Ward walks past Fitz's open door. Stops. Does a double take. Fitz. In a suit. And fiddling with a tie, not a bow tie, but an actual grown-up tie.

Oh, right. That was tonight.

Fitz continues to fuss with his tie with no results for the sixty seconds Ward watches him. He is more likely to accidentally strangle himself with it at this rate than to actually get it tied properly.

Ward takes pity on him and steps into the room. "Fitz, stop."

The younger man jerks, startled, and the tie slithers off his neck. He glares at Ward. "Now look at what you made me do."

"You weren't going to be able to get it like that. Let me."

Fitz sighs and holds the tie out. "Fine."

Ward steps in front of him, lines the tie up along Fitz's neck, and begins to meticulously tie it.

"Why are you so nervous? You two are practically married, anyway."

"It's Jemma," he says like that explains everything. Then with a sigh, he adds, "It's our first real date. I want it to be perfect."

"I'm sure it will be," Ward reassures, putting the finishing touches on the tie. He stands back and smooths out Fitz's suit jacket and shirt, before moving out of the way so Fitz can see himself in the mirror. "There."

Fitz's cheeks are pink tinged and he gives his reflection a small pleased smile. He pats Ward on the shoulder and heads for the door.

"Have a good time. But not too good a time. I mean it."

"Leaving now, Ward."

As he disappears out the door, Ward calls after him, "And have her back by midnight!"

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