Yamis anger flared when he saw the small amethyst gem in his remembered this spell but he hated it so much and thought lowly of anyone who used it.

"You know what this is so how about a demonstration on what it can do."

Dartz smirked and faced Yugi. Slowly he re-wrapped his fingers and moved his hand up. Yugi cried out as his body stood up against his will, his muscles screaming in protest. Dartz moved the gem closer to him making Yugi walk poured out of Yugis wounds and he could tell that he would be dead if that one life-line wasn't there. Once Yugi reached the stairs leading to the throne, Dartz turned the gem over making him kneel. Yamis eyes watched him in horror as he moved even though he was sure that he didn't even have the strength to keep himself up.

Yami couldn't take anymore and broke out of his magical bindings and jumped down the stairs to Yugi. He laid his body over Yugis not caring if blood soaked his clothes. He was only thinking of protecting Yugi.

"So many years I waited to find him. I searched and searched but you hid and protected him. You wanted him alive so that one day he could take back the throne. Ha! I'm not allowing him to live any longer, he shall be dead!"Dartz yelled

"W-why...do..y...you...wa...want...me...dead?"Yugi asked in a low whisper that even Yami had a hard time hearing him and gave him a concerned look.

"Not everyone wanted to end the war peacfully. Not everyone agreed that your family should be alive! Your kingdom had to pay! So I formed a plan. A plan to get rid of you so we could rule the land! You will DIE!"

Dartz stood and raised his arm to shatter the gem, killing Yugi, when Bakura shot out from behind the throne and grabbed the gem. Bakura tossed the gem to Yami who caught it and stood in front of Yugi and Yami.

"You... oh you must be mad about Ryou, how sweet. Yes he didn't last long, what a shame. But it was fun to hear his screams." Dartz provoked

Bakura wanted to kill him so bad but he knew there were guards at the ready. Not that he couldn't take then all on but he had Yugi and Yami to worry about. He growled in frustration as Dartz smirked at his internal struggle.

"Goodbye." Dartz ended and guards entered the room through the door behind the throne.

Moving fast, Bakura blocked some attacks and dodged others. Yami saw that he needed help and joined the fight while constantly watching Yugi. Even though Yami hadn't fought like this in awhile he still remember many fighting spells which Bakura was more then grateful for.

They were holding there own against all the guards but when a second wave came they started to struggle. Yami decided that he needed to move Yugi to a safer place and pushed all the guards away from them with magic. Not wasting any time, he picked up Yugi, wincing when he let out a weakened cry, and moved to the far corner of the room. Dartz saw this and followed them over. He was half way there when the doors opened revealing Kaiba and Anzu with weapons drawn.

They stood there for a second before Kaiba threw multiple knives at Dartz, who blocked them. All the guards jumped to their feet and started fighting. Anzu, Bakura, and Kaiba fought the guards while Dartz went straight for Yami. Yami led Dartz away from Yugi as they fought. The two fought with magic and found that they matched the other exactly. After another try, Yami gave up on fighting with magic and turned to the dagger he had with him.

Dartz struggled to dodge Yamis attacks for he always fought from a distance. Yami took another swing at him just missing, cutting across his chest but not drawing blood. Dartz staggered backwards and looked down to see the damage. Seeing nothing bad he lifted his head to attack Yami, but couldn't find him. He turned around to see all his guards dead on the floor and Anzu, Bakura, and Kaiba standing in the middle breathing hard.

Out of rage, Dartz shot magic at Kaiba sending him out the window, shattering the glass. When Bakura charged, he cast a spell on the ground. Bakura tried to run but noticed that he was sinking through he floor as if it were quick sand. Anzu tried to grab him but he sunk all the way through and out of her sight. She stood and looked at Dartz with a look of anger. He just smirked and conjured up three shadow wolfs. As soon as she saw them, she ran out of the room, the wolfs not even a foot behind her.

As soon as she was gone, Dartz scanned the room trying to find Yami. When he turned around completely he saw Yami standing in front of him and before he could do anything, Dartz felt something jab into his stomach. His eyes widened and held his stomach as the dagger was removed and red stained his white robes. Yami kept a blank face as Dartz dropped to his knees. He noticed a dark smile across Dartz face before he vanished in a black smoke.

Whipping around when he heard a small cry, Yami saw Dartz holding up with a dagger in his hand.

"If I die, I'm not dying alone!" Dartz stabbed Yugi in the heart, forgetting about the gem, and dropped him. Once Yugi was let go, he took the dagger and stabbed Dartz.

"Now you...die." Yugi whispered as Dartz fell to the ground dead, with Yugi dropping next.

Yami raced over to Yugi, pushing Dartz dead body away. Carefully he placed Yugis head in his lap.


"It's okay, it's okay, everything's going to be okay." Yami rambled as he held the gem in his hands.

Yami placed the gem over Yugis stab wound and closed his eyes. The gem glowed and the wound healed. Next, he brought the gem to Yugis head.

"This is going to hurt."

That was all the warning Yami gave before he moved the gem in small circles. Blue particles came out of Yugis cuts and swirled around the gem. Yugi would have screamed if he could find the energy to do so but it was slipping away, fast. Soon all the blue that was Yugis blood was circeling around the gem. Yami swung his arm to the side, riding the gem of the blue substance.

