Don't ask, the idea suddenly just popped up and I couldn't resist. I'm working on the next chapter of unrequited but I really wanted to squeeze this into this week's updates coming up.

"Eren" I snap my head up at the voice, my friends blue eyes filled with worry "You alright? You keep zoning out, man". I sigh loudly and bury my head into my arms, careful of my ears before responding to him.

"I'm fine" I lie somewhat, peering up at my friends from under my arms, they gave me doubtful looks "I just have a little headache, it's nothing"

"Do you want me to tell Hanji?" Mikasa asked me in a very protective tone, I twitched in annoyance, honestly I just feel like being alone, I didn't even touch my food. I shake my head and lift up a little bit glaring at nothing in particular.

"No it's fine really" I tell them. I hated being in this stupid facility, but it was better than being outside; at least here I could grow up in peace. Mikasa gave me a doubting look and pushed her dessert in my direction, as much as I wanted to defy her that cookie was giving me the googley eyes and I simple couldn't resist. I snatched it up and popped it in my mouth, groaning in appreciation. She smiled a bit and patted me on my head like I was a child, she presses the back of her hand against my forehead and I move to pull back from her overly mother like touches but she holds me still.

"You feel a little hot, maybe you should go get some rest, I'll tell one of the nurses" she sighs, I growl a little bit at her but she ignores my anger.

"I'm fine!" I snap, shoving away from the table. Jean eyes me warily with a scowl as if he wants to say something but he wouldn't dare, not with Mikasa next to him.

"Do you remember the last time you got sick? Your body isn't as strong as ours, just please go lie down and at least have the nurses have a look at you, alright?" she pleads with me. I mimic Jeans scowl, feeling a burning sensation fill my cheeks, I hate it when she's right but I hate it more when she goes all mama bear on me. I can handle myself.

"Fine" I bite out, turning briskly and stomping away from the table, hearing Sasha ask Mikasa if she could have my food and earning a dark growl in response before the dining door shut behind me. I slow down a tad bit, bracing myself against the wall. I couldn't quite place it but I did feel off today, it was getting a lot warmer than what it should; maybe she is right; maybe I'm running a fever.

I reach up and loosen a few of the button on my shirt before making my way to my room. A few of the staff ask me if I'm alright, I tell them everything is fine and walk completely past them. I want to reach my room and curl up on my bed. Everything is starting to hurt, my head is pounding and my vision is getting dizzy.

I barely can make out the last few faces I pass by before I'm finally in the seclusion of my room. I quickly strip myself of all of my clothing, shivering as the cold air creeps around my body. It feels nice and I fall onto my soft bed, curling up and letting my tail wrap around myself before falling asleep in hopes that when I wake I'll feel better.

Heat. Burning heat. My mouth is open wide with my tongue hanging idly out, my breath coming out in hot puffs as I pant wildly. Everything is hot, no, on fire; the collar around my neck, the occasional reassuring pets from the worried nurses, my hand and feet touching the floor as I'm forced to move forward.

I whine and let embarrassing noises slip out from my form, noises that if I had heard afterwards would have made me cringe. I sound like an animal, which is partially true but at the moment I don't care. My tail swishes back and forth between my legs, brushing against my heated skin in a pleasurably way that makes me quake.

I want this to end, its maddening. My body is screaming at me to just fall over and spread my legs for the closest available thing. But surrounding me were females, females who were one, obviously taken and two, had no interest in my shivering and pained form, only pity. I wined and begged up at them, rubbing against their legs or hands when they patted me in desperate need.

"It's going to be ok, sweetheart" one of them told me, scratching behind my ears that twitched fervently under the touch "We're taking you to where it will stop"

I whimpered loudly, unable to form any words.

"I've never seen him like this before" a short blonde headed nurse whispered, but my keen ears picked it up, I somewhat turned to her, vaguely remembering her under this heat. "He's usually so aggressive and docile, poor thing"

"I like him better like this, not any sass or bitchy attitude" I turned and glared at her tall freckled companion "I wonder if he'll even remember any of this, he barely even looks like he recognizes us"

"Shhh, Ymir, you're making him angry!" the short one warned her, giving me a warm smile. Ymir scoffed and shoved her hands in her pockets, staring at me somewhat.

"Whatever, where are we taking him anyways?" There was a sharp tug forward on my leash and I jolted forward some. I looked up, my vision slightly blurry, at the leader of the small group. She took a step towards me and knelt down petting my head before addressing her squad. I accepted the cooling pets, nuzzling her hand and letting more noises of pain leave me as another wave of heat crashed into me. My legs quivered.

