Chapter Eleven

Emily and JJ have been on the road for almost four hours now. They ended up stopping just before leaving Raleigh. Emily wanted something to snack on if it was going to be a while before stopping to eat. They had just made it through Richmond. After being stuck in traffic due to some big rig accident that took up all three lanes of I-95. That took them the better part of an hour after they finally got the shoulder cleaned off to allow cars to start getting through.

Both of them were ready to stop and getting a little on edge. They decided to stop at Denny's. If they had known about the accident, they would have done IHOP just off of I-95 just south of Richmond. But they didn't, and Denny's is only a little off the highway so it doesn't take them long to get there and get seated. They had just ordered their meal.

"I guess your ready to hear about what happened after you got knocked out." JJ said.

"Look, if you're not ready to talk about it, I'm fine with that. I don't want you feeling like you have to tell me." Emily starts.

"No, I want to. It's just... There is a lot of emotions that I was going through that I can't even begin to explain." JJ tells her. "Only because I'm still trying to figure them out myself."

"That's fine JJ. Explain what you can. Maybe even talking about it might help you understand those emotions." Emily said.

"Alright well, you know when you signaled me to go left and you were going to go right?" Emily nods. "Well that's the point I actually started to hear the sirens, and was thinking back up was almost there. As I turned into the room and looked around..."


JJ spins around in time to see what that was. She sees a huge chunk of the door frame missing as a guy is ripping a baseball bat out as Emily slumps to the ground. Emily tried to get back up but fails.

"EMILY!" JJ yelled, but as she takes aim at the guy he runs behind the wall. Screeching comes from outside as a car slams to a halt. Sirens are going as JJ hears someone running towards the back of the house.

Her first thought is to take off towards the guy, but she needs back up and with Emily down, she decides to stay shouting out at whoever pulled up "IN HERE. OFFICER DOWN."

As the two paramedics walk in "WATCH OUT" one shouts at her. Instinctively she rolls forward. As she turns she is tackled by the unsub, which knocks her gun away from her.

They are fighting for control. Lucky for JJ, she has practiced being in situations like this with Morgan. Only difference here is, then it dawns on her "Get Emily out of here." She tells the paramedics.

They drape Emily's arms over their shoulders and drags her out of the house. Now that Emily is gone, JJ's instincts take over. She does what Morgan showed her to do when in this situation. She just hopes she has enough room.

She take a chance to glance behind her. "Good, I will be OK at least" she thinks to herself. With that she relaxes just a bit to offset the unsub, then she pushes the guy to get him to step back. She then steps a bit to the right and brings up her left knee into the guys gut, causing him enough pain to relax his hold on her even more.

At this point she digs her hands into the guys cloths so he can't get away and starts to roll herself on to her back. As she does, she brings up her feet into the guys gut and throws him over her.

He goes flying. At the last second he realized what was happening and tried to correct it, but was too late. The results of that was him not ending up on his back. He came down on the coffee table shoulder first, turning just enough in air to not come down on his face. As the solid oak coffee table slides, Gibbs momentum carries him into the wall. He slams the same shoulder into the wall at such an awkward angle, JJ hears it brake.

Gibbs screams out in pain. He climbs back up grabbing the bat swinging it a bit with his good arm, and JJ is already on her feet looking for her sidearm. Just as she spots it, Gibbs lunges at her again. She avoids the bat and starts backing up, getting Gibbs to step towards her. As he commits to a step, JJ rushes forward and does a sweep of the legs, bringing Gibbs down again in a roar of pain.

JJ rolls away and darts for her gun. About the time she grabs it Gibbs is getting up again. She aims at him "Freeze" she shouts.

This time he drops the bat and dives through the window out into the yard. Without the bat, she can take him hand to hand, she holsters her gun sprinting to the window as he is getting up. She make it to the window as he starts to make a run for it. She carefully jumps out the window landing lightly on her feet and starts chasing the guy down. With only one good arm, his options of escape are limited.

Just then one of the medics comes around the corner blocking his means of escape causing Gibbs to pause. Gibbs starts towards the paramedic which worries the medic and he freezes. The pause Gibbs did just a few seconds earlier has JJ only a few step behind him when he changes direction and heads straight at JJ again.

Anticipating this move, JJ doesn't have time to do anything but throw her elbow right into the guys face. Over the roar of pain coming from Gibbs, she didn't hear the nose break. She didn't have too. She felt it shatter. He falls. As he goes down JJ rips out her sidearm, points it at the guys head. "I SAID FREEZE." JJ shouts.

Just then a couple of squad cars pull up and a black SUV. Morgan is out of the passenger seat before the vehicle finished skidding to a stop and running to help JJ.

"Holy crap JJ, what the hell happened to that guy?" Morgan asked as he pulled his gun to help cover the guy.

Now that there are more people here and Gibbs is basically caught JJ looks at Morgan. "You got him?" she asked.

"Yeah, I got him." Morgan said.

Just as JJ is putting her gun away, Hotch showed up. JJ is starting to come off the adrenaline rush she had and Hotch can tell. "Come on" he says as he leads her to another ambulance that had shown up sometime during the time everything went down. "Lets get you looked at." He turns to the first set of paramedics "Go ahead and get my agent to the hospital. Suspect is fine other than a broken nose and arm." JJ starts to balk at the idea of Emily going to the hospital without someone going with her. "Don't worry JJ, let's get you checked out while you tell me what happened and then I will have Rossi take you to the hospital where you can wait. We can finish the rest of things here." JJ nods.

The paramedic that checked her to make sure everything was good after giving her the all clear tells her "You were amazing in there by the way."

"How much did you see?" JJ asked.

