Blind and mysterious Naruto!

Hello my name is Sacha. (My username is zuppercat though) This is my second fanfic (Echizen surviving in the woods, was the first one. *prince of tennis*)

Oh and I'm from Holland and still learning English so sorry if it's not always the best English ;)

Naruto can hear and speak with Kyuubi in this story and is 12 years old. (Since I know that he can't speak with Kyuubi so early yet.) But in this story he can so live with it. Haha :p

'Kyuubi speaking'

Chapter 1: Mysterious masked Naruto.

It was six years ago that Naruto left the village to train on his own. Well..actually..not on his own but with the Kyuubi. Not that anyone knew or knows that he can speak with the Kyuubi. Some don't even know that he has the Kyuubi inside of him. And even if they knew that the Kyuubi is inside of him they would never expect that he and Kyuubi have become pretty good friends. They fight sometimes of course but..let's leave that aside..okay?! :p

There was a reason that he left the village of course. It was an event that happened six years ago. Not many people know about it. one except for the third or should I say jiji. And the ones who attacked him of course..but..they died. The idiots. They should have known that he would survive from an attack like that and that they wouldn't. He survived barely though..

He did lose something from himself back then. That's also one of the reasons he left the village six years ago. The attack was so bad that he had lost his eyes.. completely melted away.. It was horrible..and so painful.. He then decided together with the Kyuubi that they would leave the village to train and get used to not being able to see. He told jiji of course. He said that the Kyuubi would train him for the next six years and that he would learn to handle being a ninja without his eyesight.

Jiji asked if he could do something about it, so that Naruto wouldn't go away. But Naruto had just shook his head. 'No..' he said '..there is no way to heal eyes are completely gone already..' The third had just looked sad and had nodded.

They decided to leave it a secret for now. He would come back in six years to take the genin exam and then stay in the village to become a ninja. Naruto would let him now when he would come back and would send him a letter. And jiji would make sure that there wouldn't be any problems with taking the genin exam and becoming a ninja.

'..I'll miss you..come back soon..!' Jiji had said sadly.

'..ah..don't worry jiji I'll be back..! See ya later jiji!' Had Naruto said as a six year old boy to the third. The third had replied with a smile and had waved at him. 'See you later too, Naruto..!' The third thought while walking back. (The third had brought him far away himself so that no ninja's would be able to find him. He did it himself so that only he would know about it. That would be for the best. And since Naruto was so young no one would recognise him later on. If he was only a little bit older they would have recognised him later because of his wild blond hair. The other reason that he brought him so far away was because he couldn't walk without bumping in to everything yet..

The time past by quickly so it was already six years later. He was on his way to the village when Kyuubi started talking to him. That was pretty normal though. It always went like that.

'Brat walk faster! Why are you going so slow?!' Said Kyuubi.

'..Well..just going slow..' said Naruto

'..T_T..Wow I didn't notice that yet! No seriously answer the question!'

'Fine, fine, gees you're so impatient..!'

'No reason really. I just feel like walking slowly. There is a much faster way of course but I was planning to enter the village the normal way. That's probably the best for now.'

'..Yeah, I get where you're going. You're suspicious enough already with that mask on.' Kyuubi chuckled.

'Very funny Kyuubi. But you're still right though. Even though I'm 12 years old, someone with a mask is still suspicious. That's why I have this letter from jiji. It will allow me to go in the village without trouble or being followed.'

He got the letter from jiji a few weeks ago, just after he had send jiji his letter when he would be coming home. In the letter stood his name and something official from the third so that he wouldn't have any trouble in the village.

It was a few hours later when Naruto stood in front of the village. The two people who were watching everyone who went in and out of the village called him and said that he would have to show his papers. They found him look rather suspicious with that mask on.

Naruto clothes were normal black ninja clothes. Except for a few extra details. He had long black ninja pants and all the other normal black ninja clothes with bandages around his hands and wrists. The details were all linked to a special symbol in his clothes. Everywhere on his black ninja clothes were white scars drawn on. The white scars where on his pants, shoes (white scar cross) and go on and on. He had black gloves on with a white scar cross on the top and his fingertips showing. His mask was a normal black mask except for a long oblique white scar on the mask and no eye holes. But that no one was sure of because it was so black. So most of the people just assumed that there were eye holes in the mask while there actually weren't. He had wild blond hair going in all directions. There was nothing covering his hair.

Naruto showed his papers that the third had send him and they let him through.

'Now..let's see.. Let's go to jiji first.' He mumbled and started walking to the hokage tower. He noticed that the ANBU were following him so he stopped in front of the hokage tower and showed them his papers so that they let him through. He knocked at the door of jiji's office and stepped in. The third looked surprised at first but then recognised him from the picture Naruto had send him. (A pic with how he looks now. So with mask.) The third told the ANBU that they could go so that he and Naruto could be alone.

'Naruto..welcome back!' He said happy and smiled. Naruto smiled back at him and started telling about his adventures. They talked about how everything in the village went as well. Jiji said that everything was ready so that he could take the genin exams tomorrow. He also told him that he had told the teachers about him as well. Naruto nodded and asked what they knew. 'Not much. Only your name and that you went training by yourself at age six. Oh and don't worry about the mask thing. It's not against the rules to wear a mask.' The third said. Naruto nodded again and said goodbye.

He walked a bit through the village so that he wouldn't get lost when he didn't had the time to. Although he still knew the village a bit since he lived here the first six years of his life. He looked at the note with the directions to his apartment jiji had given him. He went to his apartment and lay down on his bed and took a nap.