"He's rather special, I'm surprised he's gone into heat at such a young age!" her glasses gleamed and her eyes sparkled as she regarded me "Of course I had to think over it carefully, but I came to the decision of Levi!" she squealed like a little school girl. The name sparked anger inside of me, anger that I couldn't place on a memory. My mind felt heavy and foggy.

"Him" the other nurses seemed to cry out in unison.

"They practically hate each other!" the blonde headed girl from before blurted out, sending me worried glances.

"Ahh but Krista, Think about it!" she pushed her glasses up a bit and, much to my disappointment, ceased her petting, instead standing up waving her arm frantically as she began her explanation that I could barely even understand, I laid my head against the cool floor, sighing and purring lowly "He is one of our few Omegas, not to mention that not many other facilities that have these wonderful hybrids can even manage to find one of his type, and Levi is one of our strongest Alphas. Could you imagine the offspring of the two? Of course, Eren's sister might not be too happy to hear about it and there's no telling how Levi will react to him in this condition…but I have a very strong feeling about this one!"

I tilted my head in confusion and frustration at the end, letting out a gruff noise of irritation. The weird four eyed woman melted somewhat at my reaction and cooed lowly to me, once more petting me. I melted again my prior agitation gone.

"Let's get you going, you must be in so much pain, poor baby!" she told me, once again tugging on my leash and forcing me to move forward. Ymir snorts loudly at her actions.

"If he remembers any of this you're dead meat, Hanji" she tells the crazy nurse who merely laughs loudly in response. I ignored them and focused on the pain and heat, trying to get as much contact with anything as possible; anything to get rid of the fire.

I numbly am forced to walk with them to a large iron an locked door, much like the one I was behind. Hanji stops and hands the leash to Ymir before pulling a card out from one of the pockets on her long white lab coat. She ran it through what I would have assumed to be a lock of sorts but at the moment I honestly didn't care. I rubbed up against the leash, enjoying the friction.

A loud beep was emitted from the strange locking device before the door clicked open, sliding out of place and revealing a dark, dimly lit room. My nose twitched as a scent came rolling out from the room, it overwhelmed me, making my head go spinning and my knees buckling under its presence. I moaned loudly and wantonly, sniffing the air for more of the delicious fragrance.

Hanji chuckled somewhat at my response to the overwhelming smell, something that she herself either couldn't smell or wasn't affected by, Ymir and Krista grimaced in pity. Hanji poker her head into the room with a big smirk on her face.

"I know you're probably not in the best of moods, you never are but I brought you a present!" she called out into the room, her voice echoing somewhat. There was a strong silence that followed her statement, she shrugged her shoulders at her two companions, motioning them to bring me forward. Krista unclipped the leash from my collar, taking it off as well in the process, before they started to nudge me into the room. I complied, wanting more of the delicious scent and allowed them to practically throw me into the room, I looked back at them and whined once more as I saw them retreating from the room. Hanji gave me a small smile like that of a mother sending her child off to their first day of school before she slid her card once more and the door slowly shut, darkness closing around me.

I blinked slowly, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, and keened highly. I rolled onto my back, rubbing myself against the plush floor beneath me. It smelt heavily of the scent from before, causing more waves of fire to crash and run through my body. I let my mouth hang open as a loud animalistic moan of need leaves me. I glance around, searching for the source of the scent.

There's furniture and other necessities but I can't make out any other being in the room, much to my displeasure. I whimper and curl in on myself, flopping to my side. I hug my knees tightly, my tail in-between my legs and my ears flat against my head as I shiver and cry out.

A low, dark, growl pierces through the room, I move me head a little only to see a couch, I'm too weak to move my head any further and instead let out a pleading whine, my eyes fluttering shut. I'm responded to with another growl; only this one is closer, I whine louder and shiver under the presence of the other. The scent got stronger as the alpha came closer to my quaking form.

"Jaeger" the voice is low and husky, it sends heated tingles up my spine, I arch and let out a shaky breath as I feel him draw nearer, his body heat radiating, I could reach out and touch him but I'm too weak.

A clawed hand reaches out and grasps at my hair, tugging my head back, I moan and shake oblivious to the pain and instead turning to show off more of my neck to the Alpha.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing in my territory, brat?" The man questions darkly, giving another harsh tug to my brown locks. I whine in response, forcing an eye open to stare up at the male.

His hair is dark, a deep midnight color, and his eyes a hazy grey; his face was consorted in anger and disbelief which didn't seem to affect how beautiful he was. He was young, having sharp features that went well with his pale complexion; heavily muscled and looming over me with a long black tail swishing behind him, ears the same color atop his head in an alarmed position.

