Warning: AU where people and Pokemon do not coexist.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon

Prologue: The Unspoken Declaration

April 7th XXXX, 10:23

It has been noted that recent activity within the forests have sky rocketed for unknown reasons, the monsters residing within them are growing restless and people are uneasy. We have lived beside one another for decades, ignoring each other's presence but is it starting to change now? And why is it happening?

April 7th XXXX, 14:47

The first sighting has been recorded as a couple spotted several lurking near the outskirts of town. Eye witness reports claim them to be a group of rather intimidating oversized wasps with nasty looking stingers and a large bear. Caution warnings have been transmitted to every human in the region. Maybe we should take this time to study those monsters further before something drastic happens…

April 9th XXXX, 13:00

They appear to be gathering. Towns and cities have posted watchmen during the nights with continuously rotating shifts, guards always spot tiny pinpricks in the distance belonging to the ever watching eyes of our new observers.

April 10th XXXX, 20:33

A mandatory council was called for all adults residing in Pallet Town in order to discuss how to deal with the new threat. The children are terrified and the nervous actions of their parents are no consolidation to their fears. They decided to station weapons upon rooftops. Hopefully, they won't be necessary but even my wife is starting to panic with the added stress of our son due to being born soon.

April 17th XXXX, 12:16

Minimized versions of ballistas have been constructed and set up. It is obvious that residents feel safer with protections, but still the monsters are growing in numbers. Is it possible that we did something to provoke them with realising it? The threat of these monsters still looms over us despite it.

April 20th XXXX, 4:52

My son has been born. Finally, there is something for the citizens of Pallet Town to rejoice about. Hopefully, young Samuel will grow up in a safe and happy environment but I fear that is too much to ask for. This is why I must continue my research as the town's Professor: for the future generation.

April 22nd XXXX, 7:21

There has been an attack. A young teenaged boy named Grey has been severely injured by a stray monster-bear and the watchman on duty shot it on sight. The bear retreated back into the forest with a roar and the local healer rushed to tend to the boy. The aggressive move has spread panic and disorder, even to the nearby Viridian City. What will become of us now?

April 22nd XXXX, 15:57

I have been called to see the boy as the monsters are apparently my area of expertise. His mother is in hysterics whilst Grey himself is still unconscious.

April 22nd XXXX, 19:49

I fear he will not last the night. His wounds are deep and the healer is running out of ideas to help him. He is bleeding profoundly. What was so special about that bear's attack that had caused such grievous injuries?

April 22nd XXXX, 22:18

The boy has died and the town is in mourning. Another council has been called and the people are angry and scared. They call for blood.

April 24th XXXX, 6:45

The residents woke up at the crack of dawn to build weapons to fight back. I was forced up to my lab to study more on the monsters. It is foolish. What else am I supposed to study? Unless we can capture one for examination, there is no more that I can do.

April 25th XXXX, 6:05

A young man came banging at my door. He apparently had captured a small purple rat and had it detained inside a sturdy cage. It is sure to further my research greatly but he woke up my son and I am none too happy about it.

April 26th XXXX, 15:23

It is fascinating to observe the small creature some more, I have named it Rattata as it is the only word that it ever utters. It appears to know of only one physical attacking move as it tries to escape its confines by ramming itself against the bars. Another repeated movement is the wagging of its curled tail. What affect was that supposed to have? Curious. Simply curious.

April 28th XXXX, 17:44

I have yet to determine the sort of food it enjoys but it appears to consume everything I feed it. I assume that it requires nutrition as it takes it all despite its obvious discontentment. Perhaps something from the nearby route? No. It is too dangerous to send anyone out there. I will think of something else.

May 2nd XXXX, 12:38

Something fascinating has occurred. After numerous failed escape attempts, the Rattata became enveloped in a great light before changing shape. Its speech patterns have changed and it has come up with several other methods to try the get out instead of simply charging at the bars. Are all of these monsters capable of getting stronger in such a way?

May 4th XXXX, 7:01

The creature has escaped during the night and the entire town is in a frenzy. So far, no casualties have been noticed. Maybe it just scuttled back to its home? In any case, it certainly isn't in my lab anymore if the gaping hole in the bottom left corner of my door is anything to prove it. From what I had seen so far of it, it shouldn't be so much of a threat as the giant bear but everyone is still on high alert. No one wants to end up like Grey.

May 5th XXXX, 16:27

A region wide conference is to be held in Saffron City. I'm expected to attend but I couldn't possibly leave Pallet Town, not with the constant danger that lurks outside the town walls. Maybe a video call would be suffice?

May 5th XXXX, 21:49

It turned out that almost everyone had opted for the video call. New arrangements have been made to deal with the monsters, the biggest change being the introduction of 'Division Leaders' and the 'Elite Four' as well as a head of the entire operation. I'm unsure of how effective this solution will be but at least now, humanity has a fighting chance if the situation ever calls for it.

May 7th XXXX, 10:23

It has been a month since we first noticed the general activity of the monsters growing. They have invaded the towns in their masses. There are high casualties. Flying monsters destroyed our weapons in an instant. We are defenceless. We are all temporarily evacuating underground but I must save my precious research first, I refuse to abandon everything I have worked for. My wife and son are already safe but no one realises what is truly going on. But I do. The attack was a declaration of how our peaceful times of living have come to an end.

This is war.

Please review if you have the time, I'd love to hear what you think, criticisms and all. Note that this is only the Prologue and the rest of the story won't be set in a diary-like format. Thank you for reading.