I opened the door to my bed chamber. It was still unnerving to sleep in the Darkling's room, but it was much more alarming to see the puppy of the Ravkan court, the hound of the true sea, Nickolai Lanstov, Major of the Twenty-Second Regiment, Grand Duke of Udova etc. lounging shirtless on my bed.

"Good evening, Alina," He greeted with a mischievous grin, head resting on his hand.

I stuttered,"How did you-?"

"Orestev went to get a shot of kva. Or rather Tolya obliged him to." Well, that explained a lot. Mal would have never let Prince Perfect in even if he was lying in a pool in of blood. I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"Don't tell me, you still want me to consider your 'marriage' proposal."

"I prefer proposition. As I said before, it puts forth the best interests of Ravka-"

"Correction: Your best interests. I believe I said that before as well."

He rolled his eyes. Silently, he approached me, his palm against my cheek and whispered. "I'm sure I can convince you otherwise." I pushed him away. He pulled me back and retaliated with a kiss. I struggled in his grasp, but he bit down on my lip brutally. I let out a heated breath. There was something savage and animalistic in his embrace that told me it was no longer the prince but the pirate that had taken over.

I tried to rebel once again but he taunted, "Alina, don't coy with me. I can hear you sigh." He forced me down on the bed, his hands by my shoulders. I took this moment to stare into his bright green eyes, as mesmerising as a pair of nebula, too distracted to register he was undressing me. I looked back at him flustered to realise my breasts were spilling out, my lavished kefta framing the curvatures. He smiled back in satisfaction.

Slowly, he lowered his body onto mine. He kissed my neck vigorously, his hands cupping my bosom, his lithe fingertips teasing the nipples. I shut my eyes to savour each touch, pushing my chest upwards for him. His lips progressed to suckle on them, tracing moist circles with his tongue riddled with assertive nibbles. Panting heavily I tried to resist. "Stop it..." I mumbled. It was futile. He could see the hot red of my cheeks, my chest perked up for his pleasure, the enjoyment in my narrowed eyes and the milk spilling down my skin. I saw him lick each drop, he smirked, "I'm sure my proposition suits your best interests as well." Aroused, I kissed his ear, blowing steamily on to the lobe. I felt him go hard underneath his pants, and moaned as he was grinding it against me. My hands were drawn to his muscular chest, tracing the roguish scars. His hands slid down to my legs pulling them up to cradle his strong hips. His thrusts became longer, harder and stronger. My heart betrayed me.

"Mal..." I squeaked meekly. Nickolai furrowed his brow and got off me. He slipped back his shirt that was lying on the chair and headed towards the door. Then, he looked back with boyish insecurity in his bright green eyes. "You must really love him, huh?" Even his tone had lost arrogance. I was speechless. Instantaneously, he shrugged off the childish notion. After clearing his throat, the prince within him returned, "My Queen, I could give you a kingdom."

"But nothing more," I replied, "Sorry, my king, but I want the world." The hunger for power had seized me again, it was frightening but seductive.

He noted the strange look in my eyes though he appeared more amused,"Someone's ambitious. What kind of man could give you that? Orestev may have delivered you the stag, the sea whip and possibly will track down the firebird, but could he honestly give you that? Or will you flee to the Darkling when I'm not looking?"

"None." I admitted blatantly, "I'm getting it myself."