Doctors, Food cravings, and a call to Mycroft

A/N: Hello My lovely readers, second chapter and I seem to be sticking to some semblance of a schedule we'll see as I go. The Food craving that is near the end of the chapter, I got from one my friend actually went through, and actually it doesn't taste bad, think recess peanut butter cup with milk.

ALSO I still need a gender and a name for the baby so reviews are kind of necessary other wise it will be an it. BTW thank I'M-A-Blainey-Girl for Beta-ing this.

I do not own BBC SHERLOCK if I did the show wouldn't be nearly as good.

John looked around the Gynecologist's office as he and Sherlock waited for their appointment. Framed prints adorned the white washed walls. Semi-comfortable chairs lined the wall every four chairs a small side table covered in pamphlets rested. Sherlock sat next to John the picture of calm except for the clenched hands in his lap and lightly hunched shoulder. He had had another bout of sickness before leaving the flat. John was fairly sure that it was more out of nerves than set on by a smell, or more recently food. John frowned slightly at that thought. Sherlock had not eaten much the day before, turning his nose up at every take away suggestion that John could think of. When he finally did eat he had requested something very odd, causing John to go to the store for broccoli and cheese soup and an onion. The onion Sherlock ate like an apple as the soup warmed on the stove top. John who had never really like onions had Sherlock brush his teeth before he kissed him. That lead to a rather intense crying session that had John sleeping in his old room as Sherlock made his violin screech like a dieing cat until two in the morning. John had awoken in a bad mood that had melted away when he found his arms full of curled up Sherlock.

"Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?" came a male voice. John stood from his seat and spotted an older man in his fifties with bright blue eyes and white hair. The man as wearing the classic doctors coat and was taller than John but shorter than Sherlock. He was stout, his build reminiscent of John's with more gut. "Doctor Winters?" John asked as he held out his hand, which the doctor took. Sherlock snorted behind him and muttered "obviously." John looked over his shoulder and said, "no comment from the peanut gallery," with a smile. Sherlock smiled back and stepped forward, talking the Doctors hand. The man who was smiling at their banter shook it and led them into his office. "Mr Holmes if you would take a seat up here," Winters patted the exam table. The paper on the table crinkled as Sherlock sat on it. "Down to business men," the doctor said as he opened a folder, "I'm going to ask family medical histories from the both of you and your personal medical histories." he proceeded to ask for heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and so on. After fifteen minutes of family history he moved on to theirs.

Ten minutes later the doctor clapped his hands to signify the end of that line of questions. "when did you have your last heat?" he asked Sherlock as he stood to go over to him. "five weeks ago," Sherlock answered. "how soon after did you realize you were pregnant?" Winters asked as he strapped a blood pressure cuff to Sherlock arm. "two weeks." Sherlock responded looking at the number that came up as the cuff deflated with a beep. "seems a tad high," he said referring to his blood pressure. "higher blood pressure is normal, your veins have constricted to supply blood to the growing fetus." the older man said as he prepared a thermometer and placed it in Sherlock's mouth under his tongue.

"How often is the morning sickness," the doctor asked. John answered this time, "about two to four times a day, is that normal?" the white haired man nodded, "I'd worry if he he was vomiting blood, but if you need to throw up do so, holding it in could cause more harm than good." Sherlock nodded and opened his mouth when the thermometer beeped. "don't have much of a choice, vomiting is more than a bit involuntary." Winters chuckled, "have you taken any measures to curb it?" he asked Sherlock as he typed information into his computer. "Yes, I've endeavored to eat smaller meals." Winters nodded and turned back to Sherlock, "that's good, however I suggest that you eat small meals frequently, that should keep you from getting hungry and help you keep your food down." he scratched the side of his face before asking another question, "have you noticed your urine being off in color, darker or red?" Sherlock furrowed his brow in thought bringing his hands up into a point under his chin, after a minute, "no slightly cloudy but not dark or red" Winters hummed "drink plenty of water and that should clear up."

"As far as I can figure you should be about six weeks pregnant, probably became pregnant early on in your heat." John could have sworn he saw Sherlock blush slightly. "Any questions?" the gynecologist asked. "Yes, actually," John answered, while the doctor and Sherlock had talked John had pulled out his notebook and started marking off questions. "how soon can mood swings appear?"

"About as quickly as the morning sickness."

John nodded and marked that one off, "food cravings?" he asked.

"That takes a little longer, but within the first trimester."

Another scratched out question then he asked, "how exactly is Sherlock able to carry a child and give birth?"

