The sky was dark mad stars filled the night with light. The moon was full and high in the night sky. But the night was far from quiet.

In a large castle people and , music gave a restless night. Couples dancing with loved ones smiled. A table with food of all kinds sat against a wall and the King and Queen watched over the ball.

Tonight was a celebration for ending the war between them and a neighboring country peacefuly. The Queen felt something pull on her long pink and white dress catching her attention

. "Mommy?" She looked down to see her seven year old son Yugi. He had spiky hair that was black in the middle with athymest tips and blonde with his unusual shortness, he had large athymest eyes.


"Can I go get some food?" Yugi asked

She chuckled "Yugi, dear, you can go where you like as long as it's in the castle grounds."

Yugi nodded and then skipped down the small staircase, a wide smile on his he reached the food table he looked around at the endless choices before spotting some tried to grab one but his shortness proved it difficult. to add to that, the cookies had been pushed to the back.

Yugi was on his toes now and still he couldn't get one. He was about to give up when someone came and handed him a cookie.


he got the cookie he looked up at the stranger and smiled. He looked a lot like Yugi but with crimson tips and eyes with more blonde through his hair. He looked 17. "Thank you sir."Yugi thanked politely

"You're wecome. My names Yami."

"My names Yugi. Prince Yugi." Yugi stated with pride

Yami gave a small bow and smiled "I'm glad I could help out royalty." Yugi giggled, not noticing Yami look around with an uncertain face. Yugi was about to walk away when Yami stopped him.

"Yugi.. would you like to step outside with me?"

Yugi looked at him before nodding "Okay!"

They walked through the crowd of people dancing and talking. Once on the other side, they went through a large glass door that led to the empty garden.

The garden was huge with various types of flowers and a fountain in the center. The main path way was lined with a rare flower only known in few royal gardens but still Yugis favorite. The red rose.

As they walked closer to the fountain, Yami seemed to relax more and at the fountain, Yugi turned around so he could see Yami and smiled.

"I always looooved the gardens! The rose is my favorite flower!" Yugi commented as he ate the cookie

"I can see why. They're very pretty." Yugi finished off the cookie as they talked a little more. Yami was speaking when he stopped suddenly.

"Yami what's-" Y

ugi was cut off when multiple screams filled the air. He then realised they were coming from the was about to run to the ball room when Yami picked him up and jumped behind some small hedge.

By now the screams had increased and the sound of peoplebanging on the windows and doors were added. They tried to get out but all exits had been locked.

Yugi tried to get a look before Yami blocked his view but what he saw frightened was splattered on the windows and glass door, people stared horrified as arrows were shot at them. Tears had found their way to Yugis eyes as Yami hugged him closer to the hedge.

"Y-Yami what are they...they doing?" Yugi asked but Yami didn't respond. Just put his hand over Yugi's mouth.

It was them he heard footsteps as the screams started to die down.

" We got 'em. We got 'emblem good." a voice said

"Everyone in the building?" another asked

"Every last one died." Yugi's tears came faster as he heard this. He knew what they were saying and it voices started to die down but not Yugis crying.

"Yugi," Yami whispered "I'm going to look around but you have to stay here okay?"

Yugi nodded and Yami left. Yugi was left alone and scared. He tried his best to stop crying but couldn't and froze when he heard footsteps.

Quickly he closed his eyes and tried to make himself as small as he could. When a hand was placed on Yugi's shoulder he jumped and tried to get away.

"Yugi, Yugi, it's okay it's me." Yugi opened his eyes to be met with familiar crimson ones. More tears came and he buried his face in Yamis chest. Yami wrapped his arms around Yugi and picked him up.

"Yugi...I'm going to take you to your grandpa's so you can live there."

Yugi nodded his head slightly and kept crying as Yami started walking.

The trip consisted of Yugi crying and Yami trying to comfort him as best he can. They were almost room a cottage in the woods when Yami stopped.

"Yugi," Yugi moved his head so he could look at Yami revealing puffy, red eyes and tear stains .

"I will have to go now but I'm leaving you with your grandpa. You can no longer act like a prince, eat like a prince, or be a prince. But promise me one thing." Yugi nodded "NEVER forget you are a prince." Yugi gave a nod and buried his head back into Yamis chest and fell asleep.

Yami sighed and walked to the cottage. When he knocked the door opened revealing an old man. Sami quickly explained what happened and handed Yugi after the door closed, Yami walked away into the night.