Disclaimer: I don't own "Fairy Tail" nor do I own "Legend of the Legendary Heroes", and I can't remember who does.

Warning: This is my first fan fiction, I don't care how you people respond, Ryner will not have a relationship, and spells will be in English.


Normal -"Leave me be, I just want to sleep."

Spells -"What I seek is thunder: Izuchi"

Writing -"All you need to do is translate this script."

Thoughts/Dreams -"Why can't she just let me sleep?"

TRANSITION - Anything With This Font

Alpha Stigma Analysis -"Name: Izuchi, Type: Caster, Details: Requires the chant, 'What I seek is thunder - Izuchi' and fires a bolt of lightning in the direction of the glyph, Weakness: Can be redirected by lightning rods

And the Story Begins

In the kingdom of Fiore, there lies a town by the name of Magnolia, and this town has a magic guild with the name of Fairy Tail. This guild has mages of all kind; fire mages, ice mages, and nearly any other type of mage one can think of; but there is a single mage that is peculiar, more so than the rest, and he slumbers in this very guild.

"A pale pink haired man was standing above a kneeling man that clutching his eyes and screaming, surrounded around a red light, 'Come on,' the standing man begun, 'let the Alpha Stigma activate already, and just be done with it.' The man sounded bored as he spoke.

'No!' The creaming man yelled, 'I won't do it, I can't let that happen!' His screaming became louder as his pain increased. As the red light started to shift to blue, a dimensional rift opened up above them, shocking the man with pink hair. The rift in the dimensions started to pull the things nearby into it, including the screaming man.

Seeing this, the rose haired man fired a few spells at the rift, only to see nothing change; however, it did change the portal's destination. He could not grab the screaming man before he was sucked into the portal, and the screaming man's world went black."

The screaming man from before woke up with a jolt; his brown hair covered his red eyes. "Why must I relive that memory?" He started to look around the large room until his eyes rested on the female in front of the mission board.

Lucy Heartfilia, a blonde woman with chocolate-brown eyes, a white sleeveless shirt, a blue mini-skirt, and black boots, stood in front of the request board in order to find a job, "I never knew how much wizarding jobs varied."

"Well if you find something, let me know. Master Makarov is at a conference, so I'm in charge of the guild's mission requests." A silver haired, blue eyed barmaid, wearing a frilly pink dress, by the name of Mirajane Strauss, told Lucy.

"What do you mean, Mira?"

"Well, it kind of goes like this," Mirajane then started to explain how the guild masters would go to a conference with other nearby guild masters in order to report how their respective guilds are doing. Then they would report to the magic council in Era; and them to the government, "The job is a bit stressful on master, but if they didn't do it then the system may fail."

"Then the guys in black would come!" This came, not from Lucy but, from a pink haired man with onyx eyes, who wore a white scaled scarf, an open black vest, white parachute pants, and open toed shoes, and it caused Lucy to scream in fright.

"Natsu!" Lucy screamed at the laughing man, "Don't do that! You're going to scare me half to death!"

Natsu started to calm down his laughter, "That was too easy."

Mirajane cut back into the conversation, "But seriously guys, the 'guys in black' do exist. They're called 'dark guilds' because they operate outside the council laws, and most of them are involved in magical crime."

Natsu still had a grin on his face, "Come on Lucy, I don't understand why you don't pick a job for us already?"

"Are you kidding me, why would I do that?" Lucy almost couldn't contain her frustration for Natsu.

A talking blue cat, with a green backpack, decided to intervene, "Because your part of the team, and we picked the mission last time"

"As far as I'm concerned, Happy, this team has been officially disbanded." Lucy retorted, "And besides, you guys only wanted me because you needed a blonde."

The grin on Natsu's face slipped for half a second, "That's not the only reason we chose you," Natsu's grin returned, "it's also because of how nice you are!"

A navy haired man, with dark eyes, and clad in only his boxers, shouted out to them from the table he sat at, "I'd rather stay away from those losers, Lucy!" A brunette alcoholic woman sitting at the table informed to man of his lack of clothing, which in turn caused him to freak out.

"Jerk." As soon as the word came from Natsu's mouth, the half-naked man got up and in Natsu's face, and he wanted to know if he was hearing correctly.

Happy, who was sitting nearby and eating a fish, sighed out, "Oh boy, Natsu and Gray are at it again."

An orange haired man with sunglasses and dark green jacket, walked up to Lucy, put an arm around her shoulder, and asked, "Why don't you ditch him," he was referring to Natsu, "and join a team of love with me?"

"Uh, a what?" Lucy was a bit nervous around this guy.

