The security alarm woke Taylor quickly. He jumped out of bed and silenced it. The alarm was for the terrace doors in Ana's room. He brought up the security camera as his heart pounded with dread. As soon as he saw her he yelled "Fuck!" and ran.

Out in the hallway he pounded on Sawyers door and yelled, "Code Red, get Flynn!" Taylor jerked open the master bedroom door but approached the terrace cautiously, unsure exactly what he would say or do. He watched her carefully for a moment. She was dressed only in one of her husbands white undershirts. She was bent over the terrace railing, staring at the ground so very far below. Her right hand held a revolver. Suddenly she turned to face him. "Taylor! You shouldn't be here. I'm fine. Go back to bed."

Taylor looked at her and wondered had she forgotten she was holding a gun? Not saying a word, he stepped out on the terrace. Christ, it was fucking cold. Barefoot and wearing only boxers, he felt the sharp bite of the night air. A cold gust of wind blew across his body blanketing him in goosebumps and forcing him to say aloud, "Fuck, it's cold!" Ana didn't answer. He tried to take a step closer but she simply said. "Stop!" without even turning. "You said you were fine. We both know that isn't true. You haven't been fine in almost seven months, since Charlie Tango disappeared from radar."

"Taylor!" Her voice warned. "

"Ana, please. Please talk to me."

"And say what? In less than forty eight hours, I will lose GEH. I wagered and I lost."

"Schneiderman hasn't given up. If anything the search has intensified. He gestured with his hand towards her, "This isn't about GEH though, is it? This is all about you, you and Christian."

"Stop!" She demanded in a tearful voice. Then her control abruptly slipped and her body was wracked with sobs as she fell to her knees crying uncontrollably.

Taylor quickly knelt beside her and wrapped his arms around her. "You're strong, Ana. Have faith. It's going to be okay," he promised.

"It's not Taylor. I can't do it anymore. I just can't." She sobbed. "I tried, I really tried but without him I can't. I can't go on. It hurts so much. I can't!" Clinging to Taylor, she gave up any attempt to control her emotions and cried loudly cursing everyone she ever knew including Christian for leaving her. Taylor sat and held her in his strong arms as tears rolled down his cheeks. He wished he could take her pain away but that really wasn't possible. All he could do was be there for her. He knew how she felt; he felt the same pain every day. At least wrapped in his arms they would both feel a little warmer and they weren't alone. Ana climbed into his lap and cried into his shoulder for a long time. The cold and the dark a welcome friend. Finally, from the corner of his eye, he saw movement and noticed Sawyer and Christians shrink, Flynn. Thank fuck. He kissed the top of Ana's head and kept whispering small words of comfort to her.

Inside, Sawyer confessed his concern to Flynn. "Doc I'm worried. Neither one of them are acting right. Taylor should have hauled her ass in here a long time ago. He hasn't even tried to disarm her. I tried to go out there and she fucking pointed the gun at me and said 'sorry , Luke. This is a private party.' Fuck, Flynn. We don't know what the fuck to do."

"Luke, do you think Taylor would allow Ana to hurt herself?"

"Not normally, but sometimes...I don't know. Sometimes it's hard to tell who's missing him more. They both hurt so much and neither one will admit he's dead."

"Thank you, Luke. I think I will try a little unconventional therapy. Can you get me three cups of hot tea? Make that very hot tea !" And with that Flynn started peeling off his clothes. He placed his folded clothes in a corner on top of his shoes, accepted a tray from Sawyer with three steaming mugs, looked at a Sawyer and said simply, "Wish me luck!"

Taylor looked up to see the terrace doors opening once more, this time revealing Flynn wearing only his boxers and white undershirt and carrying a tray with 3 hot cups of tea. Ana started to bring her gun up, then wavered and let it fall to her side. Flynn squatted down on the cold cement and promptly swore, "Cor, it's bloody cold!" Ana almost smiled. Almost. Flynn offered a cup to both of them, noting Taylor's protective body language as his grip on Ana tightened ever so slightly. Trying his best to look to at ease he couldn't help but wonder, like Sawyer, why Taylor hadn't brought her inside but more importantly why hadn't he disarmed her? Shit. He understood why Ana was suicidal. Anyone would. But what was up with Taylor?

"I don't suppose either of you would like to continue this inside?" He asked innocently. Ana shook her head no. "No harm in asking, speaking of which, are you thinking of harming yourself Ana?" Taylor noticibly tightened his embrace of Ana, drawing her body closer to his. Flynn observed, saying nothing. Ana looked down, refusing to meet Flynn's eyes and declining to answer. Flynn then directed his gaze to Taylor, who met his eyes full on. "Perhaps I should be directing my questions to you, Taylor."

Taylor tried to school his emotions, to get the blank look on his face but he knew he hadn't succeeded. He could feel his nostrils flare and his face flush with anger yet for the life of him he didn't know why and his bewilderment over that showed on his face too.

"So Taylor," Flynn continued, " Perhaps you can explain why we are all sitting on this bloody ice cold cement in fucking 48 degrees Fahrenheit in our bloody boxers having a tea party?"

"Ana woke up and needed fresh air. I joined her."

"Do you commonly join her dressed like that?" Flynn asked as he took a long sip of tea. Taylor didn't answer.

