A/N: Tell me what you think. Percy is 22 years old. All will be relieved later in the story. Tell me if you think i should continue or i won't update the next chapter. Thank you. This is my first PJO fan fic

Slash, slice, duck, roll repeat. Slash, slice, duck, roll repeat. A sliver sword glinted in the light of the dark and eerie gym. The sharp blade moved with so much rhythm and speed that it wasn't distinguishable, just a blur of sliver as it gutted countless punching bags hanging along the ceiling. Each bag was gutted and slashed so bad that dismembered pieces of once punching bags were lying around the ground. Some hooks that were supposed to have punching bags were empty. The sight was horrific yet breathtaking. Destruction and merciless anger could easily be seen in the almost empty gym.

The last and final bag dropped to the floor with a sickening thump. Stuffing was flowing out of the plain white bag like blood. The one who destroyed the gym's utilities hunched over in exhaustion the hilt of his sword rested on his crouched knees, making the blade of his sword stick out. Beads of sweat trickled over the young man as he wiped it from his face he looked drained physically and emotionally. Loud clapping could be heard destroying the silence, the young man snapped out of his revere turning around, sword raised, to see the assailant. His shaggy but short hair was matted with sweat, his jaw set, sword pointed in a ready stance and his defiant sea-green eyes were narrowed.

A middle-aged man in a clean-cut suit walked from out of the shadows facing the young man with a smile.

"It's good to see you too Agent Jackson." The middle aged man said, not at all fazed by a deadly 6.2" man with a sword, ready to kill.

"Either you are a psychopath, a ghost, a sugar induced hallucination, or the real deal" The young man or Agent Jackson said, sword still rose as he studied the man before him. The middle-aged man was short compared to the agent but had an air of confidence that could easily be mistaken for a highly trained operative. He had short sandy brown crown of hair. He had a friendly and familiar smile to agent Jackson. Yet agent Jackson didn't lower his sword.

"Since when did sugar make you hallucinate? "The man said with a laugh at the small memory. Finally Agent Jackson lowered the weapon with a smile.

"Touché, Should have known, you're so damn stubborn that not even Hades will take you." Percy said with a laugh as he approached the man enveloping him in a hug, happy that the man he looked up to, as a father wasn't really dead. "Its good to see you Coulson" Percy said pulling away from the man.

"Its good to see you too, Perce" Phil Coulson, the presumed dead agent, said with a smile.

"I see you couldn't get enough of your favorite student." Percy said with a grin on lips. His green eyes flashed playfully not like a few minutes ago where his eyes looked like a storm of rage and fury.

"Very funny Percy, I came here actually to say…"

"Who died" Percy interrupts Phil Coulson, not missing a heartbeat. Percy was all too familiar with that look of dread that flashed through his mentor's face. It could mean only one thing. It was moments like this that Percy wondered if he was ever in the right business. Loss was something that even the son of Poseidon, the greatest hero alive, couldn't bare to face. He seen too much already in a short time, he couldn't bare anymore but that was the way this job worked. Dealing with loss is in the job description. It was bad enough that he thought his mentor and father figure was dead but actually alive.

"Percy…." Coulson began with a sigh.

"Who died, Coulson" Percy said irritated, not wanting to have an explanations.

"Fury" Coulson says his brown eyes meeting Percy's sea green eyes that were swirling with confusion and disbelief.

"How" Percy says stunned not able to speak any more. It wasn't everyday that you hear the director of SHIELD is dead, let alone murdered. The same man who could singly take down 20 heavily armed men at the same time.

"Hydra" Coulson says with a look of stoniness. Percy ran a hand through his hair in frustration at the news of an old group resurfacing with a familiar name that made him just want to forget his past.

"And this has something to do with me?" Percy says, crossing his arms motioning with hands for the older man to continue.

"I need my top agents who I trust to get on it. Hydra has moles all over Shield."

"Where do you need me?"

"New York" Coulson says with a visible flinch.

"You know Phil I am not going. My condition when I first joined Shield was that I would never go in that messed up country ever again, especially New York. OI don't care that the world is in peril, I am not going." The son of Poseidon shouted angrily, jaws clenched, hands balled into fists. The nearby water bottle looked ready to explode any second.

"Why not?" a voice asked, talking before Coulson could open his mouth. The person who spoke stepped out of the shadows; revealing a girl in blue jeans black boots, blue plaid shirt and a leather jacket. Her wavy black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She looked Philippines with her light olive skin and warm chocolate brown eyes. She looked out of this world, tough yet beautiful and easy going at the same time.

"Who are you?" Percy says, pulling his sword out of his sheath.

"Percy stand down, didn't I tell you stay in the car." Coulson says angrily looking at the girl with a look a father gives to his irresponsible daughter. At the words of his mentor Percy lowers the sword hesitantly. The girl didn't look terrified at the sight of the sharp and shiny sword even though she was screaming in panic on the inside. She just looked defiantly at Percy daring him to answer her question.

"I am not working with some jumpy newbie Phil. Get Natasha or Clint to do it." Percy says turning to stare at Coulson, ignoring the newbie agent altogether. He was a season operative not a baby sitter for a jumpy newbie. It was obvious she was terrified of his sword.

"Clint and Natasha already have their assignments, I want you to work with the Avengers and Skye" Coulson said, motioning to the female agent, "on finding the location of Captain America and bringing down HYDRA. I need you in New York"

"Why me? For all you know I could be a traitor." Percy said glaring at Agent Coulson.

"You know why. Who better than to trust the man whose flaw is loyalty." Colson answers with a knowing smile. Percy knew without a doubt Phil was right. He was loyal to SHIELD; they were his only family left. The only ones who haven't abandoned him yet. Sure they didn't know much about his past or family lineage or any of his secrets but they took him in at a time where he had no one except for the empty streets of New York and a growling belly. He knew it was a bad idea when he accepted their offer but then again Percy Jackson attracted the bad.

"Yes" Percy said reluctantly. He couldn't say no if he wanted to. Athena was right again, his fatal flaw would be the death of him.