Ghost: Well hello there. It's nice to be back in my natural habitat. I mean writing stories again. So as I promised here's another chapter. So I looked back at my last chapter and noticed some mistakes and I do usually look back over my chapters but I've been busy with school, so I was wondering if one of my lovely readers aka you yes you the ones that actually read these little author talks and wanted to see if one of you could be a beta reader for me. Yes I've never had a beta reader so if you can beta read my chapters before I send them out that would be amazing love ya lots -Ghost

They sat there in silence for a bit neither knowing what to say and of course the silence had to be broken by a knock on the door. Naru with reluctance opened the door to find Sebastian standing there. "I am sorry to interrupt, but Ciel asked me to get Mai for him." He said with a apologetic look.

"I'll be down in a minute." Mai said standing and walking towards the door. Sebastian just nodded and headed back down the stairs as Naru closed the door. "Sorry my little brother can ruin the mood sometimes." Mai said kissing and heading out the door and down the stairs. As she walked through the thresh hold of the living room where her little brother resided.

"Macaila we have some business to talk about Ciel said walking past her and into the office and she followed.

"And what business is so important to bother me." She said glaring at him. He may be her little brother but living in the same house with him, she has gotten annoyed with his antics.

"We have a problem. I was just informed by one of my servants that someone had broken into the mansion but luckily they didn't find any of the papers on this house, but they did steal a certain item." Ciel said sitting down behind the his desk as Mai closed the door.

"What did they steal?" She asked sitting down in the chair on the other side of his desk.

"They stole 'The Ring'." Ciel said wearily. Mai gasped and if she wasn't worried before she's worried now.

"What do you think they want with it? Unless they know how to use it it's worthless to them." Mai said trying to find a reasonable explanation to as why someone would steal the ring.

"Well we don't know yet, but their still looking for clues to see if they can find any evidence of who broke in." Ciel said truly concern. "But for now all we can do is wait." He said resting his head on is hands thinking. Mai on the other hand was worried if it turned out to be the Queen who stole the ring, then they are in big trouble. As soon as she figures out how to use it they won't be able to hide any longer.

"Well we also need to think of a plan, but we have guest to take care of. We must not mention any of this to them so we do not worry them." Mai said standing to leave and only receiving a nod from Ciel in agreement. Mai went and sat with the others in the living room. "So how do you like your rooms?" Mai asked smiling and siting down next to Gene.

"I like mine. It's away from the old hag." Monk said earning him a pillow to the face.

"What did you say you stupid Monk?!" Ayako yelled as the rest of the gang laughed and Lin chuckled.

"Come now there is no need for violence." John said trying to calm down the two, but as always his efforts are talked over by the two bickering and to which slumped back.

"It's ok John. At least you tried, but you have to admit nothing can stop them from bickering." Masako said reassuring him. He nodded and smiled.

"Well what about everyone else?" Mai asked getting the attention of the two bickering.

"Well I'm just glad you remembered my favourite colour." Masako answered smiling. Her and Mai had gotten close over the years Naru was gone. They've even shared a few things like clothes and make up.

"How could I forget my friends favourite colour." Mai said smiling. She remembered when she bought the office and started to run her on business Masako was the first person she asked to join the team.


"Well I guess it's time to get the gang back together" Mai said sitting down at her new desk. She was at the office and had recently bought the place. She had moved the furniture around and now it was time for her to call everyone and see if they want to work with her. She grabbed the phone and called Masako.

"Hello." Masako answered a little confusion in her voice since she didn't recognise the number.

"Hey Masako. It's Mai and I was wondering if you had time to come down to the old office?" Mai asked as she heard a sigh of relief.

"Yeah. How dose tomorrow afternoon sound?" Masako answered relief evident in her voice. She was relieved that it was Mai calling and not some fan that had found out her number.

"Yeah that's a good time. I'll see you tomorrow." Mai said and Masako said good bye. Mai the started to call the rest of the team and finally the last person was Yasu. Mai dialled his number. "Hey Yasu." Mai said when he answered.

"Hey Mai." Yasu greeted and Mai continued.

"So I'm reopening the office and was wondering if you could be here tomorrow afternoon?" Mai asked hoping that he would say yes because she really needed a researcher on her team.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll be there." Yasu answered. Mai was going to tell him more but the call was dropped. 'He must have been driving somewhere.' Mai thought to herself as she hung up the phone.

End of Flashback

Ghost: So guys I hoped you enjoyed it and please consider if you can to be my beta reader cuz I really need one and as always I love you guys and please R&R.