"Daaad!" five-year-old Leo yelled, bounding into the dojo.

Splinter sighed. "Yes, my son?"

"We were playing hide and seek, and Donnie was seeking, and-"

"I didn't do it!" Donnie hurtled into Splinter's lap.

"You did, too!"

"Did not!"

"Did, too!"




"Donatello, Leonardo…"



"Enough!" Splinter snapped. "Leonardo, tell me what happened. No interruptions."

"Donnie scared Raph, and now he won't stop hiding," Leo said quickly.

Splinter groaned and mentally whacked his forehead. When the turtles had first mutated, he had sensed Raphael would be the most warrior-like; but at the moment, it looked like he was wrong. The child was afraid of his own shadow. "Come, Donatello, let's go make amends."

Donnie slipped one hand into his father's, the other clutched one of his myriad of stuffed animals. "I'm not gonna get pun-ish-ed?"

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Donnie shook his head vigorously.

"Then saying sorry is enough. Where's your brother hiding?"

Donnie led Splinter into Mikey's room. The orange-bandana-ed turtle sucked his thumb as he sat on top of his bed. "Waph ganna be 'kay?" he asked.

Splinter smiled. "Raphael will be just fine," he said loudly. "There's nothing scary in here. I chased all the scary stuff away."

"Daddy?" Raph whimpered from under the bed.

Splinter knelt down so he could see. "It's okay, my son," he said softly. "Everything is as it should be."

"Daddy!" Raph sobbed, scrambling into Splinter's arms. "It was so scary – And it had purple eyes – And it wanted to eat me!"

Splinter sighed. "Dona – Donatello?" he asked, turning around.

Donnie rushed back in, hands behind his back. "Raph? I want to meet you someone not scary."

"You want him to meet-"

Raph sniffed and rubbed his eyes. "Who's dat?" he asked, pointing.

"Ta-Da! It's Teddy!" Donnie announced, revealing a stuffed bear with a purple bandana around its neck. "Only bad guys are scared of Teddy! He makes them go away when he says 'RAR!'"

Raph wriggled out of Splinter's arms and hesitantly took Teddy. He stared at it for a moment, then hugged it tight.

Donnie patted his brother's head. "I'm sorry. Teddy can be your friend. You can keep him."

Splinter shook his head, smiling, as his sons walked away, Raphael holding Teddy tight. Michelangelo walked up behind his father.

"Can I have a Teddy?" he asked. He held up a stuffed snake. "Buddy doesn't say 'RAR'."