"How did it make you feel to see her out here, barely dressed and holding a gun? She is still holding the same gun I might point out." Taylor stayed silent, but his hands had curled into fists.

"Ana, why do you think Taylor hasn't taken your gun away?"

"He understands, Flynn. He just understands."

Flynn looked at both of them and started speaking again. "The three of us here knew Christian better than anyone. We each saw sides of him no one else ever saw. Ana, how would Christian feel if he knew you wanted to harm yourself?"

Ana looked away, refusing to answer, her arms were clutching Taylor the way a drowning man clutches a life saver. Flynn said nothing and decided to let the silence grow, and grow it did. Flynn glanced at his watch, noting the time 3:45 AM. He'd been here for what, almost half an hour and nothing had been accomplished. That wasn't entirely true. Flynn was sure his balls were frozen solid. There was a good chance his wife might never have to worry about birth control again. Flynn rubbed his hands up and down his arms in an effort to warm up. He normally welcomed long silences in a session as they usually ended up very therapeutic, but at the rate this session was unraveling, there would be no break through just frost bite. Still, he wanted to give it one more try.

"Ana. Do you believe Christian is alive?"

She looked at him for a long time. "I know what they say, all the experts, almost everyone, really. If he was alive he would have turned up by now. I don't know where he is or how hurt he is but I know, I know deep inside my soul that he is alive. If he was dead, I would know. It's that simple really."

"Taylor, same question."

"Same answer. I don't have the connection he had with Ana but Christian and I, we spent most of our waking hours together. I knew what he was thinking before he said it. He understood me. I feel like I would know if he was dead." Taylor looked down and paused then said softly, "I still hear him calling me all the time. It's so real, I can't ..." And then he stopped as tears just kept washing down his face.

"In my dreams I hear him call you too. He sounds so desperate, so frightened."

Flynn nodded but secretly his heart fell. For these two to be so firm in their denial at this late stage was disconcerting, to say the least. It had been almost seven months and for either Christian to have survived this long with no supplies would take a major miracle from God and an Act of Congress. Neither one was even a remote consideration. So slowly and awkwardly Flynn stood and stumbled inside where he promptly slid to the carpeted floor and leaned his back against the side of the bed. Sawyer tossed him a blanket as well as his clothes. Flynn could see Sawyer had questions but reluctantly chose not to ask them. Good thing, because Flynn had lots of questions too but he didn't have any answers.

He watched through the sliding glass doors as Taylor moved Ana out of his lap and slowly stood. Then he reached down and picked up Ana and held her in his arms. Curiously, the gun remained on the terrace floor. Taylor leaned down and spoke to Ana and then kissed her forehead. Then he walked to the railing with her in his arms and started talking again. Flynn watched in horror. He never should have left them alone. His heart started to race while he wondered if Taylor would grant her wish and just drop over the railing. He stared in shock, paralyzed with fear, knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do now but watch and trust Taylor. Then Ana screamed and started pounding her fists against the rugged body guard and Taylor turned away and brought her inside, dropping her gently on the bed and fixing the covers around her. Flynn closed his eyes in relief and tried to calm his racing heart. Once Ana was settled, Taylor slowly slid to the floor opposite Flynn.

Sawyer grabbed the gun off the terrace floor, stuck it in the waistband of his pajamas and locked the terrace door. Then he left to join Ryan in the doorway. Ryan, who was standing in the doorway dress in just a pair of sweat pants muttered softly to Sawyer, "T's lucky the boss is dead or his sorry ass would be laying on the sidewalk in front of Escala."

Without warning Taylor leaped to his feet, yelling "What did you just fucking say? You little motherfucking piece of shit! He is not fucking dead! What did I fucking tell you?" Taylor then slammed his fist into Ryan's face, then grabbed him by the shoulders and just started slamming his head into the wall screaming at him all the while. It was Sawyer who was finally able to pull him away as Ryan just sagged to the floor. Then Taylor just started slamming his fist into the wall, over and over again until Ana came and put her arms around him and he just started to sob into her hair. Ryan stumbled to his feet, wiped the blood from his face with back of his hand, took a long hard look at Taylor and just stood there , shaking his head in disbelief.

Flynn scrambled for his leather jacket and reached for the inside pocket pulling out a rectangular black case. He opened it and knowing all of Christian's security people had EMT training he showed it to Sawyer. "If I do one, can you do the other?" Sawyer nodded yes. "Do Ana. I'll take Taylor." Flynn directed. Quickly he handed Sawyer the pre filled plastic syringe to sedate Ana. Flynn smiled confidently, certain that he could manage Taylor. Ana felt the prick of the needle and her eyes rolled back as she slid unconscious into Sawyers arms. Taylor however was another story. Even with Sawyers help, it took two full syringes of Thorazine to get the struggling Taylor fully sedated. Both Sawyer and Flynn now sported black eyes. Ryan and Sawyer started to carry him to his quarters with Gail, but Flynn requested they leave him on the sofa in the Great Room. Gail was terribly upset. Flynn wanted to talk with her but she just stormed off back to her quarters. Flynn looked down at Taylor helplessly. He thought of Ana and all the pain these two were going through. He sighed heavily. He grabbed his clothes and started getting dressed. Then he called his wife and explained how critical the situation here was and he wouldn't be returning home anytime soon. He asked her to have all his appointments for the next two days cancelled.