I lean into the hand tugging on my hair with a soft noise of content. He seems taken aback by my actions and releases me, letting my head fall painfully against the floor. He studies my form before leaning close, to where his nose was almost touching my heated skin before inhaling deeply, his body immediately going rigid. He jerks back from me; I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and move against the floor under me once more.

His face transforms from one of anger to confusion and then settling on a mischievous one, a wide smirk gracing his lips as he regards me.

"Oh" he breathes out, reaching out with his hand once more and ghostly running over my cheek, not touching me but so close to doing so "I should rip your throat out" he smiles, letting his nails graze my cheeks, drawing some blood. I whimper at the pain, tears flooding my eyes in a silent plea.

"But you look so perfect like this" he admits, leaning closer to me and dragging his wet tongue along the fresh wounds, lapping at my blood as if it were a fine wine. It feels cool, despite it being wet and I shiver reaching up to cling to his cool body, but her jerks back from me with his grin still plastered across his face. I whimper loudly, raising my lower body instinctively while spreading my legs apart.

"No shitty little mouth to insult me" he begins, trailing his oh so cold hands along my torso with cool and precise movements "No strength to try and fight me" he cups my face gently, moving the finger down below my chin to tilt my head up level with his "No conscious to tell you wrong"

I melt into the chaste press of his lips against mine, my legs turn to goo and I let out a vibrating noise that sounds like the mix of a purr and a meow. He shivers and lets out a low growl, using his arm as support beside my head he loomed over me breathing heavily against my neck. I could feel his arousal rolling off of him in strong dominant waves. I let out more of the noises, trying to touch him in any way possible but he growls applying some teeth into the small kiss as a warning.

He pulls back and eyes me up and down, his face flushed with his own obvious need. I blink up at him in confusion, squirming underneath him and whining for more of his touches. He suddenly rolls off to the side of me, not giving me so much as a warning before he painfully grips my wrist eliciting a sharp cry of pain as he jerks me up right and practically drags me across the room. I'm too weak to fight him and I let him maneuver me with him until he just tosses me onto what I assume is his bed. I immediately attempt to curl up into myself, whimpering loudly but he's already on me.

He lays me out on my stomach, pinning my arm above my head with one hand while using the other to keep a steady grip on my hips. I shake in pain as his hot breath moves against my ear, his mouth ghosting over it before nibbling on the furry thing.

"Is this what you want?" he whispers huskily into my ear, nibbling down my neck and finally pressing his body flush against mine, even with his clothes on I can't help but moan out wantonly at the action. It feels nice and the heat is getting stronger, I press back against him and he sinks his sharp fangs into my collarbone, drawing blood in the process of marking my virgin skin, he suckles harshly on the new wound, humming darkly at my obvious pain and discomfort. I press back once more with a rather loud keening noise before he finally releases my abused flesh, licking at it for good measure and pressing a small kiss to it.

"Do you want me to fuck you into my mattress?" a small part of me was screaming at me to stop this now, to shove him off and get the fuck out of there, but the heat was so strong and he felt so nice and right I wanted him to do this even if I hated myself for it later. I nodded dumbly at his rhetorical question, burying my face into his nice soft sheets but he's having none of that. He pulls my head by hair back to the side, forcing me to lock eyes with him. He's grinning in a vicious way as if he's won something, something I don't understand in this state.

He pulled back, quickly making work of his buttoned up white collared dress shirt, nearly ripping the damn thing off of himself. His chest was ripped with muscles, as well as him having a rather impressive six pack going on. I nearly drooled from more areas than one at the sight of him like this.

"I don't think you'll get pregnant at this age, but I am surprised you went into heat so young, I'm glad they brought you here and didn't waste your beauty on some low class beta" he purred, moving to remove his jeans while still keeping eye contact with me "If it had been someone else who had gotten to break you like this I don't think I could have held myself back from ripping them to shreds, or worse"

I shivered and pouted, keening lowly and grinding myself against his sheets, he groaned in response and nearly tore his boxers from his body, ignoring the mess he had created and finally just focusing on me. I purred in excitement as he pressed back against me, he felt cooler than before it brought my somewhat relief and I rubbed my backside against him. He shuffles and presses my legs apart, lifting me up by my waist.

I allow him to put me in the lewd position, mewling at his touches. He trails one had down my back and in-between cheeks, rubbing and squeezing the flesh softly, his finger ghost over my heated and near dripping entrance and instead slide against the cleft between it and my other parts. I moan and mewl practically begging him to just stop teasing me and fuck me senseless into his bed. But he obviously can't feel the burning fire and instead snakes his teasing hand around my waist to grip my front. I choke on a silent scream, gasping for air as he stroked my already completely hard member.