Yami panted as it took a lot of his energy but he continued. He placed the gem over Yugis heart and closed his eyes again. The gem slowly faded away in his hand. Yami couldn't use it anymore, Yugi didn't have an energy to spare.

Yugi felt the burning sensation that Dartz had created as part of his soul returned. Yugi offered one last smile as he tired to fight off the darkness before he closed his eyes and drew his last breath.

"Yugi? Yugi?! Yugi stay with me please. Please stay with me, I love you! No, YUGI!"

Yami moved Yugi so he sat in his lap and held him close. He felt something run down his cheek and lifted his hand to touch it. Pulling his hand back he saw they were tears; he was crying. Yami buried his face in Yugis shoulder and cried.

Footsteps came from the door but Yami ignored them and continued to cry. Kaiba, Bakura, and Anzu walked into the room not noticing the two yet. Kaiba was holding the back of his head and was covered in leaves, Bakura was constantly stretching, and Anzu was breathing heavy. As they walked further in, they noticed Yami and made their way over to him not noticing Yugis lifeless body. When they got close enough they heard Yami crying. Seeing Yugis dead body, it didn't take long for them to figure out what happened. Yugi was dead. A heavy cloud filled the room as they morned over Yugi.

Yami started rocking back and forth as he thought over all he had done. First he saved him, then left him, ten years latter he saved him and took him in. He tried to keep him safe but it wasn't enough. Because he wasn't good enough, Yugi paid the prices. If he hadn't attack the place, if he didn't join him , Yugi would be alive. As he relived his time with Yugi, something struck him.

Yami stopped crying and rocking. The book, the spell, the spell that Yugi asked about.

"Bakura, do you remember when I hurt my hand on the roses? Go get them." Yami ordered in an even voice

"What do you-"


The three of them took a step back stunned before Bakura ran out the room and down the stairs.

"Anzu, I need you to find a bowl and fast." Yami spoke as he moved so Yugi lay flat on the ground, "Kaiba come here."

Anzu nodded and ran out looking for a bowl. Kaiba walked over quickly and sat next to Yami.

"Can I borrow your energy? Please, I can't do this on my own." Yami begged

Kaiba nodded and held out his hand. Yami grabbed his hand and chanted something before letting go, and in his hand was a light blue gem.

"His was the one thing that was keeping him alive. His was the reason he wouldn't pass out, but he didn't have enough energy.."Yami mumbled as he held the gem over Yugis body.

"What are you doing?"Kaiba dared to ask

"These symbols, I remember what they do. They stop a soul from being free so when they die they are lost in a word of misery. They become a lost soul. You are going to loose a lot of energy sense I'm not using his." Yami added

Yami closed his eyes and moved the gem over Yugis body. When ever the gem passed over a cut, it healed not even leaving a scare.

"Why do you need the roses and bowl?"

"There's a spell that can bring the dead back to life. The problem is it hardly works and they have a chance of not remembering anything."

Right as he finished speaking, Anzu and Bakura ran in. Bakura held the roses in his hand, not caring if they punctured his skin while Anzu held a small bowl in hers. The two ran over and handed Yami the items.

"Does anyone have anything I can burn?"

Bakura ran over and grabbed a torch off the wall while Yami gave back Kaibas soul. Handing the torch to Yami, he broke it in half and placed them like an 'x'. Next he took the metal bowl from Anzu and placed it on top of the lit wood. He grabbed one of Yugis wrist and cut it deeply, making sure that it got in the bowl. Once he had enough, he patched up Yugis wrist and cut his. Yami let the blood mix with Yugis until he had enough. Wrapping his wrist, he plucked the petals off the roses. Yami dehydrated them with magic and crushed them into a fine dust and placed them it in the bowl.

Yami swirled the bowl around a bit to mix the ingredients before taking it off the fire. Careful not to spill the potion, he lifted Yugi up so he leaned against him. Putting the bowl up to his lips, he poured all the potion into Yugis mouth and waited.

A minute, a minute had passed and nothing happened. Yami hung his head and let the tears fall. the potion didn't work, he lost him.

Everyone hung their head when they say Yami continue to cry. No one notice amethyst eyes open, that is until the owner let out a small moan.

Yami snapped his head up and looked at Yugi who stared back.

"Yugi?" yugi nodded his head

"D-do you r-remember anything?"

Yugi waited a second as he thought before opening his mouth to answer...

Story theme: Once Upon a December- Anistasia

Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song, someone sings

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm,

horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully,

across my memories


Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully,

across my memory

Far away, long ago

Glowing as dim as an ember

Things my heart, used to know

Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings,

once upon a December

(Koobre: Yes! I completed Royal Blood! Oh please,please, PLEASE, tell me how I did in a review. I worked hard on this even though it was crappy in the beginning. ALSO, I might do a sequel, let me know if you would want one. That and I will be uploading another story but I need your help, which one would you want to read more: Created for This or Darkened Eyes? Thank you, thank you, THANKYOU for reading my story!)