"It's just that, you're so stunningly beautiful, that if I wasn't wearing my sunglasses," he pushed them up for emphasis, "I would go blind from your dazzling beauty." He then noticed Lucy's celestial keys on her hip, "You're a celestial mage?!" The man started the run away crying, and as he was he shouted, "I'm sorry," he was almost at the guild's front door, "but we can never be together!" He was out of the guild,but no one did anything about it.

"What happened to him?" Lucy questioned Mirajane.

"Oh, Loke just had a bad experience with a celestial mage in the past." Lucy was about to continue talking to Mirajane, but Natsu was knocked into her by Gray. Natsu soon got back up and continued to fight with him, causing the entire guild to laugh; however, they stopped laughing when the fight escalated to bring them into it, chairs, tables and people alike were flying around the guild. Everyone was having a good time, but all good things come to an end.

Everything stopped when the doors were slammed open by Loke, who shouted, "BAD NEWS! IT'S ERZA, SHE'S BACK!" This caused the guild to start to clean up the guild, with nervous faces and at a rushed pace, leaving no evidence of the guild fight.

Lucy was amazed by this so she commented, "Just mentioning her name and the whole place freaks out."

Mirajane decided to elaborate, "Well she is Fairy Tail's strongest female wizard, and more than a bit intimidating."

From inside the guild, the mages could hear heavy metal footsteps, so they looked out the door to see a silhouette of a woman holding a large object, nearly three times her size, over her head. The woman walked into the guild to reveal her crimson hair, dark brown eyes, metal chest plate, steel gauntlets, blue skirt, and black combat boots; the object was revealed to be a large ivory horn with some decorations on the base of it. "I'm back," Erza stated, "where is the master?"

The barmaid answered her, "I'm sorry, but he's out at the conference."

"I see," as the woman in armor started to look around the guild, one of the member's got curious about the horn, so he asked about it; however, she only explained that it was horn from a monster she had slain. No one in the guild wanted to get on her bad side, so they decided to keep quiet; but, Erza wanted to get something clear to all the guild members, "Alright every one, listen up!" Erza shouted out to the guild, "While I was on the road, I heard that Fairy Tail was causing nothing but trouble. Master Makarov may not care, but I do! Cana!" She looked at the alcoholic brunette, "You need to start controlling your drinking. Vijeeter!" She looked at a man in a strange outfit, "Please take the dancing outside. Wakaba!" She looked at a man smoking a pipe, "Stop smoking inside, it reeks of it in here. Nab!" The dark man standing in front of the request board, "I thought I would see you dawdling in front of the board. Just pick a job! Macao!" A man with dark slick-back hair, unshaven face and white coat, "I can't even begin with you."

Lucy made a comment about Erza to Mirajane, "She's really tearing into them. It's like she's taking over."

"Aye, that is Erza for you." Happy, who happened to be listening in, responded.

"Even if she is bossy, she still seems to be the sanest in the guild." Lucy sighed about the strangeness of the guild, "Though, why is everyone afraid of her?"

"Are Natsu and Gray around?" Erza questioned.

"Oh we're just over here, hanging out like best friends." Gay, who had his arm around Natsu's shoulder, tried to get this over with, gaining Erza's attention.

"Aye!" This strained response to Erza's question came from Natsu, and causing Lucy to freak out about Natsu acting like a second Happy.

Erza seemed to approve of this and said, "That's good, though, even the best of friends can fight occasionally." Gray then made a comment that he wouldn't say they were the best of friends with Natsu agreeing with an "aye". Lucy asked Mirajane why they were acting like that, so Mirajane told her about Natsu challenging Erza to fight and loosing badly. Macao added in that Erza caught Gray walking around in his underwear, so she beat him up for it. "Natsu, Gray," Erza got their attention, "I request a favor from you two." The two requested instantly got serious, "As I was traveling, I came across some information that has me worried. Usually I would ask the master, but since he isn't here, this is urgent, and you two are the two strongest mages here; I need your help with this." This caused the guild to go in a silent uproar because Erza never asks for help, "We'll meet at the train station tomorrow morning."

Both Natsu and Gray started to simultaneously think, "I'm supposed to work with this guy?" But they decided to not oppose Erza and follow her orders.

At this point, the man went back to sleep.

End Chapter

Well people, this is my first fan fiction, but don't worry; I'll be posting the next one soon. You see, I write out the entire ark, and then I start to split it up into the chapters. The next chapter should be up by the end of tomorrow, North America Pacific Standard Time.

If you have any questions, just leave a review and I'll answer it at the start of the next ark.

Until next time people, good day to you.