In this one shot, we find out what happened when Reggie tried to steal a burger for Chip!

Reggie shrugged his shoulders as he watched three of HSS girls drag Chip away. The grumbling of his stomach immediatley reminded him of his previous goal as he started to walk back to the cafeteria. "That was weird, but I'm too hungry to think about it."

He walked down the familiar pathway and waved to several students who recognized him. He came up to the large building that held the cafeteria and pushed through the double doors. Inside there were several monsters already snacking away at what was there to eat. The loud chatter that filled the room relaxed Reggie as the familiar atmosphere of a cafeteria surrounded him.

Soon the smell of food found his nose and he made a beeline for the lunch line. He grabbed a tray and waited somewhat impatiently as the other monsters retrieved their food. He slid his tray along and grabbed a burger, fries, grapes, and mashed potatoes. He happily paid for his lunch and sat down at one of the empty tables. "This is gonna taste sooo good!"

Reggie burped loudly as he dumped the trash from his tray into the trash can before placing it on top. He rolled his shoulders a bit as he glanced at the clock and read the time, 2:32. "Hmm, I should get Chip something to eat. He might be hungry...but if he isn't then more for me!"

Reggie scampered over to the lunch line again and cheered when he saw no one there. He looked over what was left and frowned at what he saw. There was used wrappers, half eaten tacos, and apple cores piled everywhere. "Didn't I just throw that away?"

He looked over the rest of the 'food' with a scowl before his eyes widened a delight. A perfectly good burger rested on top of an old pizza box. He ran over to get it but was suddenly tripped by something below. He lifted his face off of the floor in time to see a red tentacle snatch the burger. He looked down at his foot and saw a similar tentacle wrapped around his ankle. It soon unraveled itself and Reggie followed the length of it up and saw who the monster was.

It was a monster from Roar Omega Roar's rival fraternity, Slugma Oozma Python (EOP).* He resembled an octopus, using eight tentacles for arms and legs, only he had a neck, long eye stalks, and sharp teeth. He was about as tall as Reggie and was pretty skinny. Reggie stood up and saw the monster smirk in his direction as he waved the burger teasingly in the air. "Nice try green bean, but this is mine."

"Hey! I saw it first!" Reggie yelled as he ran over to the red monster. He was about to try and take the burger from him but he quickly sat at one of the larger tables where more of the EOP monsters were seated. He growled in annoyance since he knew he as outnumbered and contemplated different ways of getting the burger that sat at the corner of the table. "Johnny would kill me if I got into a fight with these guys over food."

That's when an idea struck him. He grinned deviously as he walked over where all the 'food' laid. He grabbed an armful of trash and quickly walked over to where the monsters were seated. He grabbed an old banana and threw it at the red monster. Then he grabbed a half full pudding cup and tossed it at a monster sitting from the opposite table. They both hit their targets and Reggie silently yelled, "Bullseye!"

"Why the hell did you throw that at me?!"

"What are you talking about? You fired first!"


Reggie then threw more 'food' at other monsters in the cafeteria and before he knew it, there was an all out food fight. Reggie cheered as food flew through the air and hit their targets. He happily hummed as he crawled across the floor and made his way towards the table. He reached up and retrieved the burger from the corner. He then reached up and grabbed a tray as well. "Time to go before the teachers show up."

He then stood up and used the tray as a makeshift shield before he started to run through the carnage. He watched as monsters fell from being hit or slipping on the food that wound up on the floor. He carefully made his way through the messy cafeteria and yelped when he stepped on a fork. He quickly kicked it away and continued running before he reached the door. He turned one last time to see the red monster get struck in the face with pie and fall backwards off of a table, landing with a loud 'thud!'.

He laughed happily before tossing the tray and walking out the door, no food on him at all. He looked over his shoulder and saw students quickly running away from the cafeteria as monsters from the staff showed up. He had a rather smug smile plastered on his face as he strutted out of the quad towards Frat Row, hamburger in hand. "I regret nothing!"

As the ROR house came into view, he saw Chip seated on the steps and quickened his pace. He couldn't wait to tell him about how he got that burger.

- Slugma Oozma Python has the second biggest house on Frat Row so I'm gonna say that their rivals with ROR.

Hey guys, I gotta story to tell ya. If you remember in Life As A ROR when Chip slipped on butter and face planted against the floor, then this is gonna be crazy. I was in the kitchen and I was running towards the fridge when I slip on a small puddle of water and face planted. I tasted blood in my mouth because I had bit my tongue and my chin and knees hurt like crazy. Ironic huh?

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter because I had way too much fun writing it. Then again you can never have too much fun. Don't forget to R&R!