Winters thought for a moment before he stood and grabbed a white board marker. He went to the window and drew a rough sketch of pelvic and leg bones. "As far as carrying a child to term Omega male's are unique in that they have a partially functioning womb and ovaries, I say partially because the only time an Omega male ovulates is during his heat and the released egg doesn't actually attach itself to the womb unless its impregnated. Concerning giving birth is another matter, a mans hips are much narrower than a woman's, and not designed to support a growing fetus, not to mention that males also have thinner bone. What makes an Omega male capable of giving birth is this." he marked the curve of the hip bones and shaded it, this section of bone his actually a combination of bone and cartilage which allows the hip to cradle the fetus properly also an Omega's hip bones are a thick as a woman's allowing the body to strip calcium from the bone which is very common in pregnancies of any kind. Its this configuration of hips that allows us to identify a male child as an Omega." John nodded and Sherlock looked thoughtful, probably filing the information away in his brain palace.

"As far as a birth canal that's another matter," he erased the hips and drew what looked like two rivers connecting into one. It didn't help that the doctor's marker was a dark blue he drew a line down one section of the split "the birth canal is already formed, it feeds into the rectum," he circled the line, "think of this like a heart valve it prevents anything from the bowels entering but lets something from the birth canal to enter or exit." he drew another group of lines, two that over lapped and an arrow pointing down, one was vertical, the other horizontal with an arrow going between the two lines, and two more lines that were diagonal with an arrow that pointed out between those. John liked the drawing's, they made understanding the lecture easier. "The problem that we're still not understanding is, how does an infants head fit through the sphincter, but it works every time. Tearing isn't unheard of, of course, but neither is it terribly common."

Winters capped the marker, "does that help?" John nodded and looked at Sherlock who wore the expression that John associated with plotting and experimenting. "If that's it, I want to schedule another appointment with you two again in another four weeks." John agreed, because Sherlock looked to be lost in his own world.

They left the gynecologist's office and hailed a cab back to Baker street. John kissed Sherlock good bye as he headed off to the clinic to log in a few hours.


Sherlock watched John leave in the cab and felt his heart clench. He never liked it when John left, he always faked not missing John when he wasn't there but it was all an act. He noticed when John had left the flat; the resulting silence was pounded home with every beat of his heart. He turned to the door of 221B and went in pulling out his cell phone. He brought up Mycroft's number and pushed send. The line rang twice before Mycroft picked up, "Sherlock," he greeted sounding utterly bored. "Hello brother," Sherlock responded as he climbed the stairs to his flat. "Unusual for you to call me," Mycroft stated, Sherlock heard paper rustling on the other end, he took a deep breath, "I need access to my trust fund." Mycroft's end was quiet for a full minute, "Mother is the only one who can grant that," he finally said. "I am aware," Sherlock said sitting himself on the couch with a grunt. Mycroft sighed then said,"I will see what I can do, but I make no guarantee that she will not wish to see you." Sherlock paused he swallowed a lump in his throat before speaking, "I'm ready if it comes to that."

"I will talk to her see if I can't get her to sign off, may I tell her more than your alive?"

"Yes, tell her everything if you think it will help." with that Sherlock hung up, he went to shower and take a nap.


It was going dark when John returned to the flat, carrying Tesco bags full of food to have for dinner. He found Sherlock sitting on the couch in pajama pants reading the book on experiments with human organs and tissues. "I got your text," John said putting away the groceries. He heard Sherlock get up off the couch and walk in to the kitchen, bare feet make small smacks on the linoleum tiles. John chuckled as Sherlock went digging through the sacks pulling out the peanut-butter, chocolate syrup and milk. He watched with growing confusion as Sherlock took a pan and placed on the stove turning the heat on and dropped two big spoonfuls of peanut-butter in to the pan then squirting in a liberal mount of the chocolate. John had finished putting the groceries away and stood watching as Sherlock made the concoction. When the peanut-butter and chocolate mix had smoothed out Sherlock filled a glass half full of milk and proceeded to pore in the syrup like mess, stirring as he went. "food cravings?" John asked as Sherlock started drinking his concoction. Sherlock nodded and put the pan and empty glass in the sink. Once Sherlock left the kitchen John went on to make his own meal watching Sherlock in the living room to make sure the smell didn't upset him.

"I talked to Mycroft earlier," Sherlock said after John had sat down in his chair to eat. "What did he say?" John asked swallowing the mouthful of food. "He said he'd talk to our parents and see if they would sign over the trust fund without requesting a meeting; however, he and I agree that it would be most unlikely." Sherlock said rubbing his still flat stomach. John smiled at the motion Sherlock had taken to doing, as if expecting to feel a difference, it was still only the first trimester and Sherlock wouldn't begin to show till about the second. Still, the action was endearing. How long do you think it'll be before we know for sure?" John asked, getting up to wash his plate along with the cup and pan in the sink. Sherlock was quiet for a minute before saying "most likely the end of next week, Mycroft has a lot to tell them." John nodded and made his way over to his mate, he knelt down between Sherlock's legs and hugged him around the middle rubbing his face in the crook of Sherlock's neck, "what ever happens we'll be okay," he muttered to him. Sherlock hugged him back and the rest of the night was in peace.

A/N please review it's not that hard I swear.

R.S. Till next time