evenings crowded by the fire, a custom Elsa was not used to.

"Here in the southern isles we treat the staff of the castle like family. After all, half of them raised us when my mother passed away. My father was always busy with politics and such." Hans remarked

"You've never talked to me about your father, what is he like?" Elsa gazed up at Hans, taking his hands into hers.

"If I told you what my father is like, I'd be lying. The only conversation I've ever had with him lasted about a couple of minutes. He never favored me." Hans looked away from Elsa's gaze, faking a small chuckle.

"Yet, he chose you to be king. That's got to mean something?" Elsa grazed his cheek with her hand.

"Strange, isn't it? 13 heirs to the throne and he picked the one son with no political experience. And the runt, to boot." Hans chuckled lightly

"How's his health?" Elsa began walking down the hall once more

"Rapidly deteriorating. We thought he'd be better off up north, but there's no use. Once winter thaws, he will be on a boat back home. Maybe he'll meet you when he comes back." Hans smiled

There was a long awkward pause. Elsa always wondered about Hans' father, but never mentioned a word about him till now. She hoped that her future children with Hans would have more interaction with him than Hans did with his own father.

"How strange. Back in Arendelle, the servants were lucky to eat in the kitchen. Let alone sit by the fire place," Elsa quickly changed the subject.

"I never believed in the way my mother would treat her people. I'm glad you don't feel the same way she does. About common-folk, I mean." Elsa caught the eye of the first man she saw in Arendelle, Kristoff, was it?

"My queen," Kristoff bowed to her as she crossed him down the hall

Elsa swiftly turned around, grabbing Kristoff by the arm.

"Thank you."

"For what, your majesty?"

"Being one of the first people in the isles to treat me like I was human. Thank you." She repeated

Kristoff grinned and patted her small hands with his.

"I'm just happy that you're happy, my queen."

Hans stood behind the both of them, arms crossed.

"Who was that?" Hans said, turning back at Kristoff as Elsa whisked him down the hall

"It's Kristoff, dear. The coachmen?"

"The wha-?"

"He was the first person I met down here in the southern isles. He comforted me." Elsa said, not looking up at Hans.

"Huh…" Hans turned once more

"Are you…jealous?" Elsa giggled

"Me? No! Why would I be jealous? You're married to me, aren't you? He's just a common peasant with flowing blonde hair, huge muscles, and big hands. You saw his hands right? I mean they were-"

Elsa turned to face Hans and cupped his jaw with her hands. She began to kiss his neck in the middle of the hall, lowering her hand down Hans' pants.

"What on EARTH are you-" Hans pulled back

"You're cute when you're jealous." Elsa growled

"Well, I told you I am NOT jeal-" Hans' voice softened as he felt Elsa's hand grab his manhood

Elsa giggled and pushed Hans back, teasing him without a word. Hans raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You little tease…I'll show you! Come here," Hans grabbed Elsa's hand and pinned her body against the wall, the movement reminding Elsa of the time Louis ran into her at the library. She pulled back, pushing Hans away.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Hans immediately went back to Elsa's side, leaving a hand on her shoulder

"I-i-i-I'm fine. Just…I gotta go." Elsa ducked Hans' touch and fled.

"Where? You're literally stuck in here! Elsa!" Hans exclaimed as Elsa quickly walked out of the hallway and headed towards the eastern wing's exit.

Elsa flung the doors open, a flurry of snow entering through the door and landing on the carpet. She walked through and slammed the doors behind her. Elsa had been battling with the images of Louis on top of her months after the encounter. She was still afraid of Louis even if she knew he was locked away. Elsa needed closure, and she was going to get it. She began the walk to the docks that lead to the isle's dungeon, a secluded island with multiple jails that kept the most dangerous men and women of the southern isles.

"My queen!" the captain of the ferry bowed to Elsa, his giant coat getting in the way of a full kneel.

"I would like to board the next ship to the island." Elsa nodded to the captain

"I'm sorry, my queen. All boats are in storage. No one is getting in or out if the island."

Elsa scoffed, and began walking down the pier.

"My queen! You'll freeze to death in the waters! No, DON'T-"

Elsa fell into the water, the water immediately freezing around her feet. She saw the look on the captain's face and began to run across the gap. She chuckled and continued, the water freezing in beautiful patterns around her. She reached the entrance to the island, the guards surprised to see the queen at their doorstep.

"I'm here to see Prince Louis of the southern isles."