"I got in there right after the guy got up with the broke arm, and was swinging the bat at you. Getting that guy to commit the step towards you just before taking him down with the leg sweep, just brilliant. After he went through the window and you were getting ready to follow, I ran out and around the house to see if he was alright, but he was running at me. I can't believe I froze with him coming at me like that." the paramedic said.

"I honestly felt like he was doing it to try and bring me closer so he could try something. Which he did, but it didn't work as you can tell." JJ said.

"Well, you were still brilliant, not missing a beat or anything when he turned on you like that. Where did you learn that?" he asked.

JJ stepped down out of the back of the ambulance and said while pointing to Morgan "You see that guy fixing to walk into the house?" she asked. He nods. "He taught me everything I used to survive today."

"The other paramedics that are taking the other agent to the hospital say that because you got her out of harms way so quickly, she will most likely be OK. They can't know the extent of the brain damage though. But the bullet wound doesn't look life threatening. We've seen people with way worse come out alright." he replied.

"Thank you" JJ tells him.

She turns and make her way to the SUV as Hotch goes to get Rossi so he can take her to the hospital to get back here and help.

They had finished eating and were finishing their drinks. They had been at the restaurant for about 40 minutes now. "And that's about it. Hotch was the only person until now to know everything that went down." JJ tells Emily

"Man if I hadn't decided to take a nap, that would have been fun to watch. So Morgan doesn't know yet?" Emily asked JJ.

"I honestly think he does, I saw that paramedic walk up to Morgan just before Rossi got to the SUV, and shake his hand. After that, he pointed in my direction and was saying something to Morgan. He just looked proud at what was being said. But I don't know. He never mentioned anything at the hospital." JJ replied.

"Of course not. He will wait until you're ready to talk about it. Come to think about it, the only person he doesn't do that with is me. I guess it's because we are partners." Emily said.

"Yeah, that's totally it." JJ says with sarcasm, not believing that's the reason at all.

"Hey be nice to me, I just got released from the hospital." Emily said with a smile.

"Alright, how about you pick up the check, and I go call my son since it will be late when I get home?" JJ replied as she stands up and pulls out her phone.

JJ hits send on her phone and starts to leave. "And how is that being nice?" Emily asked. JJ just turns back with a smile, and gives Emily a wink, then walks away. Emily just shakes her head.

As Emily is climbing into the vehicle JJ says "Alright Will, we will see you in a few hours." She hangs up the phone.

"So hows Henry?" Emily asks not really needing the answer.

"Happy I'm on my way home. I told him you were coming to stay a few days too. He was excited. Started talking about you and dinosaurs, so." JJ said with a shrug.

"Have you gotten him The Land Before Time movie yet?" Emily asked.

"Actually Will and I had talked about it awhile back. We just never made it around to getting it for him." JJ said.

"If you haven't, don't even bother. Can we swing by my place so I can switch fresh cloths out in my go bag, and I can also grab that movie for him to watch? I can also grab my Dr Who series." Emily said.

"Sure thing." JJ replied. With a curious look on her face she asks Emily "Care to explain why you own that movie Em? You were like fifteen when it came out." JJ said.

"17 actually. It came out on VHS just before my 18th birthday. As to why I bought it, it's because George Lucas and Steven Spielberg both help executively produce it." Emily replied as if it should be common knowledge.

"You do have it in DVD at least right?" JJ asked. "Because I don't think I own a VHS player."

"Yes, I own it on DVD. Still have the VHS in storage. I did buy the DVD when it released sometime in 2003." Emily replied.

"The fact that you remember when you bought stuff like that reminds just how much like Reid you can be sometimes." JJ tells her.

"What's that? Intelligent? Sophisticated? Knowledgeable? Well informed?" JJ is shaking her head no. "What then?" Emily asks.

"Nerdy!" JJ replied.

Emily laughs "Yeah maybe a little. I just thought I would watch stuff like that with my kids. But now I'm going on 40. I don't think I will find someone who will understand me, everything about me. Understand why I do this job, why I specialize in child cases, why I avoid my family name like it's the plague. I just don't think it will happen."

"Oh come on now Emily, you could find a guy that understands all that and who wants to have children. You just to believe you will find him. I could help find a guy you would be great with." JJ suggested.

"Thanks but you know how I am about people poking around in my personal life. Besides, I really stopped looking over the last couple years." Emily said. She then thought "Ever since I met you and got to know you JJ."

"Don't worry about it Em. If i find a guy that is somewhat like what you are looking for, I just want you to consider meeting him and seeing how it goes, OK?" JJ said.

"Let's just see how things go. We can talk about it further next week when we do girls night. I just want to get this car back home to where I can relax somewhere besides a car or a hospital." Emily said. "That and it gives me time to figure out how to bring out the fact that I'm a lesbian. Easiest way would probably be to just come out with it...but I will worry about that later." Emily thinks to herself.

"Alright. So do you think I should go ahead and get all of the movies as well?" JJ asks.

"Probably at some point. Might also look at the TV series as well. But all that can come a little later." Emily said.

And with that, the rest of the trip home they discussed a variety of things. The type of stuff friends talk about. It took some time for them to both be ready to get back to where they were at one point. Back to friends.

The End

A/N: Yes, this is the end of this story for now. I'm in the process of writing the next story right now. It will be covering girls night out. I would just like to take this time to thank everyone who followed and/or favorited the story and/or me. It means alot to know people enjoyed reading this. I have noticed some errors within the story itself that i do plan to go back and fix so the story reads a little better. But I do want to try and get a good part of the next story finished up before I go back and fix those errors I've seen. Thank you again and until next time :-)