Note: Just this thought I had for a story while I was sleeping last night. It takes place after the season three finale, when Simon Donovan dies. This story is about what happens after that, and there's a little bit of a change in part of what happened in the show, but if I tell you what the change is it'll ruin the story and I haven't written fic in a while so maybe this sucks but I hope not. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The West Wing nor to I own the show's plot line all I have is Netflix and this story's idea.

Claudia Jean Cregg listened to the words that came out of Ron's mouth, but not everything registered with her. He was shot at a corner store. Too much blood was lost. Simon Donovan was dead. Dead. That word hung in her ears and her heart felt as if it had sunk into her stomach. CJ just nodded her head, listening to Ron's voice as he spoke. Dead. She felt sick. Dead. She needed air, she needed to get out of here. The walls felt like they were closing in on her, she looked at Ron but still expected to see Simon coming toward her. It was surreal, she didn't know what to expect. Ron's expression was filled with concern as he asked her if she was alright. She didn't hear him at first, just the sound of his voice. When he repeated the question, CJ nodded her head. "Yeah—Yes. I just, I'm going to get some air." Her voice sounded different and she felt like there was a lump in her throat that anyone could hear. Ron just nodded, placing his hand on her arm for a quick moment of comfort before he walked up the stairs to return to his post.

CJ thought that this was over. She was supposed to be safe, she was supposed to be okay. Everyone was supposed to be okay. Simon wasn't supposed to have died right then and there—not then, not now. It wasn't how it was supposed to happen, and she couldn't help but feel responsible as she walked through the New York City streets. CJ bit down on her lip, trying to avoid the people walking through the streets, holding in her tears. It was a strange feeling. It felt weird. CJ took a seat on a bench and let the tears fall. She wasn't sobbing, she wasn't anywhere near sobbing but she couldn't control the tears as they came down her cheeks. It wasn't long before something took her out of her trance. The sound caused CJ to jump a little bit from her seat and then looked for the noise when it continued. It took another time for her brain to register that it had been her phone ringing.

"CJ Cregg." She answered her phone, clearing her throat and hoping she didn't sound like she had been crying. "

CJ it's Danny…Are you okay?" His voice rang clear to her and she found herself comforted. Danny Concannon had been one of CJ's friends the past years working in the White House. She felt a certain comfort when they spoke, like even though they were apart he was right near her.

"What? I'm—I'm fine Danny. Why did you call me?" CJ stood up from the bench and began walking around the street she was on. She didn't know where she was, but it couldn't be that far from the theater.

"Hey, can't a guy call to check in and see how you're doing?"

"When said guy—" CJ shook her head, shaking away what she was going to say to him. "I'm glad you called."

"You are, well that's a surprise."


"Sorry. Sorry. How's the play?"

CJ shook her head, "I left to go get some air. But it's been surprisingly good so far. Shakespeare with a twist of song. Weird, and odd but good too. Is this why you called to get a quote on the play?"

"No, I told you I wanted to call to just talk to you."

"That's…nice." CJ spoke, looking around to try and find her way back to the theater. "How are you Danny?" While it was a friendship relationship the pair had, it was still something more than that. It wasn't just a work relationship between them—CJ didn't think it ever had been just strictly work between the two of them. She could deny it all she wanted, but she had feelings for Danny despite her better instincts. He had feelings for her too, but there was so much space so much time between the two of them. Everything was working against them, and CJ gave in to everything else and always ignored her feelings for him. It was what was best.

"I'm…good—good. Listen, I'm coming back to DC tomorrow and I was thinking we should get something to eat." She was turning down a corner, thinking it was the right place to go down to get back to the theater.

"Danny if this is a date I sw—"

"It's not a date. I promise CJ it's not a date if you don't want it to be."

"Danny I would—" She began to speak, but then there was this loud sound on the other end of the line and Danny looked around the airport nervously.

"CJ?" There was a gasp on the other end and then the phone went off and Danny began to look around the airport, getting a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Not even ten minutes later Danny was dialing someone else, his stomach in knots as he walked around the airport waiting for a car to come and get him. When the person picked up, Danny let out a sigh. "Donna. I need to talk to Josh. Now. This can't wait. Please." Danny was talking a mile a minute and his words jumbled together.

Donna wasn't sure what to do so she handed the phone over to Josh mouthing that it was Danny Concannon before walking out. "Danny I thought you were getting here in...a few hours. Shouldn't you be on a plane?"

"I got an earlier flight and it got in a half-You know what that is not important. What's important is that I was just on the phone with CJ and she hung up."

Josh let out a small laugh, "Well it's CJ, Danny, don't you think that was going to be an obvious response."

Danny shook his head and nearly shouted, "No Josh that's not. The phone got disconnected and I tried calling her back but she didn't answer. She was in the middle of saying something so I thought the phone cut out but then she didn't answer so now I'm worried and Josh stop laughing this is serious."

"Danny she has a secret service agent for a reason." Josh said and looked over to Donna who was walking towards him. "I'm sure she's alright Danny, Simon is a good agent and he's talking care of her. In fact, they caught the guy who was stalking her so I'm sure she's okay maybe she and Simon went out to-What is it Donna?"

"Simon Donovan is dead." She muttered, looking at Josh with big doe eyes.