He groans and muffles his own moans against my neck as he rubs his own aching need in between my cheeks, giving me teasing slaps to me rear as he dry humped me. The fire between my legs is burning wildly now, I can't stand it, it hurts too much. I arch my back, flicking my tail back and forth and star back at him with my mouth agape as more pleading sexual noises leave my body. He seems to lose concentration on his teasing at my act of submission and releases my member, roughly shoving my head into his bed and spreading my cheeks wide, exposing my entrance to him.

"Fucking, Brat" he huffs out, rubbing his need against the natural lubrication my entrance was excreting to cover him. I purr and mewl louder, grinding back against his heat. He braces his arms on either side of my torso as he lines himself up with me, not so much as giving me a warning before roughly pushing himself inside me.

It hurts and I want to scream out, I do, I scream loudly and hoarsely. He presses soft kisses up and down my upper back, adding little nips here and there but it doesn't help, I try to pull away from his intrusive member. He bites down into my lower neck, his jaw locking possessively and emitting a low, deep growl.

Every muscle in my body locks into place at his action and I'm left to adjust to the new burning heat inside me. He calmly wait a minute for me to get used to him being inside of my before he starts to thrust, not releasing my neck from his harsh hold. The initial pain is soon taken over by a good burning pleasure, the heat of him and mine colliding with each movement of his hips grinding against my bare bottom.

I don't know how loud I am, I'm lost in the pleasure but I know that I'm practically screaming in pleasure from him moving into me at his brutal pace. He slams roughly into a spot that makes me sees stars and all the heat that I had coiling inside me seemed to finally break free as I choked on a half sob half shout of pleasure.

My essence shoots out from me, dirtying the sheets below me and I constrict around him tightly, allowing him to ride out his own orgasm.

"Nghhh" He groans lewdly against my skin as he pushes roughly into my aching body once more, his arousal knotted up inside of me in a delicious way as his fluids spurted out hotly, coating my inner walls.

He soon flops down next to me, pulling out from my abused hole and collapsing somewhat, pulling me against him. I pant and press up against him, purring in content and satisfaction, I wrap my arms around his torso and cuddle against him, him returning the affection and giving me an appreciative nuzzle and nip to my ear.

"Nnnnnng" I groan loudly, trying to force my eyes to open. My head is pounding against my skull, and my whole entire body is aching in pain. I feel like I got ran over by a bulldozer a couple of times then smacked around with a wrecking ball. I go to move when I notice something a little off about where I currently was located.

There were strong arms wrapped around me and the silky sheets beneath me were definitely not my fluffy ones. I move to jerk away from whomever decided to get their snuggle on with me when pain shoots up my spine.

"F-fuck" I shout out, doubling back over onto the silky sheets. I hear a low and sultry chuckle come from my left and I don't need to turn to know who it is.

"About time you woke up" he says in such a natural voice, as if I wasn't lying naked in his bed.

"What the fuck did you do to me you asshole!" I screech, attempting to move over to properly glare at the fucker. He's laying on his side casually, his eyes narrowed as he regarded me in my fumbling movements, a smirk gracing he features.

"What I did to you?" he sighs out, running a hand through his unkempt raven hair, his ear twitching "You practically woke me up over ten time trying impale yourself on me"

I flush with heat, from both rage and embarrassment. I shuffle around oddly and manage to get up onto my feet, pain screaming at me in more places than one. And then I feel the sickening evidence begin to leak between my thighs and I screech loudly, tossing whatever I could manage to get my hands on at the older male.

He winces and growls out at me, I shrink back a bit, covering my body with his silky black sheets as he zones in on me in frustration. I feel tears of frustration leak from my eyes and I try to wipe them away only for more to flood.

He approaches me with caution, wrapping his arms around my protectively and nuzzling at my head, peppering me with small kisses. I flush some more, not used to this side of him, I'm used to his neurotic and asshole nature.

"Shhh, why don't we go take a bath" he suggests calmly near my ear, I melt at the voice, I don't understand why I'm reacting like this to him, I hate him so much but I feel so calm near him, I find myself nodding into his touches.

"Good boy" He purrs lowly, picking m up bridal style and carrying me to his bathroom. For once, I don't think I have the energy to fight him.

Okay so the only reason why I didn't add in any Eren dialogue was because he wasn't really aware of what was happening, it was just primal lust and need taking control of his senses so from his point of view he wouldn't be focused on anything but the burning heat and the relief that Levi was bringing him. I might maybe just write a second part to this if it gets enough feedback and if I feel inspired enough to try to continue it.