'...Not's only 17:00...' Kyuubi sighed.

'Why must he always take naps whenever he got the time for it.. It's much more fun when he's awake..!'

The next day:

In the classroom:

No one knew that three jonin teachers were spying on them. Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai. They wanted to know who their students would be. And.. the other reason was that they were bored.. No one saw them of course, they wouldn't be ninja if they couldn't even hide there selves.

Iruka: 'Ok class, before we start the exams I have something to announce to you all..' Everyone looked surprised. What would there be to announce anyway?! They normally start the exams immediately. '..we have a new student with us today. His name is Uzumaki Naruto and he'll be joining you guys in the exams.' They all looked surprised. (the three sensei's outside as well.) 'Let's see.. The only information I have from him is his name and that he left the village at age six to train by himself. He arrived just a few days ago to take the exams and become a ninja. That's all there is. He'll be here in a few minutes.'

They were all stunned by this information.

'But sensei how can you train by yourself at the age of six and then do the exams without even ever being to school before?!' Ino said.

'Well I don't know but this is a letter from the hokage personally, so it should be just fine.' Iruka said. 'From the hokage personally..!?' They all said/screamed/mumbled. The sensei's outside were stunned as well. Kurenai: '..That's pretty amazing..' The other two stared into the classroom with big eyes.

Just when they were all stunned and confused they heard a knock on the door. 'Knock, knock, knock.' And the door opened. They all snapped out of their confusion and looked at Naruto. They thought that that what they had just heard was confusing but he was even more confusing. He looked so..mysterious..

'Welcome Naruto. If you want to go and stand in the line there, than we can start.' Iruka said friendly. Naruto just nodded and walked over to the others.

'He's a mysterious one.. I wonder what's behind that mask.. It looks like it doesn't even have eye holes.. Nah, I must have seen it wrong. Still strange though.. His aura is really mysterious and complicated.. Like..he got a big secret or something.. And what's with those white scar symbols on his clothes..?!' Kakashi mumbled. The other two gave him a look that said: 'Right..and that says the masked man with more secrets than anyone. T_T ' Although they did agree with him.

The exams started and everything went just fine. It was almost Naruto's turn when Kyuubi started talking to him:

'So kid, what are you gonna do? You could get really high scores you know. You're all ready at the level of a jonin nin maybe even higher. You're normal abilities are chunin and jonin but you're special ability is higher anyone else's. No one can beat you in that. Doesn't mather what they do.'

'I know but I think that I'm going to do a bit above normal. I don't want to stand out to much...yet.'

'Whahaha you're funny you know! I'm going to enjoy this! So what was your plan again?'

'For now being normal. Well.. they'll probably find me mysterious but that's fine. That'll maybe even make it more fun.' He grinned at the fox.

'The plan in short is making them wonder what I hide and slowly showing them my powers. In the mean time they'll think I'm lazy and..'

'You ARE lazy!'

He gave the fox an annoyed look and talked further: ' I said.. In the mean time they'll think I'm lazy and maybe they'll think I'm cold-hearted. Not so sure about the last one though.. They'll think that and not someone who likes to play pranks and stuff like that. And then I'll play pranks on them while they think it's someone else. Then as time goes by I'll reveal more and more of my power and eventually.. I'll show them my face..and tell secret..!'

'Whahahaha you're really funny! I'm going to enjoy myself! Hahahaha. But..wait..that don't mean me right..?!'

'..Of course not idiot! The other secret!'


'Hai, hai, I get it, I get it.'

Just then they heard: 'Uzumaki Naruto, you're up.' He walked to the front of the classroom. Even if you couldn't see his face you would still know that he is really really really bored.

'Okay first up the...jutsu...and...' Naruto only heard half of it when

he started wondering what he should do after this. He slowly began to fall asleep. (Yeah people Naruto is even worse than Shikamaru! He can sleep anywhere! The weird thing is that you never know if he's awake or sleeping.) 'Naruto..? Naruto...! NARUTO!' Iruka said and then screamed. 'WHAAAHH wha- what is it..?' Naruto mumbled sleepy. 'Naruto were starting! Keep your head by the exams please.' '...Oh..yeah sorry..I fell asleep..what did you say again..?'

They all stared at him in surprise. How can he sleep standing..?! It didn't seem like he was lying though.. Gees he's even worse than Shikamaru. And the problem is that you can't even see if he's really sleeping or not. That mask blocks his face and he doesn't make any noise or any strange movements.

Shikamaru just thought: 'Wow..I wish I could do that..! These exams are so troublesome. If I could just sleep whenever I want.. That would be..much less troublesome..!'

'We know what you're thinking Shikamaru I don't think that that's possible..! It's surprising that HE is able to..!' They all said.

After Naruto was done he walked back to the line again. But before he did looked out of the window where the three sensei's were spying. 'Wait a second did he see us?! Iruka didn't even notice us so how did he..?!' Asuma said surprised. 'Seems like he knows more than that he shows.' Kakashi said looking curiously at Naruto.

While those three were talking the teams were announced. (Same teams as in the anime)

'Seems like he's in your team Kakashi.' Asuma said.

'Maybe we could do some sparring matches in a view days or weeks or so. With the rule to show in every match something new and different. Then we'll get to know everyone's abilities better.' Kurenai said.

Kakashi smiled at this and said: 'That's a good idea let's do that.' Then all three disappeared and the day went on.

Everyone went home after the exams so that they would be ready the next day when they would meet they're new sensei's.

DONE! First chapter yeah! Did you like it? I hope you did. :) I don't have much to say so see ya next time! :p :)